imagetracer.js version 1.2.4
Simple raster image tracer and vectorizer written in JavaScript.
The Unlicense / PUBLIC DOMAIN
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
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For more information, please refer to http://unlicense.org/
export default class ImageTracer {
static tracerDefaultOption() {
return {
pathomit: 100,
ltres: 0.1,
qtres: 1,
scale: 1,
strokewidth: 5,
viewbox: false,
linefilter: true,
desc: false,
rightangleenhance: false,
pal: [{
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
a: 255
}, {
r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255,
a: 255
/* eslint-disable */
constructor() {
this.versionnumber = '1.2.4';
this.optionpresets = {
default: {
corsenabled: false,
ltres: 1,
qtres: 1,
pathomit: 8,
rightangleenhance: true,
colorsampling: 2,
numberofcolors: 16,
mincolorratio: 0,
colorquantcycles: 3,
layering: 0,
strokewidth: 1,
linefilter: false,
scale: 1,
roundcoords: 1,
viewbox: false,
desc: false,
lcpr: 0,
qcpr: 0,
blurradius: 0,
blurdelta: 20
'posterized1': {
colorsampling: 0,
numberofcolors: 2
'posterized2': {
numberofcolors: 4,
blurradius: 5
'curvy': {
ltres: 0.01,
linefilter: true,
rightangleenhance: false},
'sharp': {qtres: 0.01,
linefilter: false},
'detailed': {pathomit: 0,
roundcoords: 2,
ltres: 0.5,
qtres: 0.5,
numberofcolors: 64},
'smoothed': {blurradius: 5,
blurdelta: 64},
'grayscale': {colorsampling: 0,
colorquantcycles: 1,
numberofcolors: 7},
'fixedpalette': {colorsampling: 0,
colorquantcycles: 1,
numberofcolors: 27},
'randomsampling1': {colorsampling: 1,
numberofcolors: 8},
'randomsampling2': {colorsampling: 1,
numberofcolors: 64},
'artistic1': {colorsampling: 0,
colorquantcycles: 1,
pathomit: 0,
blurradius: 5,
blurdelta: 64,
ltres: 0.01,
linefilter: true,
numberofcolors: 16,
strokewidth: 2},
'artistic2': {qtres: 0.01,
colorsampling: 0,
colorquantcycles: 1,
numberofcolors: 4,
strokewidth: 0},
'artistic3': {qtres: 10,
ltres: 10,
numberofcolors: 8},
'artistic4': {qtres: 10,
ltres: 10,
numberofcolors: 64,
blurradius: 5,
blurdelta: 256,
strokewidth: 2},
'posterized3': {ltres: 1,
qtres: 1,
pathomit: 20,
rightangleenhance: true,
colorsampling: 0,
numberofcolors: 3,
mincolorratio: 0,
colorquantcycles: 3,
blurradius: 3,
blurdelta: 20,
strokewidth: 0,
linefilter: false,
roundcoords: 1,
pal: [{r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 100,
a: 255}, {r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255,
a: 255}]}
this.pathscan_combined_lookup = [
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 3, 0, 1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[13, 3, 0, 1], [13, 2,-1, 0], [ 7, 1, 0,-1], [ 7, 0, 1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 3, 0, 1]],
[[ 0, 3, 0, 1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[ 0, 3, 0, 1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 3, 0, 1]],
[[11, 1, 0,-1], [14, 0, 1, 0], [14, 3, 0, 1], [11, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 3, 0, 1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0], [-1,-1,-1,-1]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 1, 0,-1], [ 0, 0, 1, 0]],
[[ 0, 1, 0,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [ 0, 2,-1, 0]],
[[-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1]]
this.gks = [ [0.27901,0.44198,0.27901], [0.135336,0.228569,0.272192,0.228569,0.135336], [0.086776,0.136394,0.178908,0.195843,0.178908,0.136394,0.086776],
[0.063327,0.093095,0.122589,0.144599,0.152781,0.144599,0.122589,0.093095,0.063327], [0.049692,0.069304,0.089767,0.107988,0.120651,0.125194,0.120651,0.107988,0.089767,0.069304,0.049692] ];
this.specpalette = [
{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:128,g:128,b:128,a:255}, {r:0,g:0,b:128,a:255}, {r:64,g:64,b:128,a:255},
{r:192,g:192,b:192,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255}, {r:128,g:128,b:192,a:255}, {r:0,g:0,b:192,a:255},
{r:128,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:128,g:64,b:64,a:255}, {r:128,g:0,b:128,a:255}, {r:168,g:168,b:168,a:255},
{r:192,g:128,b:128,a:255}, {r:192,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255}, {r:0,g:128,b:0,a:255}
imageToSVG(url, callback, options) {
options = this.checkoptions(options);
canvas => {
this.imagedataToSVG(this.getImgdata(canvas), options)
imagedataToSVG(imgd, options) {
options = this.checkoptions(options);
const td = this.imagedataToTracedata(imgd, options);
return this.getsvgstring(td, options);
imageToTracedata(url, callback, options) {
options = this.checkoptions(options);
canvas => {
this.imagedataToTracedata(this.getImgdata(canvas), options)
imagedataToTracedata(imgd, options) {
options = this.checkoptions(options);
const ii = this.colorquantization(imgd, options);
let tracedata;
if (options.layering === 0) {
tracedata = {
layers: [],
palette: ii.palette,
width: ii.array[0].length - 2,
height: ii.array.length - 2
for (let colornum = 0; colornum < ii.palette.length; colornum += 1) {
const tracedlayer = this.batchtracepaths(
this.layeringstep(ii, colornum),
} else {
const ls = this.layering(ii);
if (options.layercontainerid) {
this.drawLayers(ls, this.specpalette, options.scale, options.layercontainerid);
const bps = this.batchpathscan(ls, options.pathomit);
const bis = this.batchinternodes(bps, options);
tracedata = {
layers: this.batchtracelayers(bis, options.ltres, options.qtres),
palette: ii.palette,
width: imgd.width,
height: imgd.height
return tracedata;
checkoptions(options) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = options.toLowerCase();
if (this.optionpresets[options]) {
options = this.optionpresets[options];
} else {
options = {};
const ok = Object.keys(this.optionpresets['default']);
for (let k = 0; k < ok.length; k += 1) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty(ok[k])) {
options[ok[k]] = this.optionpresets['default'][ok[k]];
return options;
colorquantization(imgd, options) {
const arr = [];
let idx = 0;
let cd;
let cdl;
let ci;
const paletteacc = [];
const pixelnum = imgd.width * imgd.height;
let i;
let j;
let k;
let cnt;
let palette;
for (j = 0; j < imgd.height + 2; j += 1) {
arr[j] = [];
for (i = 0; i < imgd.width + 2; i += 1) {
arr[j][i] = -1;
if (options.pal) {
palette = options.pal;
} else if (options.colorsampling === 0) {
palette = this.generatepalette(options.numberofcolors);
} else if (options.colorsampling === 1) {
palette = this.samplepalette(options.numberofcolors, imgd);
} else {
palette = this.samplepalette2(options.numberofcolors, imgd);
if (options.blurradius > 0) {
imgd = this.blur(imgd, options.blurradius, options.blurdelta);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < options.colorquantcycles; cnt += 1) {
if (cnt > 0) {
for (k = 0; k < palette.length; k += 1) {
if (paletteacc[k].n > 0) {
palette[k] = {r: Math.floor(paletteacc[k].r / paletteacc[k].n),
g: Math.floor(paletteacc[k].g / paletteacc[k].n),
b: Math.floor(paletteacc[k].b / paletteacc[k].n),
a: Math.floor(paletteacc[k].a / paletteacc[k].n)};
if ((paletteacc[k].n / pixelnum < options.mincolorratio) && (cnt < options.colorquantcycles - 1)) {
palette[k] = {r: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
g: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
b: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
a: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)};
for (i = 0; i < palette.length; i += 1) {
paletteacc[i] = {r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
a: 0,
n: 0};
for (j = 0; j < imgd.height; j += 1) {
for (i = 0; i < imgd.width; i += 1) {
idx = ((j * imgd.width) + i) * 4;
ci = 0;
cdl = 1024;
for (k = 0; k < palette.length; k += 1) {
cd = Math.abs(palette[k].r - imgd.data[idx]) +
Math.abs(palette[k].g - imgd.data[idx + 1]) +
Math.abs(palette[k].b - imgd.data[idx + 2]) +
Math.abs(palette[k].a - imgd.data[idx + 3]);
if (cd < cdl) {
cdl = cd;
ci = k;
paletteacc[ci].r += imgd.data[idx];
paletteacc[ci].g += imgd.data[idx + 1];
paletteacc[ci].b += imgd.data[idx + 2];
paletteacc[ci].a += imgd.data[idx + 3];
paletteacc[ci].n += 1;
arr[j + 1][i + 1] = ci;
return {array: arr,
samplepalette(numberofcolors, imgd) {
let idx;
const palette = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numberofcolors; i += 1) {
idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * imgd.data.length / 4) * 4;
palette.push({r: imgd.data[idx],
g: imgd.data[idx + 1],
b: imgd.data[idx + 2],
a: imgd.data[idx + 3]});
return palette;
samplepalette2(numberofcolors, imgd) {
let idx;
const palette = [];
const ni = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numberofcolors));
const nj = Math.ceil(numberofcolors / ni);
const vx = imgd.width / (ni + 1);
const vy = imgd.height / (nj + 1);
for (let j = 0; j < nj; j += 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < ni; i += 1) {
if (palette.length === numberofcolors) {
} else {
idx = Math.floor((((j + 1) * vy) * imgd.width) + ((i + 1) * vx)) * 4;
palette.push({r: imgd.data[idx],
g: imgd.data[idx + 1],
b: imgd.data[idx + 2],
a: imgd.data[idx + 3]});
return palette;
generatepalette(numberofcolors) {
const palette = [];
let rcnt;
let gcnt;
let bcnt;
if (numberofcolors < 8) {
const graystep = Math.floor(255 / (numberofcolors - 1));
for (let i = 0; i < numberofcolors; i += 1) {
palette.push({r: i * graystep,
g: i * graystep,
b: i * graystep,
a: 255});
} else {
const colorqnum = Math.floor(Math.pow(numberofcolors, 1 / 3));
const colorstep = Math.floor(255 / (colorqnum - 1));
const rndnum = numberofcolors - (colorqnum * colorqnum * colorqnum);
for (rcnt = 0; rcnt < colorqnum; rcnt += 1) {
for (gcnt = 0; gcnt < colorqnum; gcnt += 1) {
for (bcnt = 0; bcnt < colorqnum; bcnt += 1) {
palette.push({r: rcnt * colorstep,
g: gcnt * colorstep,
b: bcnt * colorstep,
a: 255});
for (rcnt = 0; rcnt < rndnum; rcnt += 1) {
palette.push({r: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
g: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
b: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255),
a: Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)});
return palette;
layering(ii) {
const layers = [];
let val = 0;
const ah = ii.array.length;
const aw = ii.array[0].length;
let n1;
let n2;
let n3;
let n4;
let n5;
let n6;
let n7;
let n8;
let i;
let j;
let k;
for (k = 0; k < ii.palette.length; k += 1) {
layers[k] = [];
for (j = 0; j < ah; j += 1) {
layers[k][j] = [];
for (i = 0; i < aw; i += 1) {
layers[k][j][i] = 0;
for (j = 1; j < ah - 1; j += 1) {
for (i = 1; i < aw - 1; i += 1) {
val = ii.array[j][i];
n1 = ii.array[j - 1][i - 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
n2 = ii.array[j - 1][i] === val ? 1 : 0;
n3 = ii.array[j - 1][i + 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
n4 = ii.array[j][i - 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
n5 = ii.array[j][i + 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
n6 = ii.array[j + 1][i - 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
n7 = ii.array[j + 1][i] === val ? 1 : 0;
n8 = ii.array[j + 1][i + 1] === val ? 1 : 0;
layers[val][j + 1][i + 1] = 1 + (n5 * 2) + (n8 * 4) + (n7 * 8);
if (!n4) {
layers[val][j + 1][i] = 0 + 2 + (n7 * 4) + (n6 * 8);
if (!n2) {
layers[val][j][i + 1] = 0 + (n3 * 2) + (n5 * 4) + 8;
if (!n1) {
layers[val][j][i] = 0 + (n2 * 2) + 4 + (n4 * 8);
return layers;
layeringstep(ii, cnum) {
const layer = [];
const ah = ii.array.length;
const aw = ii.array[0].length;
let i;
let j;
for (j = 0; j < ah; j += 1) {
layer[j] = [];
for (i = 0; i < aw; i += 1) {
layer[j][i] = 0;
for (j = 1; j < ah; j += 1) {
for (i = 1; i < aw; i += 1) {
layer[j][i] =
(ii.array[j - 1][i - 1] === cnum ? 1 : 0) +
(ii.array[j - 1][i] === cnum ? 2 : 0) +
(ii.array[j][i - 1] === cnum ? 8 : 0) +
(ii.array[j][i] === cnum ? 4 : 0);
return layer;
pathscan(arr, pathomit) {
const paths = [];
let pacnt = 0;
let pcnt = 0;
let px = 0;
let py = 0;
const w = arr[0].length;
const h = arr.length;
let dir = 0;
let pathfinished = true;
let holepath = false;
let lookuprow;
for (let j = 0; j < h; j += 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < w; i += 1) {
if ((arr[j][i] === 4) || (arr[j][i] === 11)) {
px = i;
py = j;
paths[pacnt] = {};
paths[pacnt].points = [];
paths[pacnt].boundingbox = [px, py, px, py];
paths[pacnt].holechildren = [];
pathfinished = false;
pcnt = 0;
holepath = (arr[j][i] === 11);
dir = 1;
while (!pathfinished) {
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt] = {};
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x = px - 1;
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y = py - 1;
paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].t = arr[py][px];
if ((px - 1) < paths[pacnt].boundingbox[0]) {
paths[pacnt].boundingbox[0] = px - 1;
if ((px - 1) > paths[pacnt].boundingbox[2]) {
paths[pacnt].boundingbox[2] = px - 1;
if ((py - 1) < paths[pacnt].boundingbox[1]) {
paths[pacnt].boundingbox[1] = py - 1;
if ((py - 1) > paths[pacnt].boundingbox[3]) {
paths[pacnt].boundingbox[3] = py - 1;
lookuprow = this.pathscan_combined_lookup[arr[py][px]][dir];
arr[py][px] = lookuprow[0]; dir = lookuprow[1]; px += lookuprow[2]; py += lookuprow[3];
if ((px - 1 === paths[pacnt].points[0].x) && (py - 1 === paths[pacnt].points[0].y)) {
pathfinished = true;
if (paths[pacnt].points.length < pathomit) {
} else {
paths[pacnt].isholepath = !!holepath;
if (holepath) {
let parentidx = 0, parentbbox = [-1, -1, w + 1, h + 1];
for (let parentcnt = 0; parentcnt < pacnt; parentcnt++) {
if ((!paths[parentcnt].isholepath) &&
this.boundingboxincludes(paths[parentcnt].boundingbox, paths[pacnt].boundingbox) &&
this.boundingboxincludes(parentbbox, paths[parentcnt].boundingbox)
) {
parentidx = parentcnt;
parentbbox = paths[parentcnt].boundingbox;
pacnt += 1;
pcnt += 1;
return paths;
boundingboxincludes(parentbbox, childbbox) {
return ((parentbbox[0] < childbbox[0]) && (parentbbox[1] < childbbox[1]) &&
(parentbbox[2] > childbbox[2]) && (parentbbox[3] > childbbox[3]));
batchpathscan(layers, pathomit) {
const bpaths = [];
for (const k in layers) {
if (!layers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
bpaths[k] = this.pathscan(layers[k], pathomit);
return bpaths;
internodes(paths, options) {
const ins = [];
let palen = 0;
let nextidx = 0;
let nextidx2 = 0;
let previdx = 0;
let previdx2 = 0;
let pacnt;
let pcnt;
for (pacnt = 0; pacnt < paths.length; pacnt += 1) {
ins[pacnt] = {};
ins[pacnt].points = [];
ins[pacnt].boundingbox = paths[pacnt].boundingbox;
ins[pacnt].holechildren = paths[pacnt].holechildren;
ins[pacnt].isholepath = paths[pacnt].isholepath;
palen = paths[pacnt].points.length;
for (pcnt = 0; pcnt < palen; pcnt += 1) {
nextidx = (pcnt + 1) % palen; nextidx2 = (pcnt + 2) % palen; previdx = (pcnt - 1 + palen) % palen; previdx2 = (pcnt - 2 + palen) % palen;
if (options.rightangleenhance && this.testrightangle(paths[pacnt], previdx2, previdx, pcnt, nextidx, nextidx2)) {
if (ins[pacnt].points.length > 0) {
ins[pacnt].points[ins[pacnt].points.length - 1].linesegment = this.getdirection(
ins[pacnt].points[ins[pacnt].points.length - 1].x,
ins[pacnt].points[ins[pacnt].points.length - 1].y,
x: paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x,
y: paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y,
linesegment: this.getdirection(
((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x) / 2),
((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y) / 2)
x: ((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x) / 2),
y: ((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y) / 2),
linesegment: this.getdirection(
((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x) / 2),
((paths[pacnt].points[pcnt].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y) / 2),
((paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].x + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx2].x) / 2),
((paths[pacnt].points[nextidx].y + paths[pacnt].points[nextidx2].y) / 2)
return ins;
testrightangle(path, idx1, idx2, idx3, idx4, idx5) {
return (((path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx1].x) &&
(path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx2].x) &&
(path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx4].y) &&
(path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx5].y)
) ||
((path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx1].y) &&
(path.points[idx3].y === path.points[idx2].y) &&
(path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx4].x) &&
(path.points[idx3].x === path.points[idx5].x)
getdirection(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
let val = 8;
if (x1 < x2) {
if (y1 < y2) {
val = 1;
} else if (y1 > y2) {
val = 7;
} else {
val = 0;
} else if (x1 > x2) {
if (y1 < y2) {
val = 3;
} else if (y1 > y2) {
val = 5;
} else {
val = 4;
} else if (y1 < y2) {
val = 2;
} else if (y1 > y2) {
val = 6;
} else {
val = 8;
return val;
batchinternodes(bpaths, options) {
const binternodes = [];
for (const k in bpaths) {
if (!bpaths.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
binternodes[k] = this.internodes(bpaths[k], options);
return binternodes;
tracepath(path, ltres, qtres) {
let pcnt = 0;
let segtype1;
let segtype2;
let seqend;
const smp = {};
smp.segments = [];
smp.boundingbox = path.boundingbox;
smp.holechildren = path.holechildren;
smp.isholepath = path.isholepath;
while (pcnt < path.points.length) {
segtype1 = path.points[pcnt].linesegment;
segtype2 = -1;
seqend = pcnt + 1;
while (
((path.points[seqend].linesegment === segtype1) || (path.points[seqend].linesegment === segtype2) || (segtype2 === -1)) && (seqend < path.points.length - 1)) {
if ((path.points[seqend].linesegment !== segtype1) && (segtype2 === -1)) {
segtype2 = path.points[seqend].linesegment;
seqend += 1;
if (seqend === path.points.length - 1) {
seqend = 0;
smp.segments = smp.segments.concat(this.fitseq(path, ltres, qtres, pcnt, seqend));
if (seqend > 0) {
pcnt = seqend;
} else {
pcnt = path.points.length;
return smp;
fitseq(path, ltres, qtres, seqstart, seqend) {
if ((seqend > path.points.length) || (seqend < 0)) {
return [];
let errorpoint = seqstart, errorval = 0, curvepass = true, px, py, dist2;
let tl = (seqend - seqstart); if (tl < 0) {
tl += path.points.length;
let vx = (path.points[seqend].x - path.points[seqstart].x) / tl,
vy = (path.points[seqend].y - path.points[seqstart].y) / tl;
let pcnt = (seqstart + 1) % path.points.length, pl;
while (pcnt != seqend) {
pl = pcnt - seqstart; if (pl < 0) {
pl += path.points.length;
px = path.points[seqstart].x + vx * pl; py = path.points[seqstart].y + vy * pl;
dist2 = (path.points[pcnt].x - px) * (path.points[pcnt].x - px) + (path.points[pcnt].y - py) * (path.points[pcnt].y - py);
if (dist2 > ltres) {
curvepass = false;
if (dist2 > errorval) {
errorpoint = pcnt; errorval = dist2;
pcnt = (pcnt + 1) % path.points.length;
if (curvepass) {
return [{type: 'L',
x1: path.points[seqstart].x,
y1: path.points[seqstart].y,
x2: path.points[seqend].x,
y2: path.points[seqend].y}];
const fitpoint = errorpoint; curvepass = true; errorval = 0;
let t = (fitpoint - seqstart) / tl, t1 = (1 - t) * (1 - t), t2 = 2 * (1 - t) * t, t3 = t * t;
let cpx = (t1 * path.points[seqstart].x + t3 * path.points[seqend].x - path.points[fitpoint].x) / -t2,
cpy = (t1 * path.points[seqstart].y + t3 * path.points[seqend].y - path.points[fitpoint].y) / -t2;
pcnt = seqstart + 1;
while (pcnt != seqend) {
t = (pcnt - seqstart) / tl; t1 = (1 - t) * (1 - t); t2 = 2 * (1 - t) * t; t3 = t * t;
px = t1 * path.points[seqstart].x + t2 * cpx + t3 * path.points[seqend].x;
py = t1 * path.points[seqstart].y + t2 * cpy + t3 * path.points[seqend].y;
dist2 = (path.points[pcnt].x - px) * (path.points[pcnt].x - px) + (path.points[pcnt].y - py) * (path.points[pcnt].y - py);
if (dist2 > qtres) {
curvepass = false;
if (dist2 > errorval) {
errorpoint = pcnt; errorval = dist2;
pcnt = (pcnt + 1) % path.points.length;
if (curvepass) {
return [{type: 'Q',
x1: path.points[seqstart].x,
y1: path.points[seqstart].y,
x2: cpx,
y2: cpy,
x3: path.points[seqend].x,
y3: path.points[seqend].y}];
const splitpoint = fitpoint;
return this.fitseq(path, ltres, qtres, seqstart, splitpoint).concat(
this.fitseq(path, ltres, qtres, splitpoint, seqend));
batchtracepaths(internodepaths, ltres, qtres) {
const btracedpaths = [];
for (const k in internodepaths) {
if (!internodepaths.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
btracedpaths.push(this.tracepath(internodepaths[k], ltres, qtres));
return btracedpaths;
batchtracelayers(binternodes, ltres, qtres) {
const btbis = [];
for (const k in binternodes) {
if (!binternodes.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
btbis[k] = this.batchtracepaths(binternodes[k], ltres, qtres);
return btbis;
roundtodec(val, places) {
return Number(val.toFixed(places));
svgpathstring(tracedata, lnum, pathnum, options) {
let layer = tracedata.layers[lnum], smp = layer[pathnum], str = '', pcnt;
if (options.linefilter && (smp.segments.length < 3)) {
return str;
str = `<path ${
options.desc ? (`desc="l ${lnum} p ${pathnum}" `) : ''
}${this.tosvgcolorstr(tracedata.palette[lnum], options)
if (options.roundcoords === -1) {
str += `M ${smp.segments[0].x1 * options.scale} ${smp.segments[0].y1 * options.scale} `;
for (pcnt = 0; pcnt < smp.segments.length; pcnt++) {
str += `${smp.segments[pcnt].type} ${smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale} ${smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale} `;
if (smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `${smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale} ${smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale} `;
str += 'Z ';
} else {
str += `M ${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[0].x1 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} ${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[0].y1 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} `;
for (pcnt = 0; pcnt < smp.segments.length; pcnt++) {
str += `${smp.segments[pcnt].type} ${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} ${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} `;
if (smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} ${this.roundtodec(smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale, options.roundcoords)} `;
str += 'Z ';
for (var hcnt = 0; hcnt < smp.holechildren.length; hcnt++) {
var hsmp = layer[smp.holechildren[hcnt]];
if (options.roundcoords === -1) {
if (hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `M ${hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].x3 * options.scale} ${hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].y3 * options.scale} `;
} else {
str += `M ${hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].x2 * options.scale} ${hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].y2 * options.scale} `;
for (pcnt = hsmp.segments.length - 1; pcnt >= 0; pcnt--) {
str += `${hsmp.segments[pcnt].type} `;
if (hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale} ${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale} `;
str += `${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale} ${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale} `;
} else {
if (hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `M ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].x3 * options.scale)} ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].y3 * options.scale)} `;
} else {
str += `M ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].x2 * options.scale)} ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[hsmp.segments.length - 1].y2 * options.scale)} `;
for (pcnt = hsmp.segments.length - 1; pcnt >= 0; pcnt--) {
str += `${hsmp.segments[pcnt].type} `;
if (hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) {
str += `${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale)} ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale)} `;
str += `${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale)} ${this.roundtodec(hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale)} `;
str += 'Z ';
str += '" />';
if (options.lcpr || options.qcpr) {
for (pcnt = 0; pcnt < smp.segments.length; pcnt++) {
if (smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3') && options.qcpr) {
str += `<circle cx="${smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" cy="${smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" r="${options.qcpr}" fill="cyan" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
str += `<circle cx="${smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale}" cy="${smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale}" r="${options.qcpr}" fill="white" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
str += `<line x1="${smp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale}" y1="${smp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale}" x2="${smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" y2="${smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="cyan" />`;
str += `<line x1="${smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" y1="${smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" x2="${smp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale}" y2="${smp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale}" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="cyan" />`;
if ((!smp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) && options.lcpr) {
str += `<circle cx="${smp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" cy="${smp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" r="${options.lcpr}" fill="white" stroke-width="${options.lcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
for (var hcnt = 0; hcnt < smp.holechildren.length; hcnt++) {
var hsmp = layer[smp.holechildren[hcnt]];
for (pcnt = 0; pcnt < hsmp.segments.length; pcnt++) {
if (hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3') && options.qcpr) {
str += `<circle cx="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" cy="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" r="${options.qcpr}" fill="cyan" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
str += `<circle cx="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale}" cy="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale}" r="${options.qcpr}" fill="white" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
str += `<line x1="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x1 * options.scale}" y1="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y1 * options.scale}" x2="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" y2="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="cyan" />`;
str += `<line x1="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" y1="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" x2="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x3 * options.scale}" y2="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y3 * options.scale}" stroke-width="${options.qcpr * 0.2}" stroke="cyan" />`;
if ((!hsmp.segments[pcnt].hasOwnProperty('x3')) && options.lcpr) {
str += `<circle cx="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].x2 * options.scale}" cy="${hsmp.segments[pcnt].y2 * options.scale}" r="${options.lcpr}" fill="white" stroke-width="${options.lcpr * 0.2}" stroke="black" />`;
return str;
getsvgstring(tracedata, options) {
options = this.checkoptions(options);
const w = tracedata.width * options.scale;
const h = tracedata.height * options.scale;
let svgstr = `<svg ${options.viewbox ? (`viewBox="0 0 ${w} ${h}" `) : (`width="${w}" height="${h}" `)
}version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" desc="Created with imagetracer.js version ${this.versionnumber}" >`;
for (let lcnt = 0; lcnt < tracedata.layers.length; lcnt += 1) {
for (let pcnt = 0; pcnt < tracedata.layers[lcnt].length; pcnt += 1) {
if (!tracedata.layers[lcnt][pcnt].isholepath) {
svgstr += this.svgpathstring(tracedata, lcnt, pcnt, options);
svgstr += '</svg>';
return svgstr;
compareNumbers(a, b) {
return a - b;
torgbastr(c) {
return `rgba(${c.r},${c.g},${c.b},${c.a})`;
tosvgcolorstr(c, options) {
return `fill="rgb(${c.r},${c.g},${c.b})" stroke="rgb(${c.r},${c.g},${c.b})" stroke-width="${options.strokewidth}" opacity="${c.a / 255.0}" `;
appendSVGString(svgstr, parentid) {
let div;
if (parentid) {
div = document.getElementById(parentid);
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = parentid;
} else {
div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML += svgstr;
blur(imgd, radius, delta) {
let i, j, k, d, idx, racc, gacc, bacc, aacc, wacc;
const imgd2 = {width: imgd.width,
height: imgd.height,
data: []};
radius = Math.floor(radius); if (radius < 1) {
return imgd;
} if (radius > 5) {
radius = 5;
} delta = Math.abs(delta); if (delta > 1024) {
delta = 1024;
const thisgk = this.gks[radius - 1];
for (j = 0; j < imgd.height; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < imgd.width; i++) {
racc = 0; gacc = 0; bacc = 0; aacc = 0; wacc = 0;
for (k = -radius; k < radius + 1; k++) {
if ((i + k > 0) && (i + k < imgd.width)) {
idx = (j * imgd.width + i + k) * 4;
racc += imgd.data[idx] * thisgk[k + radius];
gacc += imgd.data[idx + 1] * thisgk[k + radius];
bacc += imgd.data[idx + 2] * thisgk[k + radius];
aacc += imgd.data[idx + 3] * thisgk[k + radius];
wacc += thisgk[k + radius];
idx = (j * imgd.width + i) * 4;
imgd2.data[idx] = Math.floor(racc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 1] = Math.floor(gacc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 2] = Math.floor(bacc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 3] = Math.floor(aacc / wacc);
const himgd = new Uint8ClampedArray(imgd2.data);
for (j = 0; j < imgd.height; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < imgd.width; i++) {
racc = 0; gacc = 0; bacc = 0; aacc = 0; wacc = 0;
for (k = -radius; k < radius + 1; k++) {
if ((j + k > 0) && (j + k < imgd.height)) {
idx = ((j + k) * imgd.width + i) * 4;
racc += himgd[idx] * thisgk[k + radius];
gacc += himgd[idx + 1] * thisgk[k + radius];
bacc += himgd[idx + 2] * thisgk[k + radius];
aacc += himgd[idx + 3] * thisgk[k + radius];
wacc += thisgk[k + radius];
idx = (j * imgd.width + i) * 4;
imgd2.data[idx] = Math.floor(racc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 1] = Math.floor(gacc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 2] = Math.floor(bacc / wacc);
imgd2.data[idx + 3] = Math.floor(aacc / wacc);
for (j = 0; j < imgd.height; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < imgd.width; i++) {
idx = (j * imgd.width + i) * 4;
d = Math.abs(imgd2.data[idx] - imgd.data[idx]) + Math.abs(imgd2.data[idx + 1] - imgd.data[idx + 1]) +
Math.abs(imgd2.data[idx + 2] - imgd.data[idx + 2]) + Math.abs(imgd2.data[idx + 3] - imgd.data[idx + 3]);
if (d > delta) {
imgd2.data[idx] = imgd.data[idx];
imgd2.data[idx + 1] = imgd.data[idx + 1];
imgd2.data[idx + 2] = imgd.data[idx + 2];
imgd2.data[idx + 3] = imgd.data[idx + 3];
return imgd2;
loadImage(url, callback, options) {
const img = new Image();
if (options && options.corsenabled) {
img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous';
img.src = url;
img.onload = function() {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = img.width;
canvas.height = img.height;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
getImgdata(canvas) {
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
return context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
drawLayers(layers, palette, scale, parentid) {
scale = scale || 1;
let w, h, i, j, k;
let div;
if (parentid) {
div = document.getElementById(parentid);
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = parentid;
} else {
div = document.createElement('div');
for (k in layers) {
if (!layers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
w = layers[k][0].length;
h = layers[k].length;
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = w * scale;
canvas.height = h * scale;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (j = 0; j < h; j += 1) {
for (i = 0; i < w; i += 1) {
context.fillStyle = this.torgbastr(palette[layers[k][j][i] % palette.length]);
context.fillRect(i * scale, j * scale, scale, scale);