* @author Jonathan Gotti <jgotti at jgotti dot org>
* @copyleft (l) 2008 Jonathan Gotti
* @package class-db
* @file
* @since 2008-04
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php GNU Lesser General Public License
* @svnInfos:
* - $LastChangedDate: 2009-04-30 01:00:12 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) $
* - $LastChangedRevision: 127 $
* - $LastChangedBy: malko $
* - $HeadURL: http://trac.jgotti.net/svn/class-db/trunk/adapters/class-sqlite3db.php $
* @changelog
* - 2008-07-29 - suppress a bug to avoid some error while trying to destroy twice the same last_qres.
* @todo add transactions support
* exented db class to use with sqlite3 databases.
* require php sqlite3 extension to work
* @class sqlite3db
class sqlite3db extends db{
public $autocreate= TRUE;
public $db_file = '';
public $_protect_fldname = "'";
* create a sqlitedb object for managing locale data
* if DATA_PATH is define will force access in this directory
* @param string $Db_file
* @return sqlitedb object
function __construct($db_file){
$this->host = 'localhost';
$this->db_file = $db_file;
$this->conn = &$this->db; # only for better compatibility with other db implementation
/** open connection to database */
function open(){
//prevent multiple db open
return $this->db;
if(! $this->db_file )
return FALSE;
if(! (is_file($this->db_file) || $this->autocreate) )
return FALSE;
if( $this->db = sqlite3_open($this->db_file)){
return $this->db;
return FALSE;
/** close connection to previously opened database */
function close(){
if( !is_null($this->db) ){
$this->last_qres = null;
$this->db = null;
* check and activate db connection
* @param string $action (active, kill, check) active by default
* @return bool
function check_conn($action = ''){
if(! $this->db){
if($action !== 'active')
return $action==='kill'?true:false;
return $this->open()===false?false:true;
$this->db = null;
return true;
* take a resource result set and return an array of type 'ASSOC','NUM','BOTH'
* @param resource $result_set
* @param string $result_type in 'ASSOC','NUM','BOTH'
function fetch_res($result_set,$result_type='ASSOC'){
$result_type = strtoupper($result_type);
if(! in_array($result_type,array('NUM','ASSOC','BOTH')) )
$result_type = 'ASSOC';
unset($res[count($res)-1]);//unset last empty row
unset($res[count($res)-1]);//unset last empty row
$res[] = array_merge($row,array_values($row));
if( empty($res) )
return $this->last_q2a_res = false;
$this->num_rows = count($res);
return $this->last_q2a_res = $res;
function last_insert_id(){
return $this->db?sqlite3_last_insert_rowid($this->db):FALSE;
* perform a query on the database
* @param string $Q_str
* @return result id or bool depend on the query type| FALSE
function query($Q_str){
if(! $this->db ){
if(! (db::$autoconnect && $this->open()) )
return FALSE;
if($this->last_qres){#- close unclosed previous qres
$this->last_qres = null;
if( preg_match('!^\s*select!i',$Q_str) ){
$this->last_qres = sqlite3_query($this->db,$Q_str);
$res = $this->last_qres;
$res = sqlite3_exec($this->db,$Q_str);
if(! $res)
return $res;
* perform a query on the database like query but return the affected_rows instead of result
* give a most suitable answer on query such as INSERT OR DELETE
* Be aware that delete without where clause can return 0 even if several rows were deleted that's a sqlite bug!
* i will add a workaround when i'll get some time! (use get_count before and after such query)
* @param string $Q_str
* @return int affected_rows
function query_affected_rows($Q_str){
if(! $this->query($Q_str) )
return FALSE;
return sqlite3_changes($this->db);
* return the list of field in $table
* @param string $table name of the sql table to work on
* @param bool $extended_info if true will return the result of a show field query in a query_to_array fashion
* (indexed by fieldname instead of int if false)
* @return array
function list_table_fields($table,$extended_info=FALSE){
# Try the simple method
if( (! $extended_info) && $res = $this->query_to_array("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 0,1")){
return array_keys($res[0]);
}else{ # There 's no row in this table so we try an alternate method or we want extended infos
if(! $fields = $this->query_to_array("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name ='$table'") )
return FALSE;
# get fields from the create query
$flds_str = $fields[0]['sql'];
$flds_str = substr($flds_str,strpos($flds_str,'('));
$type = "((?:[a-z]+)\s*(?:\(\s*\d+\s*(?:,\s*\d+\s*)?\))?)?\s*";
$default = '(?:DEFAULT\s+((["\']).*?(?<!\\\\)\\4|[^\s,]+))?\s*';
if( preg_match_all('/(\w+)\s+'.$type.$default.'[^,]*(,|\))/i',$flds_str,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER) ){
$default = 'DEFAULT\s+((["\'])(.*?)(?<!\\\\)\\2|\S+)';
foreach($m as $v){
list($field,$name,$type,$default) = $v;
# print_r($field);
$res[] = $name;
$res[$name] = array('Field'=>$name,'Type'=>$type,'Null'=>'YES','Key'=>'','Default'=>$default,'Extra'=>'');
if( preg_match("!($key)!i",$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Key'] = $n[1];
if( preg_match("!($Extra)!i",$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Extra'] = $n[1];
if( preg_match('!(NO)T\s+NULL!i',$field,$n))
$res[$name]['Null'] = $n[1];
return $res;
return FALSE;
* get the table list
* @return array
function list_tables(){
if(! $tables = $this->query_to_array('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\'') )
return FALSE;
foreach($tables as $v){
$ret[] = $v['name'];
return $ret;
/** Verifier si cette methode peut s'appliquer a SQLite * /
function show_table_keys($table){}
* optimize table statement query
* @param string $table name of the table to optimize
* @return bool
function optimize($table){
return $this->vacuum($table);
* sqlitedb specific method to use the vacuum statement (used as replacement for mysql optimize statements)
* you should use db::optimize() method instead for better portability
* @param string $table_or_index name of table or index to vacuum
* @return bool
function vacuum($table_or_index){
return $this->query("VACUUM $table_or_index;");
* base method you should replace this one in the extended class, to use the appropriate escape func regarding the database implementation
* @param string $quotestyle (both/single/double) which type of quote to escape
* @return str
function escape_string($string,$quotestyle='both'){
if( function_exists('sqlite_escape_string') ){
$string = sqlite_escape_string($string);
$string = str_replace("''","'",$string); #- no quote escaped so will work like with no sqlite_escape_string available
$escapes = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a", "\x09","\\");
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z' , '\t', "\\\\");
case 'double':
case 'd':
case '"':
$escapes[] = '"';
$replace[] = '\"';
case 'single':
case 's':
case "'":
$escapes[] = "'";
$replace[] = "''";
case 'both':
case 'b':
case '"\'':
case '\'"':
$escapes[] = '"';
$replace[] = '\"';
$escapes[] = "'";
$replace[] = "''";
return str_replace($escapes,$replace,$string);
function error_no(){
$this->verbose('sqlite3 driver doesn\'t support this method',__function__,1);
function error_str($errno=null){
return sqlite3_error($this->db);
protected function set_error($callingfunc=null){
static $i=0;
if(! $this->db ){
$this->error[$i] = '[ERROR] No Db Handler';
$this->error[$i] = $this->error_str();
$this->last_error = $this->error[$i];