.. default-domain:: mongodb
.. contents:: On this page
:backlinks: none
:depth: 1
:class: singlecol
.. phpmethod:: MongoDB\\Database::createCollection()
Explicitly creates a collection.
.. code-block:: php
function createCollection($collectionName, array $options = []): array|object
MongoDB creates collections implicitly when you first reference the
collection in a command, such as when inserting a document into a new
collection. You may also explicitly create a collection with specific options
using the :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Database::createCollection()` method, or using
:manual:`db.createCollection() </reference/method/db.createCollection>` in
the :program:`mongo` shell.
Explicitly creating collections enables you to create
:manual:`capped collections </core/capped-collections>`, specify
:manual:`document validation criteria </core/document-validation>`,
or configure your storage engine or indexing options.
This method has the following parameters:
.. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBDatabase-method-createCollection-param.rst
The ``$options`` parameter supports the following options:
.. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBDatabase-method-createCollection-option.rst
Note that not all options are available on all versions of MongoDB. Document
validation, for example, was added in MongoDB 3.2; similarly, the WiredTiger
storage engine is available only for MongoDB 3.0 and later. Refer to the
:manual:`create </reference/command/create>` command reference in the MongoDB
manual for compatibility considerations.
Return Values
An array or object with the result document of the :manual:`create
</reference/command/create>` command.
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unsupportedexception.rst
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-invalidargumentexception.rst
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-driver-runtimeexception.rst
The following example creates a ``users`` collection in the ``test``
database with document validation criteria:
.. code-block:: php
$db = (new MongoDB\Client)->test;
$result = $db->createCollection('users', [
'validator' => [
'username' => ['$type' => 'string'],
'email' => ['$regex' => '@mongodb\.com$'],
The output would then resemble::
object(MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument)#11 (1) {
array(1) {
See Also
- :manual:`create </reference/command/create>` command reference in the MongoDB
- :manual:`db.createCollection() </reference/method/db.createCollection>`