//vendor_namesp_prefix \ processing (behavior) \ cls dir (POSITIONAL part of ns, CAREFULLY !)
namespace B12phpfw\dbadapter\post_comment ;
use B12phpfw\core\b12phpfw\Config_allsites as utl ;
use B12phpfw\core\b12phpfw\Db_allsites as utldb ;
use B12phpfw\dbadapter\post_comment\Tbl_crud as Tbl_crud_post_comment ;
//use B12phpfw\module\blog\Home_ctr ;
// 1. S U B M I T E D A C T I O N S
// 2. R E A D D B T B L R O W S see below
// 3. G U I (FRM) to get user action
//$title = 'Comments';
//require_once $pp1->shares_path . '/hdr.php'; //require
<!-- HEADER -->
<!-- HEADER END -->
<!-- Main Area -->
<main class="container">
<div class="grid">
<!--h4>Manage Comments</h4-->
echo utl::msg_err_succ(__FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__);
<!-- ********************** -->
<br /><h2 class="bg-dark">Un-Approved Comments</h2>
<!-- ********************** -->
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th>No. </th><th>Date&Time</th><th>Name</th><th>Comment</th><th>Appr</th><th>Del</th><th>Post</th>
$cursor_comments = Tbl_crud_post_comment::get_cursor( $pp1
, $dmlrr='*'
, $qrywhere="status='OFF' or status < '0' ORDER BY datetime desc"
, $binds=[], $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ]
) ;
$SrNo = 0;
while ( $rcomment_disappr = utldb::rrnext( $cursor_comments
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ] ) and $rcomment_disappr->rexists ):
$SrNo++; ?>
<td><?php echo self::escp($SrNo); ?></td>
<td><?php echo self::escp($rcomment_disappr->datetime); ?></td>
<td><?php echo self::escp($rcomment_disappr->name); ?></td>
switch (utldb::getdbi()) {
case 'oracle' : echo self::escp($rcomment_disappr->commenttxt); break;
default: echo self::escp($rcomment_disappr->comment); break;
<!-- Approve -->
<a title="Set status=ON"
class="btn btn-success"><?=$rcomment_disappr->id?></a>
<a id="erase_row" class="btn btn-danger"
title = "Delete row id <?=$rcomment_disappr->id?>"
onclick="var yes ; yes = jsmsgyn('Erase row <?=$rcomment_disappr->id?>?','') ;
if (yes == '1') { location.href= '<?=$pp1->ldd_comments.$rcomment_disappr->id?>/'; }"
<!-- See Post -->
<td style="min-width:140px;"> <a class="btn btn-primary"
title = "Show post id <?=$rcomment_disappr->post_id?>"
href="<?=$pp1->read_post?>id/<?=$rcomment_disappr->post_id?>" target="_blank">
} endwhile; ?>
<!-- ********************** -->
<h2 class="bg-dark">Approved Comments</h2>
<!-- ********************** -->
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th>No. </th><th>Date&Time</th><th>Name</th><th>Comment</th><th>ApprBy</th><th>Disapp</th><th></th><th>Post</th>
$cursor_comments = Tbl_crud_post_comment::get_cursor( $pp1
, $dmlrr='*'
, $qrywhere="status='ON' or status < '0' ORDER BY datetime desc"
, $binds=[], $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ]
) ;
$SrNo = 0;
while ( $rcomment_appr = utldb::rrnext( $cursor_comments
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ] ) and $rcomment_appr->rexists ):
<td><?php echo self::escp($SrNo); ?></td>
<td><?php echo self::escp($rcomment_appr->datetime); ?></td>
<td><?php echo self::escp($rcomment_appr->name); ?></td>
switch (utldb::getdbi()) {
case 'oracle' : echo self::escp($rcomment_appr->commenttxt); break;
default: echo self::escp($rcomment_appr->comment); break;
<td><?php echo self::escp($rcomment_appr->approvedby); ?></td>
<!-- DisAprove -->
<td style="min-width:140px;">
<a title="Set status=OFF"
class="btn btn-warning"> <?=$rcomment_appr->id?> </a>
<!-- go to Post page -->
<td style="min-width:140px;"> <a class="btn btn-primary"
href="<?=$pp1->read_post?>id/<?=$rcomment_appr->post_id?>" target="_blank">
<?=$rcomment_appr->post_id?></a> </td>
} endwhile; ?>
</div><!-- class="grid" -->
</main><!-- Main Area End -->
<?php //require $pp1->shares_path . '/ftr.php'; ?>
//$sql = "S ELECT * FROM comments WHERE s tatus='ON' ORDER BY datetime desc";
//$this->p repareSQL($sql); $this->e xecute();;
//w hile ($rcom_approved = $this->f etchNext())
//$sql = "S ELECT * FROM comments WHERE s tatus='O FF' or s tatus < '0' ORDER BY datetime desc";
//$this->p repareSQL($sql); $this->e xecute();;
//while ($rcom_approved = $this->f etchNext())