- author: Skakunov Alexander [i1t2b3@gmail.com]
- filename: FuseBoxXMLParser.class.DrevoXMLParser
- date: 04.05.08
- description: DrevoXMLParser parses an XML imported from Genery software Drevo application and creates a convenient PHP array of persons in it
class DrevoXMLParser
protected $arr_persons;
protected $oXML;
public function DrevoXMLParser($xml)
//new dBug( $xml, 'xml');
if( !function_exists('simplexml_load_string') )
throw new Exception('No SimpleXML package available. Please add its support.');
$this->arr_persons = array();
$this->oXML = simplexml_load_string($xml);
if(false === $this->oXML)
throw new Exception('Cannot parse XML provided. Check your data.');
//new dBug( $this->arr_persons);
protected function process_xml()
foreach( $this->oXML->Pers->r as $person)
$id = (string)$person['id'];
$fields = array( 'bfdate', 'dfdate', 'fn', 'mn', 'sn', 'fullname', 'lifespan', 'sex' );
foreach( $fields as $field )
$this->arr_persons[ $id ][$field] = (string)$person->{$field}; //arr[id]=data
$this->clean_date( $this->arr_persons[ $id ]['bfdate'] );
$this->clean_date( $this->arr_persons[ $id ]['dfdate'] );
if( empty( $this->arr_persons[ $id ]['bfdate'] ) && empty( $this->arr_persons[ $id ]['dfdate'] ) ) //no dates, delete this guy
unset( $this->arr_persons[ $id ] );
public function get_persons()
return $this->arr_persons;
protected function clean_date(&$str)
preg_match( '/(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4})/', $str, $match);
$str = ( empty($match) ? '' : $match[1] );