.. default-domain:: mongodb
.. contents:: On this page
:backlinks: none
:depth: 1
:class: singlecol
.. phpmethod:: MongoDB\\Collection::createIndexes($indexes)
Create one or more indexes for the collection.
.. code-block:: php
function createIndexes(array $indexes, array $options = []): string[]
This method has the following parameters:
.. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-createIndexes-param.rst
The ``$options`` parameter supports the following options:
.. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-createIndexes-option.rst
Return Values
The names of the created indexes as an array of strings.
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unsupportedexception.rst
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-invalidargumentexception.rst
.. include:: /includes/extracts/error-driver-runtimeexception.rst
``$indexes`` parameter
The ``$indexes`` parameter is an array of index specification documents. Each
element in ``$indexes`` must itself be an array or object with a ``key`` field,
which corresponds to the ``$key`` parameter of :phpmethod:`createIndex()
<MongoDB\\Collection::createIndex()>`. The array or object may include other
fields that correspond to index options accepted by :phpmethod:`createIndex()
<MongoDB\\Collection::createIndex()>` (excluding ``writeConcern``).
For example, the following ``$indexes`` parameter creates two indexes. The first
is an ascending unique index on the ``username`` field and the second is a
2dsphere index on the ``loc`` field with a custom name::
[ 'key' => [ 'username' => 1 ], 'unique' => true ],
[ 'key' => [ 'loc' => '2dsphere' ], 'name' => 'geo_index' ],
The following example creates two indexes on the ``restaurants`` collection in
the ``test`` database. One index is a compound index on the ``borough`` and
``cuisine`` fields and the other is 2dsphere index on the ``loc`` field with a
custom name.
.. code-block:: php
$collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->selectCollection('test', 'restaurants');
$indexNames = $collection->createIndexes([
[ 'key' => [ 'borough' => 1, 'cuisine' => 1] ],
[ 'key' => [ 'loc' => '2dsphere'], 'name' => 'geo_index' ],
The output would then resemble::
array(2) {
string(19) "borough_1_cuisine_1"
string(9) "geo_index"
See Also
- :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Collection::createIndex()`
- :doc:`/tutorial/indexes`
- :manual:`createIndexes </reference/command/createIndexes>` command reference
in the MongoDB manual
- :manual:`Index </indexes>` documentation in the MongoDB Manual