ref: error-driver-bulkwriteexception
content: |
<mongodb-driver-exception-bulkwriteexception>` for errors related to the write
operation. Users should inspect the value returned by :php:`getWriteResult()
<mongodb-driver-writeexception.getwriteresult>` to determine the nature of the
ref: error-driver-invalidargumentexception
content: |
<mongodb-driver-exception-invalidargumentexception>` for errors related to the
parsing of parameters or options at the driver level.
ref: error-driver-runtimeexception
content: |
<mongodb-driver-exception-runtimeexception>` for other errors at the driver
level (e.g. connection errors).
ref: error-badmethodcallexception-write-result
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\Exception\\BadMethodCallException` if this method is
called and the write operation used an unacknowledged :manual:`write concern
ref: error-invalidargumentexception
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException` for errors related to
the parsing of parameters or options.
ref: error-unexpectedvalueexception
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\Exception\\UnexpectedValueException` if the command
response from the server was malformed.
ref: error-unsupportedexception
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\Exception\\UnsupportedException` if options are used and
not supported by the selected server (e.g. ``collation``, ``readConcern``,
ref: error-gridfs-filenotfoundexception
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\GridFS\\Exception\\FileNotFoundException` if no file was
found for the selection criteria.
ref: error-gridfs-corruptfileexception
content: |
:phpclass:`MongoDB\\GridFS\\Exception\\CorruptFileException` if the file's
metadata or chunk documents contain unexpected or invalid data.