arg_name: option
name: unique
type: boolean
description: |
Creates a :manual:`unique </core/index-unique>` index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml
ref: collation
pre: |
Specifies the :manual:`collation
</reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#collation>` for the index.
arg_name: option
name: partialFilterExpression
type: array|object
description: |
Creates a :manual:`partial </core/index-partial>` index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: sparse
type: boolean
description: |
Creates a :manual:`sparse </core/index-sparse>` index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: expireAfterSeconds
type: integer
description: |
Creates a :manual:`TTL </core/index-ttl>` index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
file: apiargs-common-option.yaml
ref: maxTimeMS
post: |
.. versionadded:: 1.3
arg_name: option
name: name
type: string
description: |
A name that uniquely identifies the index. By default, MongoDB creates index
names based on the key.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: background
type: string
description: |
Instructs MongoDB to build the index :manual:`as a background
</core/index-creation>` process.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
arg_name: option
name: 2dsphereIndexVersion
type: integer
description: |
Overrides the server's default version for a :manual:`2dsphere
</core/2dsphere>` index.
interface: phpmethod
operation: ~
optional: true
file: apiargs-common-option.yaml
ref: session
post: |
.. versionadded:: 1.3
file: apiargs-MongoDBCollection-common-option.yaml
ref: writeConcern
post: |
This is not supported for server versions prior to 3.4 and will result in an
exception at execution time if used.