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File: test/index.php

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File: test/index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Image Handling API
Provide an API to do image manipulation operations
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Date: 4 years ago
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Class file image Download
<?php /** * index.php * * @package imageHandler * @subpackage test * @copyright 2015, Kjell-Inge Gustafsson kigkonsult, All rights reserved * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <> * @link * @license non-commercial use: Creative Commons * Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License * ( * commercial use :imageHandler141license / imageHandler14Xlicense * @version 1.4 */ $time_startSetup = microtime( TRUE ); $msg = array(); /* ******************************************************************* config ******************************************************************* */ $timezone = 'Europe/Stockholm'; date_default_timezone_set( $timezone ); /* path to imageHandler directory */ $basePath = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ )) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /* URL to imageHandler.class.php directory */ $baseUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname( dirname( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] )) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /* (default) path to image (test) directory */ $defaultImageLib = $basePath . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /* log priority or '-1' for no log */ $baseLogPrio = LOG_DEBUG; /* path and filename for (PEAR?) log file */ $baseLogFile = $basePath . 'log' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'imageHandler.log'; /* if operating on large images.... */ $baseMemory_limit = ini_get( 'memory_limit' ); /* imageHandler cache directory or null (default sys_get_temp_dir) */ $baseCasheDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); /* temp/create filename prefix */ $baseFilePrefix = 'imageHandler_'; /* image display filter (-1 = no filter) */ $baseFileFilter = -1; /* image display order, 'name', 'date asc', 'date desc', 'size', 'type'*/ $baseFileOrder = 'name'; /* image crop and thumbnail box limits */ /* smaller images are dispayed 'as is' */ $baseCropWidth = '65%'; // percent of image width or in pixels $baseCropHeight = '45%'; // percent of image height or in pixels $baseMaxDispWidth = 180; // pixels $baseMaxDispHeight = 100; // pixels /* ******************************************************************* setup, log ******************************************************************* */ $logPrios = array( -1 => 'NONE', LOG_DEBUG => 'LOG_DEBUG', LOG_INFO => 'LOG_INFO', LOG_NOTICE => 'LOG_NOTICE', LOG_WARNING => 'LOG_WARNING', LOG_ERR => 'LOG_ERR', LOG_CRIT => 'LOG_CRIT', LOG_ALERT => 'LOG_ALERT', LOG_EMERG => 'LOG_EMERG', ); $log = FALSE; $logFile = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'logFile' )) ? $_REQUEST['logFile'] : $baseLogFile; if( isset( $_REQUEST['logPrio'] )) { $logPrio = $_REQUEST['logPrio']; if( -1 != $logPrio ) { if( ! is_file( $logFile )) { if( ! is_dir( dirname( $logFile ))) $msg[] = "Can't find log directory, ". dirname( $logFile ); elseif( ! is_writable( dirname( $logFile ))) $msg[] = "log directory not writable, ". dirname( $logFile ); elseif( TRUE !== @touch( $logFile )) $msg[] = "Can't create log file, ".$logFile; } elseif( ! is_writable( $logFile )) $msg[] = "Can't write to log file, ".$logFile; else { /* Use PEAR Log or any other log class supporting fcn 'log( <msg>, <prio> )' and 'flush()' ex. eClog (http://kigkonsult/eClog) */ include 'Log.php'; /* here using PEAR log imageHandler PEAR Log adapt, force log flush when a crash appears */ class imageHandlerLog extends Log { public function _destruct() { $this->flush(); parent::_destruct(); }} $log = imageHandlerLog::factory( 'file', $logFile, 'ih', array(), $logPrio ); } } // end if( -1 != $logPrio ) else $logPrio = -1; } // end if( isset( $_REQUEST['logPrio'] )) else { // 1st time only $logPrio = $baseLogPrio; $logFile = $baseLogFile; $log = FALSE; } /* ******************************************************************* include imageHandler ******************************************************************* */ include $basePath.'imageHandler.class.php'; if( $log ) { imageHandler::$logger = $log; imageHandler::$logprio = $logPrio; } /* ******************************************************************* check directories ******************************************************************* */ if( $log ) $log->log( basename( __FILE__ ).' 1 $_REQUEST= '.var_export( $_REQUEST, TRUE ), LOG_DEBUG ); // if( $log ) $log->log( basename( __FILE__ ).' 1 $_SERVER= '.var_export( $_SERVER, TRUE ), LOG_DEBUG ); $baseDirectory = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'baseDirectory' )) ? $_REQUEST['baseDirectory'] : $defaultImageLib; if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $baseDirectory, -1 )) $baseDirectory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $loadDirectory = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'loadDirectory' )) ? $_REQUEST['loadDirectory'] : $defaultImageLib; if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $loadDirectory, -1 )) $loadDirectory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if( $baseDirectory != substr( $loadDirectory, 0, strlen( $baseDirectory ))) { if( $log ) $log->log( "baseDirectory=$baseDirectory, loadDirectory=$loadDirectory, change", LOG_DEBUG ); // test ### $loadDirectory = $baseDirectory; } // elseif( $log ) $log->log( "baseDirectory=$baseDirectory, loadDirectory=$loadDirectory, No change", LOG_DEBUG );// test ### $saveDirectory = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'saveDirectory' )) ? $_REQUEST['saveDirectory'] : $defaultImageLib; if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $saveDirectory, -1 )) $saveDirectory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if( ! is_dir( $saveDirectory )) $msg[] = "Storage '$saveDirectory' cannot be found!!"; elseif( ! is_writeable( $saveDirectory )) $msg[] = "Storage '$saveDirectory' not writable"; /* ******************************************************************* check other input ******************************************************************* */ $outputPng = ( array_key_exists( 'outputPng', $_REQUEST ) && empty( $_REQUEST['outputPng'] )) ? FALSE : TRUE; // true default imageHandler::$outputpng = $outputPng; $cacheDir = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'cacheDir' )) ? $_REQUEST['cacheDir'] : $baseCasheDir; imageHandler::$cache = $cacheDir; $filePrefix = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'filePrefix' )) ? $_REQUEST['filePrefix'] : $baseFilePrefix; imageHandler::$filenamePrefix = $filePrefix; $memory_limit = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'memory_limit' )) ? $_REQUEST['memory_limit'] : $baseMemory_limit; if ( $memory_limit != $baseMemory_limit ) ini_set( 'memory_limit', $memory_limit ); $imageFilterTypes = array( -1 => 'ALL', IMAGETYPE_GIF => 'gif', IMAGETYPE_JPEG => 'jpeg', IMAGETYPE_PNG => 'png', IMAGETYPE_SWF => 'swf', IMAGETYPE_PSD => 'psd', IMAGETYPE_BMP => 'bmp', IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II => 'tiff', // intel byte order IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM => 'tiff', // motorola byte order IMAGETYPE_JPC => 'jpc', IMAGETYPE_JP2 => 'jp2', IMAGETYPE_JPX => 'jpx', IMAGETYPE_JB2 => 'jb2', IMAGETYPE_SWC => 'swc', IMAGETYPE_IFF => 'iff', IMAGETYPE_WBMP => 'wbmp', IMAGETYPE_XBM => 'xbm', IMAGETYPE_ICO => 'ico', ); asort( $imageFilterTypes ); $fileFilter = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'fileFilter' )) ? $_REQUEST['fileFilter'] : $baseFileFilter; $fileOrders = array( 'name', 'date asc', 'date desc', 'size', 'type' ); $fileOrder = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'fileOrder' )) ? $_REQUEST['fileOrder'] : $baseFileOrder; $cropWidth = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'cropWidth' )) ? $_REQUEST['cropWidth'] : $baseCropWidth; $cropHeight = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'cropHeight' )) ? $_REQUEST['cropHeight'] : $baseCropHeight; $maxDispWidth = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'maxDispWidth' )) ? $_REQUEST['maxDispWidth'] : $baseMaxDispWidth; $maxDispHeight = ( existAndNotEmpty( 'maxDispHeight' )) ? $_REQUEST['maxDispHeight'] : $baseMaxDispHeight; $action = $baseUrl . 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename( __FILE__ ); $action2 = $baseUrl . 'imageHandler.php'; $cssUrl = $baseUrl . 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'imageHandler.css'; $testCaseIncl = $basePath . 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cropAndResizeTest.php'; $jsUrl = $baseUrl . 'test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'imageHandler.js'; $js2Url = $action2."?p=".$outputPng; $files = array(); $times = array(); $r = 0; // managing HTML display page/section background colour switching $operation = null; foreach( $_REQUEST as $k => $v ) { if(( 'operation' == substr( $k, 0, 9 )) && ! empty( $v )) { $operation = $v; unset( $_REQUEST[$k] ); break; } } /* ******************************************************************* imageHandler test!! ******************************************************************* */ if( ! empty( $operation ) && ( existAndNotEmpty( 'i' ))) { $time_start = microtime( TRUE ); $file = urldecode( $_REQUEST['i'] ); if( $log ) $log->log( "operation=$operation, i='{$file}', file='{$file}'", LOG_DEBUG ); $filename = basename( $file ); imageHandler::$imageLib = $loadDirectory; // testing imageHandler::$imageLib if( ! is_numeric( $operation )) { switch( $operation ) { case 'download': $operation = 1; break; case 'stream' : $operation = 2; break; case 'save' : $operation = 3; break; default : $operation = null; break; } } // imageHandler::$outputpng = FALSE; // default TRUE if( 3 == $operation ) $outputFilename = $saveDirectory.$filename; // path+filename, required else { $outputFilename = null; switch( mt_rand( 0, 2 )) { // testing org., anonymous and (imageHandler) generated filename case 0 : $outputFilename = $filename; break; case 1 : $outputFilename = bin2hex( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 3, $cStrong )); break; // 6 random chars } } if( $log ) $log->log( "operation=$operation, i='{$_REQUEST['i']}', file='{$file}'", LOG_DEBUG ); $result = imageHandler::Operate( $filename, array( 'operation' => $operation, // download/stream/save 'name' => $outputFilename, 'cx' => ( isset( $_REQUEST['cx'] )) ? $_REQUEST['cx'] : null, 'cy' => ( isset( $_REQUEST['cy'] )) ? $_REQUEST['cy'] : null, 'cwidth' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'cw' )) ? $_REQUEST['cw'] : null, 'cheight' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'ch' )) ? $_REQUEST['ch'] : null, 'width' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'w' )) ? $_REQUEST['w'] : null, 'height' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'h' )) ? $_REQUEST['h'] : null, 'maxwidth' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'mw' )) ? $_REQUEST['mw'] : null, 'maxheight' => ( existAndNotEmpty( 'mh' )) ? $_REQUEST['mh'] : null, ) ); // $log->log( "operation=$operation, result=".var_export( $result, TRUE ));// test ### if( $log ) $log->flush(); if( 3 == $operation ) { $txt = ( $result ) ? 'Successfull' : 'Unsuccessfull'; $msg[] = "{$txt} (crop/resize and) save of<br><i>".basename( $filename )."</i><br>into <i>{$saveDirectory}</i>."; //$log->log( 'save + exit'.PHP_EOL.implode( PHP_EOL, $msg ), LOG_DEBUG ); exit();// test ### $times['save Image'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_start; imageHandler::$imageLib = null; // restore imageHandler::$imageLib, used below } else exit(); } // end if( ! empty( $operation )..... /* ******************************************************************* get subdirectories in (base-image) directory ******************************************************************* */ $time_start = microtime( TRUE ); getDirs( $baseDirectory, $dirs ); $times['load subDirs'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_start; /* ******************************************************************* get files from loaddirectory ******************************************************************* */ if( ! empty( $loadDirectory )) { $msgix = count( $msg ); $time_start = microtime( TRUE ); if( ! is_dir( $loadDirectory )) $msg[$msgix] = "'$loadDirectory' cannot be found!!"; elseif( ! is_readable( $loadDirectory )) $msg[$msgix] = "$loadDirectory exist but is not readable!!"; else { $files = getFiles( $loadDirectory, $fileFilter, $fileOrder ); $msg[$msgix] = "Found ".count( $files )." images in <i>{$loadDirectory}</i>"; } $times['load Files'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_start; } //if( $log ) $log->log( 'files='.var_export( $files, TRUE ), LOG_DEBUG ); /* ******************************************************************* */ $times['total_setup'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_startSetup; /* ******************************************************************* page start ******************************************************************* */ $time_startPage = microtime( TRUE ); $tabIndex = 1; $obFlags = ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=' )) ? PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS ^ PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_REMOVABLE : FALSE; ob_start( null, 0, $obFlags ); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <title>imageHandler</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <meta name="author" content="Kjell-Inge Gustafsson kigkonsult"> <meta name="copyright" content="2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved"> <meta name="keywords" content="PHP image handler imageHandler resize thumbnail"> <meta name="description" content="imageHandler is a PHP image crop/resize class, thumbnail"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $cssUrl; ?>"> <?php include $testCaseIncl; ?> </HEAD> <BODY> <a name="top"></a> <fieldset class="r<?php $r = 1 - $r; echo $r; ?>"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td><h2>imageHandler</h2></td> <td class="b br label>">Test and evaluation interface</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset> <?php /* ******************************************************************* display form for configuration ******************************************************************* */ $legendText = 'Configuration'; $displayGroupId = 'configGroup'; $formName = $displayGroupId.'Form'; $btnTabIndex = $tabIndex++; $updTabIndex = $tabIndex++; ?> <fieldset class="r<?php $r = 1 - $r; echo $r; ?>"> <legend><?php echo $legendText; ?></legend> <form id="<?php echo $formName; ?>" action="<?php echo $action; ?>" method="post"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <table id="<?php echo $displayGroupId; ?>" style="display:none" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="br label w200p">image directory</td> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="baseDirectory" name="baseDirectory" size="40" value="<?php echo $baseDirectory; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">current directory</td> <td colspan="3"> <select id="loadDirectory" name="loadDirectory" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"> <?php foreach( $dirs as $k => $v ) { echo '<option value="'.$k.'" label="'.$k.'"'; if( $k == $loadDirectory ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo '>'.$v."</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">storage</td> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="saveDirectory" name="saveDirectory" size="40" value="<?php echo $saveDirectory; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">log</td> <td> <select id="logPrio" name="logPrio" onChange="cghLog(this)" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"> <?php foreach( $logPrios as $k => $v ) { echo '<option value="'.$k.'" label="'.$k.'"'; if( $k == $logPrio ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo '>'.$v."</option>\n"; } $class = ( '-1' == $logPrio ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> </select> </td> <td class="br label w50p">logfile</td> <?php $class = ( $baseLogFile == $logFile ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td colspan="2"><input type="text"<?php echo $class; ?> id="logFile" name="logFile" size="40" value="<?php echo $logFile; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">memory_limit</td> <?php $class = ( $baseMemory_limit == $memory_limit ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="memory_limit" name="memory_limit"<?php echo $class; ?> size="10" value="<?php echo $memory_limit; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">all output png</td> <td> <select id="logPrio" name="outputPng" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"> <option value="1" label="1"<?php if( $outputPng ) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>on</option> <option value="0" label="0"<?php if( ! $outputPng ) echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>off</option> </select> </td> <td class="label" colspan="2">for jpg/gif images, all other output png<br>'ON' also force 'png' extension</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">cache</td> <?php $class = ( $baseCasheDir == $cacheDir ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="cacheDir" name="cacheDir"<?php echo $class; ?> size="40" value="<?php echo $cacheDir; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">temp/create filename prefix</td> <?php $class = ( $baseFilePrefix == $filePrefix ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td colspan="3"><input type="text" id="filePrefix" name="filePrefix"<?php echo $class; ?> size="40" value="<?php echo $filePrefix; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">image display filter</td> <td colspan="3"> <select id="fileFilter" name="fileFilter" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"> <?php foreach( $imageFilterTypes as $k => $v ) { echo '<option value="'.$k.'" label="'.$k.'"'; if( $k == $fileFilter ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo '>'.$v."</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">image order</td> <td colspan="3"> <select id="fileOrder" name="fileOrder" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"> <?php foreach( $fileOrders as $v ) { echo '<option value="'.$v.'" label="'.$k.'"'; if( $v == $fileOrder ) echo ' selected="selected"'; echo '>'.$v."</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">image crop width</td> <?php $class = ( $baseCropWidth == $cropWidth ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td><input type="text" id="cropWidth" name="cropWidth"<?php echo $class; ?> size="5" value="<?php echo $cropWidth; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> <td class="label" colspan="2">percent of image width or in pixels</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">image crop height</td> <?php $class = ( $baseCropHeight == $cropHeight ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td><input type="text" id="cropHeight" name="cropHeight"<?php echo $class; ?> size="5" value="<?php echo $cropHeight; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> <td class="label" colspan="2">percent of image height or in pixels</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">max displ.width</td> <?php $class = ( $baseMaxDispWidth == $maxDispWidth ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td><input type="text" id="maxDispWidth" name="maxDispWidth"<?php echo $class; ?> size="5" value="<?php echo $maxDispWidth; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> <td class="label" colspan="2">percent of image width or in pixels</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="br label">max disp.height</td> <?php $class = ( $baseMaxDispHeight == $maxDispHeight ) ? ' class="grey"' : ''; ?> <td><input type="text" id="maxDispHeight" name="maxDispHeight"<?php echo $class; ?> size="5" value="<?php echo $maxDispHeight; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>"></td> <td class="label" colspan="2">percent of image height or in pixels</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td class="br"><button tabindex="<?php echo $btnTabIndex; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="config display?" onclick="toogleElement('<?php echo $displayGroupId; ?>');">+/-</button></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="b br"><button tabindex="<?php echo $updTabIndex; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Update config" onclick="getElementById('<?php echo $formName; ?>').submit();">Update</button></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> </fieldset> <?php /* ******************************************************************* system msg?? ******************************************************************* */ if( ! empty( $msg )) { ?> <fieldset class="r<?php $r = 1 - $r; echo $r; ?>"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="label w100p">system message</td> <td> <?php echo implode( '<br>', $msg ); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset> <?php } /* ******************************************************************* prepare to display images ******************************************************************* */ $time_start = microtime( TRUE ); $fx = 10; if( ! empty( $files )) { $legendText = 'Images'; $displayGroupId = 'images'; $formName = $displayGroupId.'Form'; ?> <div class="r<?php $r = 1 - $r; echo $r; ?>"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo $legendText; ?></legend> <?php /* ******************************************************************* table header ******************************************************************* */ ?> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="b label w400p">file name</td> <td class="w50p"></td> <td class="b br label w100p">imageType</td> <td class="br label" colspan="2">contenttype</td> <td class="b br label w100p">size</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="u" colspan="3"></td> <td class="label u w200p">file extension</td> <td class="br label u" colspan="2">chg time</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php /* ******************************************************************* display data about each and every image ******************************************************************* */ $fx = 10; $imageUrl = $action2."?i=%s&amp;cw=%s&amp;ch=%s&amp;mw={$maxDispWidth}&amp;mh={$maxDispHeight}&amp;o=2&amp;p=".$outputPng; $imageTitle = ''; if( ! empty( $cropWidth ) || ! empty( $cropHeight )) { $imageTitle .= 'Cropped ('; if( ! empty( $cropWidth )) $imageTitle .= "w{$cropWidth}"; if( ! empty( $cropHeight )) $imageTitle .= "h{$cropHeight}"; $imageTitle .= ')'; } if( ! empty( $maxDispWidth ) || ! empty( $maxDispHeight )) { if( ! empty( $imageTitle )) $imageTitle .= ' and '; $imageTitle .= 'resized ('; if( ! empty( $maxDispWidth )) $imageTitle .= "w{$maxDispWidth}"; if( ! empty( $maxDispHeight )) $imageTitle .= "h{$maxDispHeight}"; $imageTitle .= ')'; } if( ! empty( $imageTitle )) $imageTitle .= ', '; $imageTitle .= 'click for full size!'; $cropWidth = urlencode( $cropWidth ); $cropHeight = urlencode( $cropHeight ); if( $basePath == substr( $loadDirectory, 0, ( strlen( $basePath )))) $imageUrl2 = $baseUrl.str_replace( $basePath, '', $loadDirectory ).'%s'; else $imageUrl2 = $action2."?i={$loadDirectory}%s"; $onClickClear = 'onclick="setRow(\'%d\',\'%d\')"'; if( empty( $testcases )) $tnos = array( 0 => '' ); else { $tnos = array(); foreach( $testcases as $tno => $testcase ) $tnos[$tno] = $testcase['input']; } $onChangeTest = 'onChange="test(\'%s\',\'%d\',this.value);"'; $onClickAddTest = 'onClick="testAdd(\'%s\',\'%d\');"'; $onClickSubTest = 'onClick="testSub(\'%s\',\'%d\');"'; $onClickDl = 'onclick="submitForm(\'%s\',\'%d\',\'download\',%s);"'; $onClickStream = 'onclick="submitForm(\'%s\',\'%d\',\'stream\');"'; $onClickSave = 'onclick="submitForm(\'%s\',\'%d\',\'save\');"'; foreach( $files as $file ) { $fx += 1; $fileFormName = $formName.$fx; $reSizeable = imageHandler::isResizable( $file['filename'] ); if( ! is_bool( $reSizeable )) // i.e. '1' $reSizeable = FALSE; $testgroupId = "test{$fx}"; $fcnClickDl1 = sprintf( $onClickDl, $fileFormName, $fx, 'true' ); $fcnClickDl2 = sprintf( $onClickDl, $fileFormName, $fx, 'false' ); $fcnClickClear = sprintf( $onClickClear, $fx, 0 ); $fcnChangeTest = sprintf( $onChangeTest, $fileFormName, $fx ); $fcnClickAddTest = sprintf( $onClickAddTest, $fileFormName, $fx ); $fcnClickSubTest = sprintf( $onClickSubTest, $fileFormName, $fx ); $fcnClickStream = sprintf( $onClickStream, $fileFormName, $fx ); $fcnClickSave = sprintf( $onClickSave, $fileFormName, $fx ); $APP13exifgroupId = "APP13exif{$fx}"; $tcInput = "input{$fx}"; $tcOutput = "output{$fx}"; ?> <div class="r<?php $r = 1 - $r; echo $r; ?>"> <form id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>" action="<?php echo $action; ?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="baseDirectory" value="<?php echo $baseDirectory; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="loadDirectory" value="<?php echo $loadDirectory; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="saveDirectory" value="<?php echo $saveDirectory; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="logPrio" value="<?php echo $logPrio; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="logFile" value="<?php echo $logFile; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="memory_limit" value="<?php echo $memory_limit; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cacheDir" value="<?php echo $cacheDir; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="filePrefix" value="<?php echo $filePrefix; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="fileFilter" value="<?php echo $fileFilter; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="fileOrder" value="<?php echo $fileOrder; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cropWidth" value="<?php echo $cropWidth; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cropHeight" value="<?php echo $cropHeight; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="maxDispWidth" value="<?php echo $maxDispWidth; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="maxDispHeight" value="<?php echo $maxDispHeight; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="operation" value="" id="operation<?php echo $fx; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="i" value="<?php echo urlencode( basename( $file['filename'] )); ?>"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="w300p" colspan="2"><?php echo basename( $file['filename'] ); ?></td> <td class="br" colspan="2"><?php echo $imageFilterTypes[$file['imageType']].' <span class="label">('.$file['imageType'].')</span>'; ?></td> <td class="br label w150p"><?php echo $file['contenttype']; ?></td> <td class="br w100p"><?php echo number_format ((float) $file['size'], 0, '.', ' ' ); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="w200p" rowspan="4"> <?php // if(( 15 != $file['imageType'] ) && ( 16 != $file['imageType'] ) && // can't display wbmp/xbm in browser... ( $maxDispWidth >= $file['width'] ) && ( $maxDispHeight >= $file['height'] )) { ?> <a class="cursor" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" <?php echo $fcnClickDl1; ?>><img src="<?php printf( $imageUrl2, urlencode( basename( $file['filename'] ))); ?>" alt="Preview" title="click for Download"></a> <?php } elseif( $reSizeable ) { ?> <a class="cursor" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" <?php echo $fcnClickDl1; ?>><img src="<?php printf( $imageUrl, urlencode( $file['filename'] ), $cropWidth, $cropHeight ); ?>" alt="Preview" title="<?php echo $imageTitle; ?>"></a> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="b bc w100p"><span class="label">w&nbsp;</span><?php echo $file['width']; ?></td> <td class="b bc w100p"><span class="label">h&nbsp;</span><?php echo $file['height']; ?></td> <td class="br"><?php echo $file['extension']; ?></td> <td class="br label" colspan="2"><?php echo gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s e', $file['ctime'] ); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <div id="<?php echo $APP13exifgroupId; ?>" style="display:none"> <?php if( isset( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] ) || ( isset( $file['exifData'] ) && ! empty( $file['exifData'] ))) { echo '<table border="0"><tbody>'."\n"; if( isset( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] )) { $APP13 = iptcparse( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] ); if( ! empty( $APP13 )) { foreach( $APP13 as $APP13key => $APP13value ) { echo '<tr><td class="label w100p">'.$APP13key.'</td>'; if( is_array( $APP13value )) $APP13value = implode( ',', $APP13value ); echo '<td colspan="2">'.htmlspecialchars( $APP13value )."</td></tr>\n"; } } } // end if( isset( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] )) if( isset( $file['exifData'] ) && ! empty( $file['exifData'] )) { foreach( $file['exifData'] as $exifKey => $exifSection ) { foreach( $exifSection as $exifName => $exifValue ) { if( is_array( $exifValue )) { $exifValueStr = ''; foreach( $exifValue as $exifValueK2 => $exifValueV2 ) $exifValueStr .= "$exifValueK2 = $exifValueV2, "; $exifValue = $exifValueStr; } if(( 'filedatetime' == strtolower( $exifName )) && is_numeric( $exifValue )) $exifValue .= '<br><span class="label">('.date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $exifValue ).')</span>'; echo '<tr><td class="label w100p">'.$exifKey.'</td><td class="label w100p">'.$exifName."</td><td>$exifValue</td></tr>\n"; } } } // end if( isset( $file['exifData'] ) && ! empty( $file['exifData'] )) echo "</tbody></table>\n"; } // end if( isset( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] ) || (..... ?> </div> </td> <td class="br"> <?php if( isset( $file['imageInfo']['APP13'] ) || ( isset( $file['exifData'] ) && ! empty( $file['exifData'] ))) echo '<button tabindex="'.$tabIndex++.'" type="button" class="btn" title="Exif metadata" onclick="toogleElement(\''.$APP13exifgroupId.'\');">+/-</button>'; if( $reSizeable ) echo '<button tabindex="'.$tabIndex++.'" type="button" class="btn" title="Open test box" onclick="toogleElement(\''.$testgroupId.'\');">+/-</button>'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <?php if( $reSizeable ) { ?> <table id="<?php echo $testgroupId; ?>" style="display:none;" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="bc label w100p" rowspan="4"> <b>test</b> <br> no&nbsp;<select id="TestSelect<?php echo $fx; ?>" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" <?php echo $fcnChangeTest; ?>> <?php foreach( $tnos as $tno => $title ) { echo '<option value="'.$tno.'" label="'.$tno.'"'; if( $tno == 0 ) echo ' selected="selected"'; if( ! empty( $title )) echo ' title="'.$title.'"'; echo '>'.$tno."</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <br> <div> <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>TestSubBtn" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Prev test" <?php echo $fcnClickSubTest; ?>><b>-</b></button> &nbsp; <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>TestAddBtn" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Next test" <?php echo $fcnClickAddTest; ?>><b>+</b></button> </div> <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>clear" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="clear" <?php echo $fcnClickClear; ?>>clear</button> </td> <td class="b bc label w100p" colspan="2"><?php echo 'crop<br>left-upper<br>x&nbsp;-&nbsp;y'; ?></td> <td class="b bc label w100p" colspan="2"><?php echo 'crop<br>width-height'; ?></td> <td class="b bc label w100p" colspan="2"><?php echo 'output<br>width-height'; ?></td> <td class="b bc label w100p" colspan="2"><?php echo 'in box max<br>width-height'; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="cx<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="cx" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="cy<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="cy" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="cw<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="cw" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="ch<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="ch" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="w<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="w" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="h<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="h" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="mw<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="mw" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> <td class="bc"><input type="text" id="mh<?php echo $fx; ?>" name="mh" size="2" value="" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" title="percent or in pixels"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label" colspan="8"><span>Input&nbsp;:&nbsp;</span><span id="<?php echo $tcInput; ?>" colspan="6"><?php echo $testcases[0]['input']; ?></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label" colspan="8"><span>result&nbsp;:&nbsp;</span><span id="<?php echo $tcOutput; ?>" colspan="6"><?php echo $testcases[0]['result']; ?></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php } // end if( $reSizeable ) ?> </td> <td class="b br"> <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>download" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Download" <?php echo $fcnClickDl2; ?>>Download</button> <br> <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>stream" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Stream" <?php echo $fcnClickStream; ?>>Stream</button> <br> <button id="<?php echo $fileFormName; ?>save" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Save" <?php echo $fcnClickSave; ?>>Save</button> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> </div> <?php } // end foreach( $files as $k => $file ) $times['displ all files'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_start; /* ******************************************************************* end form etc... ******************************************************************* */ ?> </fieldset> </div> <?php } // end if( ! empty( $files )) /* ******************************************************************* page end ******************************************************************* */ $displayGroupId = 'bottomExecInfo'; $times['display'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_startPage; $times['total'] = microtime( TRUE ) - $time_startSetup; $r = 1 - $r; $memory_get_usage = number_format( (float) memory_get_usage( TRUE ), 0, '', ' ' ); $memory_get_peak_usage = number_format( (float) memory_get_peak_usage( TRUE ), 0, '', ' ' ); ?> <a name="bottom"></a><a name="down"></a> <fieldset class="r<?php $r; echo $r; ?>"> <table border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="b labelt w300p" rowspan="2"> <b>imageHandler <?php echo imageHandler::$version; ?></b><br> Copyright &copy; 2015<br> Kjell-Inge Gustafsson kigkonsult<br> All rights reserved </td> <td> <table class="hide" style="display:none" id="<?php echo $displayGroupId; ?>"><tbody><tr> <td class="w200p"><table><tbody> <tr><td class="br labelh" rowspan="2">Memory</td><td class="labelt w100p">&nbsp;<?php echo $memory_get_usage; ?></td></tr> <tr><td class="labelt"><?php echo "($memory_get_peak_usage)"; ?></td></tr> </tbody></table></td> <td><table><tbody> <?php unset( $memory_get_usage, $memory_get_peak_usage ); $wl = 0; foreach( $times as $key => $time ) $wl = ( $wl < strlen( $key )) ? strlen( $key ) : $wl; $wl += 2; foreach( $times as $key => $time ) { $k = str_pad( $key, $wl ); $t = number_format( $time, 4 ); printf( '<tr><td class="labelh">%1$s</td><td class="t"><span class="labelt">%2$s</span> <span class="labelh">sec</span></td></tr>%3$s', $k, $t, PHP_EOL ); } ?> </tbody></table> </td> </tr></tbody></table></td> <td class="w100p"><button id="TopBtn" name="execBtn" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="exec data" onclick="toogleElement('<?php echo $displayGroupId; ?>');">+/-</button></td> <td class="br w50p"><button id="TopBtn" name="TopBtn" tabindex="<?php echo $tabIndex++; ?>" type="button" class="btn" title="Top" onclick="window.location.hash='top';">Top</button></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="b labelt"><?php echo 'Version: <a href="" target="_blank">PHP</a> '.PHP_VERSION.' and <a href="" target="_blank">GD</a> '.GD_VERSION.'.'; ?></td> <td class="b br labelt" colspan="2"> <a href="" title="kigkonsult" tabindex="<?php echo ( $tabIndex + 3 ); ?>">kigkonsult</a><br> <a href="" title="contact" tabindex="<?php echo ( $tabIndex + 3 ); ?>">kigkonsult contact</a><br> <a href="" title="homepage" tabindex="<?php echo ( $tabIndex + 3 ); ?>">imageHandler homepage</a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset> <?php if( ! empty( $files )) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var testcases=new Array(<?php echo count($testcases); ?>),js2Url='<?php echo $js2Url; ?>'; <?php foreach( $testcases as $tix => $testcase ) { echo "testcases[$tix] = {};\n"; foreach( $testcase as $key => $value ) echo "testcases[$tix].$key = '".htmlentities( $value )."';\n"; } ?> </script> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $jsUrl; ?>"></script> </body> </html> <?php while (@ob_end_flush()); if( $log ) $log->flush(); exit(); /** ************************************************************************* * existAndNotEmpty * * check $_REQUEST for set and not empty key * * @param string $key * @return bool */ function existAndNotEmpty( $key ) { return ( array_key_exists( $key, $_REQUEST ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST[$key] )) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * getDirs * * return array of all subdirectories in directory * * @param string $directory * @return array */ function getDirs( $directory, array & $dirs = null ) { if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $directory, -1 )) $directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if( empty( $dirs )) $dirs = array( $directory => $directory ); $iterator = new DirectoryIterator( $directory ); $fileCnt = 0; $subDirs = array(); foreach( $iterator as $dirPart ) { if( $dirPart->isDot()) continue; elseif( $dirPart->isFile()) $fileCnt += 1; elseif( $dirPart->isDir()) $subDirs[] = $dirPart->getPathname(); } if( 0 < $fileCnt ) $dirs[$directory] = $directory; foreach( $subDirs as $subDir ) getDirs( $subDir, $dirs ); ksort( $dirs, SORT_STRING ); } function getDirsOrg( $directory, array & $dirs = null ) { if( empty( $dirs )) $dirs = array( $directory => $directory ); $directory = new DirectoryIterator( $directory ); foreach( $directory as $dirPart ) { if( ! $dirPart->isDir() || $dirPart->isDot()) continue; $dirName = $dirPart->getPathname(); if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $dirName, -1 )) $dirName .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dirs[$dirName] = $dirName; getDirs( $dirName, $dirs ); } ksort( $dirs, SORT_STRING ); } /** * getFiles * * return array of files in directory * * @param string $directory * @param int $fileFilter * @param string $fileOrder * @return array */ function getFiles( $directory, $fileFilter, $fileOrder ) { $directory = new DirectoryIterator( $directory ); $files = array(); foreach( $directory as $file ) { if( ! $file->isFile()) continue; $filename = $file->getPathname(); if((( FALSE === ( $imageType = @exif_imagetype( $filename ))) || ( 1 > $imageType ) || ( 17 < $imageType ))) continue; if( FALSE === ( $fData = @getimagesize( $filename, $imageInfo ))) continue; if(( -1 != $fileFilter ) && ( $fData[2] != $fileFilter )) continue; $ctime = $file->getMTime(); $contenttype = @image_type_to_mime_type( $imageType ); $size = $file->getsize(); switch( $fileOrder ) { case 'date' : case 'date asc' : $sortKey = $file->getMTime(); break; case 'date desc' : $sortKey = PHP_INT_MAX - $ctime; break; case 'size' : $sortKey = sprintf( "%1$015u", $size ); break; case 'type' : $sortKey = $contenttype; break; case 'name' : default : $sortKey = $filename; break; } $files[] = array( 'sortKey' => $sortKey, 'filename' => $filename, 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'size' => $size, 'ctime' => $ctime, 'width' => $fData[0], 'height' => $fData[1], 'contenttype' => $contenttype, 'imageType' => $fData[2], 'imageInfo' => $imageInfo, 'exifData' => @exif_read_data( $filename , null, TRUE ), ); } usort( $files, 'cmp' ); return $files; } function cmp( $a, $b ) { return strcasecmp( $a['sortKey'], $b['sortKey'] ); }