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File: scan.php

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   scan.php   Download  
File: scan.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 14,271 bytes


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<?php include_once 'phppagestart.php'; echo '<!DOCTYPE html>'; //error_reporting( -1 ); //ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); include_once ''; include_once 'lang.php'; $resolution=$_GET['resolution']; $deskew=$_GET['deskew']; $autocrop=$_GET['autocrop']; $print=$_GET['print']; $mode=$_GET['mode']; $currentpage=$_GET['currentpage']; $printscaleheight=$_GET['printscaleheight']; $printscalewidth=$_GET['printscalewidth']; $mppdf=$_GET['mppdf']; $jpgpdf=$_GET['jpgpdf']; $requireauth='yes'; // for demo $random=(rand(1, 4)); //$_SESSION['scanneronline'] ='yes'; //if (($_GET['mppdf']=='yes') && (!isset($_GET['pdfname']))) if ($_GET['mppdf']=='yes') { if ((isset($_GET['pdfname'])) && ($_GET['pdfname']!='') && ($_GET['pdfname']!=NULL) && ($_GET['pdfname']!='.') && ($_GET['pdfname']!='/')) { $pdfname=$_GET['pdfname']; } else { //random PDF name $length = 4; $pdfname=substr(str_shuffle('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'),1,$length); } } else { } function convertDateTime($unixTime) { $dt = new DateTime("@$unixTime"); return $dt->format('YmdHis'); } $dateVarName = convertDateTime(time ()); if ($scanner=='SANE') { if ((isset($pdfname))&& ($_GET['mppdf']=='yes')) // && ($scanner='s400w')) { $filename=$pdfname.'_'.time().'.png'; } //elseif ($scanner='s400w') else { $filename=$fileprefix.$dateVarName.'.png'; // do i need fileprefix?? } } else { if ((isset($pdfname))&& ($_GET['mppdf']=='yes')) // && ($scanner='s400w')) { $filename=$pdfname.'_'.time().'.jpg'; } //elseif ($scanner='s400w') else { $filename=$fileprefix.$dateVarName.'.jpg'; // do i need fileprefix?? } } //echo 'online?'.$_SESSION['scanneronline']; //echo 'scanner?'.$scanner; $scansize=$_GET['pagesize']; if (($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && ($scanner=='eSCL') && ($_SESSION['scanneronline']=='yes')) //start produce escl-xml scan { $previewimage = $_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($scansize=='letter') //2550 x 3300 Pixels { $scanheight=3300; $scanwidth=2550; } elseif ($scansize=='A4')//2480 x 3508 { $scanheight=3508; $scanwidth=2480; } elseif ($scansize=='legal') //2550 x 4200 Pixels { $scanheight=4200; $scanwidth=2550; } elseif ($scansize=='AB') //2362 x 3579 pix Pixels { $scanheight=3579; $scanwidth=2362; } elseif ($scansize=='ISOB5') //2079 x 2953 Pixels { $scanheight=2953; $scanwidth=2079; } elseif ($scansize=='JISB5') // 2160 x 3030 Pixels { $scanheight=3030; $scanwidth=2160; } $scanresolution=$_GET['resolution']; //if ($_GET['mode']=='color') //{ //$scanmode='RGB24'; //} //elseif ($_GET['mode']=='bw') //{ //$scanmode='Grayscale8'; //} //A4', 'letter', 'legal', 'AB', 'ISOB5' or 'JISB5' $xmlbase=' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <scan:ScanSettings xmlns:pwg="" xmlns:scan=""> <pwg:Version>2.0</pwg:Version> <pwg:ScanRegions> <pwg:ScanRegion> <pwg:Height>'.$scanheight.'</pwg:Height> <pwg:ContentRegionUnits>escl:ThreeHundredthsOfInches</pwg:ContentRegionUnits> <pwg:Width>'.$scanwidth.'</pwg:Width> <pwg:XOffset>0</pwg:XOffset> <pwg:YOffset>0</pwg:YOffset> </pwg:ScanRegion> </pwg:ScanRegions> <pwg:InputSource>Platen</pwg:InputSource> <scan:ColorMode>RGB24</scan:ColorMode> <scan:XResolution>'.$_GET['resolution'].'</scan:XResolution> <scan:YResolution>'.$_GET['resolution'].'</scan:YResolution> </scan:ScanSettings>'; function get_string_between($string, $start, $end) { $string = ' ' . $string; $ini = strpos($string, $start); if ($ini == 0) return ''; $ini += strlen($start); $len = strpos($string, $end, $ini) - $ini; return substr($string, $ini, $len); } //file_put_contents('ScanSettings.xml',$xmlbase); //echo $xmlbase; // initialise the curl request //echo $_SESSION["esclip"]; $requesturl='http://'.$_SESSION["esclip"].':'.$_SESSION["esclport"].'/eSCL/ScanJobs'; $request = curl_init($requesturl); //$request = curl_init('http://localhost:80/eSCL/ScanJobs'); // send a file curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POST, true); //enable headers curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); //get only headers curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); curl_setopt( $request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array( 'file' => '@' . realpath('ScanSettings.xml') )); // output the response curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $curlresult= curl_exec($request); $beginafter='201'; $endbefore=PHP_EOL; $confirmcreated= strtolower(trim(get_string_between($curlresult, $beginafter, $endbefore))); $beginafter='Location:'; $endbefore=PHP_EOL; $confirmlocation= trim(get_string_between($curlresult, $beginafter, $endbefore)); // close the session curl_close($request); if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { $chmod= 'chmod 777 '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; sleep("$chmodsleep"); shell_exec("$chmod"); } else { } } // end xml-escl scan produce $now=time(); function get_all_get() { $output = "?"; $firstRun = true; foreach($_GET as $key=>$val) { if($key != $parameter) { if(!$firstRun) { $output .= "&"; } else { $firstRun = false; } $output .= $key."=".$val; } } return $output; } $url= get_all_get(); list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; //echo $url; if ((isset($_SESSION['username'])) && ($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && (isset($_SESSION['password'])) && (isset($_SESSION['expire'])) && ($_SESSION['expire'] >= $now)) { if (($_SESSION['expire'] - $now) <= $addtime) { $_SESSION['expire']=($_SESSION['expire'] + $buytime); } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } if (($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && ($scanner=='s400w')) { $previewimage = $_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($demomode!='yes') { $scan= $s400w.' '.$host.' '.$port.' scan '.$resolution.' '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { $chmod= 'chmod 777 '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } elseif ($demomode=='yes') { $scan='cp '.$root.$resolution.'_'.$random.'.jpg '.$root.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } elseif (($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && ($scanner=='SANE')) { $previewimage = $_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($demomode!='yes') { //scanimage --device "pixma:04A91749_247936" --format=tiff > test.tiff //$scan= 'scanimage -d "'.$sanename.'" --format jpg --mode Color --progress --verbose --verbose --verbose --resolution '.$resolution.' > '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; $scan= 'scanimage -d "'.$sanename.'" --format png --mode Color --progress --verbose --verbose --verbose --resolution '.$resolution.' > '.$_SESSION['userpath'].'scan.pnm'; if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { $chmod= 'chmod 777 '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } elseif ($demomode=='yes') { $scan='cp '.$root.$resolution.'_'.$random.'.jpg '.$root.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } elseif (($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && ($scanner=='eSCL')) { $previewimage = $_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($demomode!='yes') { if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { $chmod= 'chmod 777 '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } } elseif (($_SESSION['loggedin']=='yes') && ($scanner=='SANE')) { $previewimage = $_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; if ($demomode!='yes') { if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { $chmod= 'chmod 777 '.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; } } } else { $previewimage=''; } if (($_SESSION['scanneronline'] == 'yes') && ($scanner=='s400w')) { $status = "$s400w $host $port status"; $statusoutput = shell_exec("$status"); usleep(500000); $string = $statusoutput; $last_word_start = strrpos($string, ' ') + 1; // +1 so we don't include the space in our result $last_word = substr($string, $last_word_start); // $last_word = PHP. $lastword=preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $last_word); } else { //''; } if (($_SESSION['scanneronline'] =='yes') && ($lastword != 'nopaper'))// && ($scanner=='s400w')) works for both as eSCL willnever have "nopaper" status { if ($deskew == 'yes') { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="deskew.php$urlvars"; $statusmessage='deskew'; } elseif ($autocrop == 'yes') { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="autocrop.php$urlvars"; $statusmessage='crop & print'; } elseif (($autocrop != 'yes') && ($mode == 'bw')) { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="bw.php$urlvars"; $statusmessage='no crop & print'; } elseif (($autocrop != 'yes') && ($mode == 'lineart')) { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="lineart.php$urlvars"; $statusmessage='no crop & print'; } elseif (($_GET['jpgpdf']!='yes') && ($autocrop != 'yes') && ($deskew != 'yes') && ($mode =='color')) //&& ($scanner=='s400w')) { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['rand'] = $rand; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="airscan.php$urlvars"; $statusmessage='crop turned off & print'; } elseif (($_GET['jpgpdf']=='yes') && ($_GET['mode']=='color') && ($autocrop != 'yes') && ($deskew != 'yes'))// && ($scanner=='s400w')) { list($path, $query_string) = explode('?', $url, 2); // parse the query string parse_str($query_string, $params); // delete image param unset($params['print']); unset($params['printscaleheight']); unset($params['printscalewidth']); unset($params['pdfname']); unset($params['mppdf']); //unset($params['rand']); // change the print param $params['image'] = $filename; $params['pdfres'] = $resolution; $params['confirm'] = 'yes'; // rebuild the query $query_string = http_build_query($params); // reassemble the URL $urlvars = $path . '?' . $query_string; $refreshurl="mkmppdf.php$urlvars&confirm=yes"; $statusmessage='crop turned off & print'; } else { $refreshurl='airscan.php?output=error'; $scanrefresh=0; } } elseif (($_SESSION['scanneronline'] =='yes') && ($lastword =='nopaper') && ($scanner=='s400w')) { $refreshurl='airscan.php?offline=nopaperscan'; $scanrefresh=0; } elseif ($_SESSION['scanneronline'] =='no') { $refreshurl='airscan.php?output=offline'; $scanrefresh=0; } else { $refreshurl='airscan.php?output=error'; $scanrefresh=0; } ?> <head> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; <?php echo $refreshurl;?>"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title><?php echo $pagetitle; ?></title> <link rel="icon" href="../../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <table id='page_header'><tr><td> <a href='airscan.php'> <img id='logo' src='images/AirScan.png' alt='AirScan'> </a></td> </tr> <tr><td><hr></td></tr> </table> <?php // below we initiate scan for s400w if (($_SESSION['scanneronline'] =='yes') && ($scanner=='s400w') && ($lastword != 'nopaper')) { //$scandebug='yes'; if ($scandebug =='yes') { file_put_contents('scancmd.txt', $scan); file_put_contents('scanrefreshurl.txt', $refreshurl); } else { } shell_exec($scan); if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { sleep("$chmodsleep"); shell_exec("$chmod"); } else { } } elseif ($scanner=='SANE')//(($_SESSION['scanneronline'] =='yes') && ($scanner=='SANE'))// && ($lastword != 'nopaper')) { if ($scandebug =='yes') { file_put_contents('scancmd.txt', $scan); } else { } //echo $scan; shell_exec($scan); $convertcmd=$imagemagicklocation.' '.$_SESSION['userpath'].'scan.pnm'.' '.$root.$_SESSION['userpath'].$filename; sleep("$chmodsleep"); shell_exec($convertcmd); $rmcmd='rm '.$_SESSION['userpath'].'scan.pnm'; sleep("$chmodsleep"); shell_exec($rmcmd); if ($_SESSION['password']=='PAM') { sleep("$chmodsleep"); shell_exec("$chmod"); } else { } } ?> </body> </html>