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  Classes of Guillermina Gonjon   PHP Open Graph Meta Tags   Download  
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP Open Graph Meta Tags
Generate HTML to insert Open Graph tag attributes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 3,969 bytes


Class file image Download
= array(
"abstract"=>"The name of this page",
"rating"=>"general | mature | restricted | 14 years | safe for kids",
"author"=>"Guillermina Gonjon",
"contact"=>"Mr. John Doe",
"revisit-after"=>"15 days",
"viewport"=>"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0",
"copyright"=>"Open Source",
"keywords"=>"The maxim, the best, we are",
"description"=>"This is the best website you could ever visit",
$meta_http_equiv = array(
"content-type"=>"text/html; charset=UTF-8",
"Set-Cookie"=>"ACCOUNT=9983373;path=/; expires=Thursday, 20-May-09 00:15:00 GMT",
"content-style-type"=>"text/css | text/html; charset-UTF-8",
"default-style"=>"the document's preferred stylesheet",
"ms theme"=>"",
"Content-Security-Policy"=>"default-src https:",
"content-disposition"=>"inline; filename=openinexcel.csv"
// Link order href rel type sizes media
$link_header = array(
"apple-icon-114.png"=>"aple-touch-icon-precomposed, 114x114, image/png",
"mobible.css"=>"stylesheet, media='screen and {max-width:600px;'",
"myfont-woff2"=>"preload, type='font/woff2'",
"Content-Security-Policy"=>"default-src https:",
$base_meta = array (
$opengraph_name = array(
"og:title"=>"The Rock",
"og:description"=>"A group of U.S. Marines, under command of...",
"fb:page_id"=>"id-number-here" ,
"og:latitude"=>"latitud numerical position here",
"og:longitude"=>"numerical lopngitude",
"og:street-address"=>"1601 S California Ave",
"og:locality"=>"Palo Alto",
$opengraph_graph = array(
"og:audio:title"=>"Amazing Song",
"og:audio:artist"=>"Amazing Band",
"og:audio:album"=>"Amazing Album",
