use lib\StatesInfo\StatesInfo;
require_once 'lib/StatesInfo/StatesInfo.php';
$oSI = new StatesInfo('DE');
$aStates = $oSI->listStates();
echo '<h1>Liste der Bundesländer mit Feiertagen 2020</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<ul>' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($aStates as $strShort => $strState) {
echo '<li>' . $strState . ' (' . $strShort . ')</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$aList = $oSI->listOfficialHolidays($strShort, 2020);
echo '<ul>' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($aList as $id => $aHoliday) {
echo '<li>' . date('d.m.Y', $aHoliday['date']) . ': ' . $aHoliday['name'];
if ($aHoliday['partial']) {
echo ' <small> - nicht im gesamten Bundesland!</small> ';
if ($strShort == 'BY') {
echo '<b>';
if (!$oSI->checkHolidayByPostcode($id, 86152)) {
// Augsburg
echo 'KEIN ';
echo 'Feiertag in Augsburg, ';
if (!$oSI->checkHolidayByPostcode($id, 91154)) {
// Roth
echo 'KEIN ';
echo 'Feiertag in Roth</b>';
echo '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
// sometimes you need to query records according to an given state like
// SELECT * FROM adress WHERE <condition>
// but either there is no field for the state or the field has been insufficiently
// or incompletely maintained ...
echo '<h1>WHERE - condition für HH</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
echo $oSI->getWhereCondition('HH', 'postcode') . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>Bundesland für Postleitzahl 72145</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
echo $oSI->getStateFromPostcode(72145) . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>Feiertage 2021 in Sachsen</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
$aList = $oSI->listOfficialHolidays('SN', 2021);
foreach ($aList as $aHoliday) {
echo date('d.m.Y', $aHoliday['date']) . ': ' . $aHoliday['name'] . '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;