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Classes of Moamen Eltouny | Laravel PHP Human Readable Number | | Download |
![]() [RaggiTech] Laravel >= 6.0 - Readable.
Laravel Readable provides a quick and easy functions & blade directives.
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UsageReadable has the following methods & directives: - ReadableNumber() - ReadableHumanNumber() - ReadableDecimal() - ReadableDate() - ReadableTime() - ReadableDateTime() - ReadableDiffDateTime() - ReadableTimeLength() - ReadableDateTimeLength() - ReadableSize() <a name="ReadableNumber"></a> ReadableNumber (int $number)1,020,304,050,607,080<a name="ReadableHumanNumber"></a> ReadableHumanNumber (int $number, bool $showDecimal = false, int $decimals = 0)77K || 77.4K || 77.37K<a name="ReadableDecimal"></a> ReadableDecimal ($number, int $decimals = 2)60,708.54<a name="ReadableDate"></a> ReadableDate ($date, string $timezone = null)> $date = '24-04-2020' || Carbon Instance 24 April 2020<a name="ReadableTime"></a> ReadableTime ($time, $is12Hours = false, bool $hasSeconds = false, string $timezone = null)> $time = '15:20:22' || Carbon Instance Has Seconds 15:20:22 || 03:20:22 PMHasn't Seconds 15:20 || 03:20 PM<a name="ReadableDateTime"></a> ReadableDateTime ($datetime, $is12Hours = false, bool $hasSeconds = false, string $timezone = null)> $datetime = '24-04-2020 17:20:32' || Carbon Instance 12Hours + Has Seconds => Friday, April 24, 2020 05:20:32 PM<a name="ReadableDiffDateTime"></a> ReadableDiffDateTime ($oldDateTime, $newDateTime = null, string $timezone = null)> $oldDateTime = '24-04-2020 17:20:32' || Carbon Instance > $newDateTime = '24-04-2020 17:20:32' || Carbon Instance || null (now) 27 years before<a name="ReadableTimeLength"></a> ReadableTimeLength (int $seconds, string $comma = ' ')4 years 7 months 1 week 3 days 9 hours 50 minutes 10 secondsComma => 4 years - 7 months - 1 week - 3 days - 9 hours - 50 minutes - 10 seconds<a name="ReadableDateTimeLength"></a> ReadableDateTimeLength ($oldDateTime, $newDateTime = null, bool $fullForm = false, string $comma = ' ', string $timezone = null)> $oldDateTime = '24-04-2020 17:20:32' || Carbon Instance > $newDateTime = '24-04-2020 17:20:32' || Carbon Instance || null (now) Short-Form => 27 years beforeFull-Form + Comma => 27 years - 1 week - 7 minutes - 7 seconds before<a name="ReadableSize"></a> ReadableSize (int $bytes)70 GBLicense |