arg_name: option
name: allowDiskUse
type: boolean
description: |
Enables writing to temporary files. When set to ``true``, aggregation stages
can write data to the ``_tmp`` sub-directory in the ``dbPath`` directory. The
default is ``false``.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: batchSize
type: integer
description: |
Specifies the initial batch size for the cursor. A batchSize of ``0`` means an
empty first batch and is useful for quickly returning a cursor or failure
message without doing significant server-side work.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml
ref: bypassDocumentValidation
post: |
This only applies when using the :ref:`$out <agg-out>` and
:ref:`$out <agg-merge>` stages.
Document validation requires MongoDB 3.2 or later: if you are using an earlier
version of MongoDB, this option will be ignored.
arg_name: option
name: comment
type: string
description: |
Users can specify an arbitrary string to help trace the operation through the
database profiler, currentOp, and logs.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: explain
type: boolean
description: |
Specifies whether or not to return the information on the processing of the
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: hint
type: string|array|object
description: |
The index to use. Specify either the index name as a string or the index key
pattern as a document. If specified, then the query system will only consider
plans using the hinted index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true