use SKien\VCard\VCard;
use SKien\VCard\VCardContact;
require_once 'autoloader.php';
echo '<!DOCTYPE html>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<html lang="de">' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<head><title>vCard Importtest Display</title>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</head>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<body>' . PHP_EOL;
$strFilename = 'test.vcf';
$strEncoding = 'Windows-1252';
if (isset($_FILES['vcfFile']) && $_FILES['vcfFile']['tmp_name'] != '') {
// to test different own files use ImportSelect.html...)
$strFilename = $_FILES['vcfFile']['tmp_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['encoding'])) {
$strEncoding = $_REQUEST['encoding'];
// create object and read file
$oVCard = new VCard();
$iCC = $oVCard->read($strFilename);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iCC; $i++) {
// iterate to importetd contacts
$oContact = $oVCard->getContact($i);
echo '<h1>' . $oContact->getName() . '</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
$strPortraitBlob = $oContact->getPortraitBlob();
if (strlen($strPortraitBlob) > 0 ) {
echo '<img style="float: right; margin: 0px 20px;" src="' . $strPortraitBlob . '">' . PHP_EOL;
// just save image as blob in db table ...
// ... or may create file on server (it's on you to set appropriate path and filename)
$oContact->savePortrait('myimage' . ($i + 1));
echo $oContact->getPrefix() . '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo $oContact->getLastName() . ', ' . $oContact->getFirstName() . '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Nickname: ' . $oContact->getNickName() . '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
// echo 'Birthday: ' . $oContact->getDateOfBirth(VCardContact::DT_STRING, 'd.m.Y') . '<br/><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$dtdoB = $oContact->getDateOfBirth(VCardContact::DT_OBJECT);
echo 'Birthday: ' . ($dtdoB !== null ? $dtdoB->format('d.m.Y') : '') . '<br/><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Company: ' . $oContact->getOrganisation() . '<br/><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$iHP = $oContact->getHomepageCount();
for ($j = 0; $j < $iHP; $j++) {
echo 'Homepage: ' . $oContact->getHomepage($j) . '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
// test iterating through all addresses
$iAC = $oContact->getAddressCount();
for ($j = 0; $j < $iAC; $j++) {
$oAddress = $oContact->getAddress($j);
echo '<div style="width: ' . (100.0/$iAC) . '%; float: left;">' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' <b>Address: ' . $oAddress->getType() . '</b><br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getStr() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getPostcode() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCity() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getRegion() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCountry() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
// test for direct access via type
echo '<div style="clear: both;"><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$oAddress = $oContact->getAddress(VCard::WORK);
if ($oAddress) {
echo '<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' <b>Address at Work:</b><br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getStr() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getPostcode() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCity() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getRegion() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCountry() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$oAddress = $oContact->getAddress(VCard::HOME);
if ($oAddress) {
echo '<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' <b>Address at Home:</b><br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getStr() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getPostcode() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCity() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo ' ' . $oAddress->getRegion() . ' ' . $oAddress->getCountry() . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
// phonenumbers
echo '<div style="clear: both;"><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<b>Phonenumbers:</b><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$iPC = $oContact->getPhoneCount();
for ($j = 0; $j < $iPC; $j++) {
$aPhone = $oContact->getPhone($j);
echo $aPhone['strType'] . ': ' . $aPhone['strPhone'] . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
// mailaddresses
echo '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<b>e-Mailaddresses:</b><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$iPC = $oContact->getEMailCount();
for ($j = 0; $j < $iPC; $j++) {
echo 'Mail' . ($j+1) . ': ' . $oContact->getEMail($j) . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
$strNote = $oContact->getNote();
if (strlen($strNote) > 0 )
echo '<b>Annotation (may contain multiline value)</b><br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<textarea cols="80" rows="5">' . $strNote . '</textarea>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '<br/>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</body>' . PHP_EOL;
echo '</html>' . PHP_EOL;