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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/bson.txt
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Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
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==== BSON ==== .. default-domain:: mongodb .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :class: singlecol Overview -------- MongoDB stores data records as BSON documents. BSON is a binary representation of :term:`JSON` documents, though it contains more data types than JSON. For the BSON spec, see ` <>`_. By default, the |php-library| returns BSON documents as :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Model\\BSONDocument` objects and BSON arrays as :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Model\\BSONArray` objects, respectively. BSON Classes ------------ .. phpclass:: MongoDB\\Model\\BSONArray This class extends PHP's :php:`ArrayObject <arrayobject>` class. It also implements PHP's :php:`JsonSerializable <jsonserializable>` interface and the driver's :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Serializable <mongodb-bson-serializable>` and :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Unserializable <mongodb-bson-unserializable>` interfaces. By default, the library will deserialize BSON arrays as instances of this class. During BSON and JSON serialization, instances of this class will serialize as an array type (:php:`array_values() <array_values>` is used internally to numerically reindex the array). .. phpclass:: MongoDB\\Model\\BSONDocument This class extends PHP's :php:`ArrayObject <arrayobject>` class. It also implements PHP's :php:`JsonSerializable <jsonserializable>` interface and the driver's :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Serializable <mongodb-bson-serializable>` and :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Unserializable <mongodb-bson-unserializable>` interfaces. By default, the library will deserialize BSON documents as instances of this class. During BSON and JSON serialization, instances of this class will serialize as a document type (:php:`object casting <types.type-juggling#language.types.typecasting>` is used internally). .. _php-type-map: Type Maps --------- Most methods that read data from MongoDB support a ``typeMap`` option, which allows control over how BSON is converted to PHP. Additionally, the :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Client`, :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Database`, and :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Collection` classes accept a ``typeMap`` option, which can be used to specify a default type map to apply to any supporting methods and selected classes (e.g. :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Client::selectDatabase()`). The :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Client`, :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Database`, and :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Collection` classes use the following type map by default: .. code-block:: php [ 'array' => 'MongoDB\Model\BSONArray', 'document' => 'MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument', 'root' => 'MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument', ] The type map above will convert BSON documents and arrays to :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Model\\BSONDocument` and :phpclass:`MongoDB\\Model\\BSONArray` objects, respectively. The ``root`` and ``document`` keys are used to distinguish the top-level BSON document from embedded documents, respectively. A type map may specify any class that implements :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Unserializable <mongodb-bson-unserializable>` as well as ``"array"``, ``"stdClass``", and ``"object"`` (``"stdClass``" and ``"object"`` are aliases of one another). .. seealso:: :php:`Deserialization from BSON <manual/en/mongodb.persistence.deserialization.php>` in the PHP manual ``Persistable`` Classes ----------------------- The driver's :php:`persistence specification <mongodb.persistence>` outlines how classes implementing its :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Persistable <mongodb-bson-persistable>` interface are serialized to and deserialized from BSON. The :php:`Persistable <mongodb-bson-persistable>` interface is analogous to PHP's :php:`Serializable interface <class.serializable>`. The driver automatically handles serialization and deserialization for classes implementing the :php:`Persistable <mongodb-bson-persistable>` interface without requiring the use of the ``typeMap`` option. This is done by encoding the name of the PHP class in a special property within the BSON document. .. note:: When deserializing a PHP variable from BSON, the encoded class name of a :php:`Persistable <mongodb-bson-persistable>` object will override any class specified in the type map, but it will not override ``"array"`` and ``"stdClass"`` or ``"object"``. This is discussed in the :php:`persistence specification <mongodb.persistence>` but it bears repeating. Consider the following class definition: .. code-block:: php <?php class Person implements MongoDB\BSON\Persistable { private $id; private $name; private $createdAt; public function __construct($name) { $this->id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId; $this->name = (string) $name; $this->createdAt = new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime; } function bsonSerialize() { return [ '_id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'createdAt' => $this->createdAt, ]; } function bsonUnserialize(array $data) { $this->id = $data['_id']; $this->name = $data['name']; $this->createdAt = $data['createdAt']; } } The following example constructs a ``Person`` object, inserts it into the database, and reads it back as an object of the same type: .. code-block:: php <?php $collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->persons; $result = $collection->insertOne(new Person('Bob')); $person = $collection->findOne(['_id' => $result->getInsertedId()]); var_dump($person); The output would then resemble: .. code-block:: none object(Person)#18 (3) { ["id":"Person":private]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId)#15 (1) { ["oid"]=> string(24) "56fad2c36118fd2e9820cfc1" } ["name":"Person":private]=> string(3) "Bob" ["createdAt":"Person":private]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#17 (1) { ["milliseconds"]=> int(1459278531218) } } The same document in the MongoDB shell might display as: .. code-block:: js { "_id" : ObjectId("56fad2c36118fd2e9820cfc1"), "__pclass" : BinData(128,"UGVyc29u"), "name" : "Bob", "createdAt" : ISODate("2016-03-29T19:08:51.218Z") } .. note:: :php:`MongoDB\\BSON\\Persistable <mongodb-bson-persistable>` may only be used for root and embedded BSON documents. It may not be used for BSON arrays. Emulating the Legacy Driver --------------------------- The legacy :php:`mongo extension <mongo>` returned both BSON documents and arrays as PHP arrays. While PHP arrays are convenient to work with, this behavior was problematic: - Different BSON types could deserialize to the same PHP value (e.g. ``{"0": "foo"}`` and ``["foo"]``), which made it impossible to infer the original BSON type. - Numerically-indexed PHP arrays would be serialized as BSON documents if there was a gap in their key sequence. Such gaps were easily caused by unsetting a key to remove an element and forgetting to numerically reindex the array. The |php-library|'s :phpclass:`BSONDocument <MongoDB\\Model\\BSONDocument>` and :phpclass:`BSONArray <MongoDB\\Model\\BSONArray>` classes address these concerns by preserving the BSON type information during serialization and deserialization; however, some users may still prefer the legacy behavior. If desired, you can use the ``typeMap`` option to have the library return everything as a PHP array: .. code-block:: php <?php $client = new MongoDB\Client( 'mongodb://', [], [ 'typeMap' => [ 'array' => 'array', 'document' => 'array', 'root' => 'array', ], ] ); $document = $client->test->zips->findOne(['_id' => '94301']); var_dump($document); The above example would output something similar to: .. code-block:: php array(5) { ["_id"]=> string(5) "94301" ["city"]=> string(9) "PALO ALTO" ["loc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> float(-122.149685) [1]=> float(37.444324) } ["pop"]=> int(15965) ["state"]=> string(2) "CA" }