*** ***
*** MySQL_DB_Connect ***
*** Version 1.0 ***
*** ***
*** Albert van Dam ***
*** Email: rhodevos@net4u.co.za ***
*** ***
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*** README ***
*** ***
MySQL_DB_Connect is a database connection handler making use of PHP. It shouldn't be too hard to be
able to work on PostgreSQL, MSSql, Oracle, etc. If you require this please change the
mysql_db_connect.inc.php file to suit your needs.
Please make sure you have the following files:
* mysql_db_connect.cfg.php : Database settings
* mysql_db_connect.Functions.txt : Summary of functions
* mysql_db_connect.inc.php : Database handler
* mysql_db_connect.Readme.txt : This file
To get it to work, edit the mysql_db_connect.cfg.php file as follows:
$host : The address where your server is located
$db : The database you want to connect to
$user : The username required to login to the server
$pwd : The password for the user specified above.
$keeplog : Whether a log of all queries should be kept
$logpath : Path where log should be kept
$fullErr : How you want errors to be displayed
$rollBackSup : If your database has transactional support (InnoDB)
In every PHP script you will be using MySQL_DB_Connect add the following code:
$databaseLinkVariable = new mysql_db_connect();
To perform a query call:
To get the number of rows retrieved in the query call:
$numberOfRows = $databaseLinkVariable->row_count();
To retrieve a row from the result set call:
$oneRowFromResult = $databaseLinkVariable->get_data();
The result will be given in a array with indexes using the field names and indexes starting at 0 and ending at the number of fields
minus one. If you retrieve 9 fields with values F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9 the array would
look something like this:
| [0] | [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] |
| F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 |
To retrieve the names of the fields in the result set call:
$fieldNames = $databaseLinkVariable->get_fields();
The result will be given in an array as above
Check the summary of functions for more functionality, or bug me when neccesary at the above email
If you make changes, please send me a copy.
// !!!! SOUTH AFRICA ROCKS !!!! \\