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File: fwphp/glomodul/oraedoop/enter_tab_emul/enter_tab_emul.php

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  Classes of Slavko Srakocic   B12 PHP FW   fwphp/glomodul/oraedoop/enter_tab_emul/enter_tab_emul.php   Download  
File: fwphp/glomodul/oraedoop/enter_tab_emul/enter_tab_emul.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: B12 PHP FW
Manage database records with a PDO CRUD interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of fwphp/glomodul/oraedoop/enter_tab_emul/enter_tab_emul.php
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 6,272 bytes


Class file image Download
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="hr" lang="hr">
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<style type="text/css">
    body {
        margin-left: 100px;
        margin-right: 30px;
<script type="text/javascript">

function RetAsTabFfox(obj,e) {
// poziv: .' onkeypress="return RetAsTabFfox(this,event)"'
   if(! window.event) // not I E:
   { //alert('Pritisnut je ENTER');
       var e=(typeof event!='undefined')?window.event:e;// IE : Moz
         var ele = document.forms[0].elements;
         for(var i=0;i<ele.length;i++)
           var q=(i==ele.length-1)?0:i+1;
           // if last element : if any other
      return false;
  } // e n d not I E

} // e n d f n

function RetAsTabIE() {
// poziv: .' onKeyDown="return RetAsTabIE()"'
     //var key;
     if(window.event) // I E:
     { //alert('IEEEEE Pritisnut je ENTER');
        //key = window.event.keyCode;
        //if(key==13){window.event.keyCode=9; return 9};
        if(event.keyCode==13){event.keyCode=9; return event.keyCode};
} // e n d f n

   function go_item(p_event, p_fldid_go) {
    // radi u MS IE i FFox-u i ...
        if( p_event.keyCode==13 ) {
            var vgo_item = document.getElementById(p_fldid_go);
    //document.write("ispisao JS script u head-u stranice (i slcicu strelice).");
function moveEnter() {
   if ( (event.which && event.which == 13)
       || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13))
   { event.keyCode=9; }
//in aspx.cs:
// CtrlTextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "javascript:moveEnter();");




$wai = 'fn='. __FUNCTION__ .'()'
.' file=' . __FILE__ . "\n".'cls=' .__CLASS__ .'';
$t1 = "";
//$charset = 'utf-8'; //'windows-1250'; //'ISO-8859-2';
$save_gif = '../view/rc/save.gif';
//$save_gif = realpath(FWPATH . 'view/rc/save.gif');
    //nece ovo: H:\dev_web\htdocs\fw\view\rc\save.gif
    // <title>D:\dev_web\htdocs\oci8test.php</title>
$frm_action = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ;

$t1 .= <<<EOTXT
Izaberite tip dokumenta
<h2>Tipovi dokumenata</h2>

<form name="tipdoc" method="post" action="

<table style="width: 40%; border: 1px solid green;">

TOOLBAR1 id="f1" tabindex="1111" onkeyup="go_item(event,'f2')"
<!--*****END TOOLBAR1*****-->

TOOLBAR2 nece ovo: H:\dev_web\htdocs\fw\view\rc\save.gif
hoce ovo: view/rc/save.gif

<th style="background: lightgray;" colspan="3" >

    <form name=frm_numrows" method="post" action="
   <input class="right" type="text" name="numrows" id="idnumrows"
          value="100" size="5" maxlength="15"
          /> redaka &nbsp; |< &nbsp; < &nbsp; > &nbsp; >|

  <img src="
$save_gif" alt="$save_gif" border="0"
       align="right" valign="bottom" />

<!--*****END TOOLBAR2*****-->

<th style="background: lightgreen;" colspan="3" >

           Izbornik dokumenata (i promjene)

<tr><td> </td><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr>


  //$c = oci_connect("hr", "hr", "localhost/XE");
$c = oci_connect("mercedes", "m1", "localhost/XE");
$s = oci_parse($c, "select SIFRA_TIP_DOC, OPIS
                      from T_TIP_DOC order by OPIS"
//while (($row = $this->utl->oget('db')->row()) != false)
while ( ($row = oci_fetch_array($s, OCI_ASSOC)) != false)
            if (
0) { echo '<pre> oci_fetch_array($s, OCI_ASSOC)=' ;
print_r($row); echo '</pre>'; }
$t1 .= "<tr>";
$t1 .= '<td class="right" width="5%">'. (++$ii) . "</td>";
$jj; $t1 .= '<td width="5%">'.'<input type="text"'
.' name="SIFRA_TIP_DOC"'
.' class="right"'
.' size="3" maxlength="3"'
.' value="'.htmlentities($row['SIFRA_TIP_DOC']) .'"'
.' id="f'.$ii.'_'.$jj.'" tabindex="'.$ii.'"'
//." onkeyup=\"go_item(event,'f00$jj')\" "
.' onKeyDown="return RetAsTabIE()"'
.' onkeypress="return RetAsTabFfox(this,event)"'
.' />'
//.'onKeyPress="return event.keyCode!=13">'
            //.'onKeyPress="If (event.keyCode=13) return 9;">'
++$jj; $t1 .= '<td width="50%">'.'<input type="text"'
.' name="OPIS"'
.' size="30" maxlength="30"'
//.' class="right"'
.' value="' //.htmlentities($row['OPIS'])
            //.($row['OPIS']?htmlspecialchars($row['OPIS']):' ')
.' id="f'.$ii.'_'.$jj.'" tabindex="'.$ii.'"'
//." onkeyup=\"go_item(event,'f00$jj')\" "
.' onKeyDown="return RetAsTabIE()"'
.' onkeypress="return RetAsTabFfox(this,event)"'
.' />'
$t1 .= " </tr>";
// e n d w h i l e
$t1 .= "</table></form>";
$t1 .= ' <script type="text/javascript">
  //$this->pageContent = $t1;
echo $t1;
if (0) { print "<pre>\n"
. $wai . ' lin='. __LINE__ ."\n"
. '$pgcrepars[\'ctrklasa\']=________' //."\n"
.$pgcrepars['ctrklasa']; //. $this->pageContent
echo '</pre>'; }
