// J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\kalendar\inc\
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/blog/?i/J:|awww|www|fwphp|glomodul|kalendar|inc|kalendar_flex
//if (!defined('URLMODUL_CSS')) { define('URLMODUL_CSS', $module_relpath.'/css'); }
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/blog/index.php?i/read_ post/id/54 - error
namespace B12phpfw ;
use B12phpfw\core\b12phpfw\Db_allsites as utldb ;
use B12phpfw\dbadapter\post\Tbl_crud as Tbl_crud_post ;
use B12phpfw\module\user\Home_ctr ;
//switch (utldb::getdbi()) { case 'oracle' : $tmp_datetime = 'DATETIME2' ; break;
$tmp_datetime = 'datetime' ;
//break; }
$css_files = ["/vendor/b12phpfw/themes/read_msg_tbl_kalendar_flex.css"];
$_from_ymd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cal_yyyy_mm = date('Y-m', strtotime($_from_ymd)); // yyyy-mm $this->_from_ymd
$cal_monthname_yyyy = date('F Y', strtotime($_from_ymd)); // F = month name
$_m1 =10; $_y1 =2019;
$_m1week1d1=3; //or <article class="calendar tuesday days31"><h1><!-- eg October 2019 -->...
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!--link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/examples.css" /-->
<title>Poruke kalendar</title>
foreach ( $css_files as $fmtf ): ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,projection" href="<?=$fmtf?>"/>
<?php endforeach; //href="/fwphp/glomodul/post/read_msg_tbl_kalendar_flex.css" />
<!-- article class="calendar friday days30"><h1>November 2019</h1 -->
<div class="calendar tuesday days31"><h3><!-- eg October 2019 -->
<?=$cal_yyyy_mm . ' ('. $cal_monthname_yyyy .')'?></h3>
<ul><!-- class="days" -->
<!-- Start n e w ordered list style="list-style-type: none;" -->
<ol class="nonum" style="list-style: none;">
// Create t a b l e markup
//$ii=1; while ($ii<32): echo '<li><br />{{'. ($ii++) .'}}</li>'; endwhile;
//<!--li><br />{{12345}}<br />{{12345}}<br />{{12345}}<br />{{12345}}</li-->
//all calendar d a y s in m o n t h and their r o w s
for ( $iimonthday = 1 ; //expr1 executed once unconditionally at loop begin. Or: ,$x=1,...
$iimonthday <= $_daysInMonth ; //expr2 is evaluated at iteration begin
++$iimonthday ) : //expr3 is evaluated at iteration end
$dkal = str_pad($iimonthday, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) ;
//Build opening and closing list item tags (according r o w content !!)
//$listart = "<li>"; $liend = "</li>"; // \n\t\t
$rows_sameday_str = '' ; //was NULL
//$rows_sameday_str .= '<b> $dkal='. $dkal .' </b>' ; //f o r testing
//mysql substr begins with 1 (is php +1)
//$qrywhere = "datetime LIKE :yyyymm and SUBSTRING(datetime,9,2) = :dkal" ;
$cursor_filtered_posts = Tbl_crud_post::get_cursor( $pp1
, $dmlrr="*"
, $qrywhere="$tmp_datetime LIKE :yyyymm and SUBSTR($tmp_datetime,9,2) = :dkal ORDER BY $tmp_datetime desc"
, $binds=
['placeh'=>':yyyymm', 'valph'=>'%'.'2019-10'.'%', 'tip'=>'str']
,['placeh'=>':dkal', 'valph'=>$dkal, 'tip'=>'str']
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ]
) ;
//if (!($rx = $this->rrnext($cursor_filtered_posts)))
if ( $rx = utldb::rrnext( $cursor_filtered_posts
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ] ) and !$rx->rexists )
if ('') {self::jsmsg( [ //b asename(__FILE__).
__METHOD__ .', line '. __LINE__ .' SAYS'=>' : '
] ) ; }
//{/ datetime/ :false
// ,/ 0/ :false
//} ]
echo '<li style="list-style-type:none;" class="nonum">'.$rows_sameday_str
.' no posts</li>'.'<br />';
} else
//Created date from strtotime("2019-10-09 12:00:00") is 2019-10-09 12:00:00
$today_mmabr = substr(date("l"),0,3);
//try { $post_date = n ew \DateTime($rx->$tmp_datetime);
try { $post_date = new \DateTime($rx->datetime);
} catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); exit(1); }
$post_ddabr = substr($post_date->format('l'),0,3);
$rows_sameday_str .= "Posts: $post_ddabr<br />" ; //f o r testing
//still not l a s t r o w in m o n t h
// **********************************************************
// D a y h e a d e r - 1st r o w in d a y
// **********************************************************
$dtbl = substr($rx->datetime,8,2) ;
if( $iimonthday !== (int)$dtbl ) {
$rows_sameday_str .= ' $dtbl='. $dtbl .' notMMM '.$post_ddabr."<br />" ; //f o r testing
} else //day in calender = day in tbl : read p o s t s of that day
//$rows_sameday_str .= '<b> $dtbl='. $dtbl .' </b>MMM '.$post_ddabr."<br />" ;
//. ', $_m1week1d1='.$_m1week1d1. '< $iimonthday='.$iimonthday
//.', $_d aysInMonth='.$_d aysInMonth
// **********************************************************
// D a y p o s t s
// **********************************************************
//for ( ; //expr1 executed once unconditionally at loop begin.
// substr($rx->datetime,8,2) == $dtbl ; //expr2 is evaluated at iteration begin
// $rx = $this->f etchNext() ) : //, ++$iimonthday expr3 is evaluated at iteration end
while ( substr($rx->datetime,8,2) == $dtbl ): //eg 2019-10-07 from 0
//$link="<a href=\"{$pp1->read_post}id/$rx->id\">{$rx->title}</a>"
$link="<a href=\"{$pp1->posts}\">{$rx->title}</a>"
.' '. substr($rx->datetime,11,5)
//strtotime($rx->datetime); // = string to date eg '2019-10-03 15:16:17'
try { $post_date = new \DateTime($rx->datetime);
} catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); exit(1); }
$post_ddabr = substr($post_date->format('l'),0,3);
$rows_sameday_str .= " $link "; //DDD$post_ddabr \n\t\t\t
//if ( !($rx = $this->rrnext($cursor_filtered_posts)) ) {break;}
if ( $rx = utldb::rrnext( $cursor_filtered_posts
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ] ) and !$rx->rexists )
{break;} ;
} endwhile; //all same day r o w s
//e cho $listart . $rows_sameday_str . $liend.'<br />'; // . $date . $wrap
echo '<li style="list-style-type:none;" class="nonum"> '
. ' '. $rows_sameday_str.' </li>'.'<br />'; // . $date . $wrap
} //day in calender = day in tbl : read p o s t s of that day
} //not last r o w in m o n t h
} endfor; //all calendar d a y s in m o n t h and their r o w s
<p>© 2001-<?php echo date("Y");?>
if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
echo " Prijavljen je korisnik: ".$_SESSION['user']->user_name.'</p>' ;
} else { echo "Niste prijavljeni!"; //echo $_DisplayLinks()
echo '</p></div><br />';
if ('') //if ($module_ arr['dbg'])
//UPDATE `posts` SET `datetime` = '2019-10-12 12:20:29' WHERE `posts`.`id` = 16;
echo '<p>'.__FILE__ .'() '.', line '. __LINE__ .' SAYS: '.'</p>' ;
echo '<pre>';
echo '<h2>Date arithmetic, see <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_date.asp">w3schools</a></h2>' ;
echo 'Current time: date("Y-m-d H:i:s")=' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n";
echo '<br>Today is date("Y.m.d") = ' . date("Y.m.d")
. '<br />, date("l") = ' . date("l")
. '<br />, date("j") = ' . date("j")
. '<br />l=lowercase L = day of the week eg Tuesday'
. '<br />j = today`s ordno in month'
echo "<br>The time is in America/Los_Angeles " . date("Y.m.j l H:i:s") ;
echo "<br> +3 in America/New_York " . date("Y.m.j l H:i:s");
date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Zagreb"). '<br>';
echo "<br> +6 in Europe/Zagreb " . date("Y.m.j l H:i:s");
echo '<br>Today is date("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A") = ' . date("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A") . ' (l=lowercase L)';
echo '<br>Today is date("l jS \of F Y H:i:s") = ' . date("l jS \of F Y H:i:s") . ' (l=lowercase L)';
$d=mktime(11, 14, 54, 8, 12, 2014);
echo "<br />Created date from mktime(11, 14, 54, 8, 12, 2014) is " . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d);
$d=strtotime("2019-10-09 12:00:00");
echo '<br />Created date from strtotime("2019-10-09 12:00:00") is ' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $d);
$d=strtotime("10:30pm April 15 2014");
echo '<br />Created date from strtotime("10:30pm April 15 2014") is ' . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d);
echo '<br />Created date from strtotime("tomorrow") is ' . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d);
$d=strtotime("next Saturday");
echo '<br />Created date from strtotime("next Saturday") is ' . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d);
$d=strtotime("+3 Months");
echo '<br />Created date from strtotime("+3 Months") is ' . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d);
echo '<br />date_create("2013-03-15") formated "Y/m/d H:i:s"='.date_format($d,"Y/m/d H:i:s");
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2019-10-03');
echo "<br />Format: 'Y-m-d' of '2019-10-03'=" . $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')
. '<===== H:i:s is time of displaying !!!' ; //or use $format = 'Y-m-d';
$date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2019-10-03 15:16:17');
echo "<br />Format: 'Y-m-d H:i:s' of '2019-10-03 15:16:17'=" . $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ;
echo '</pre>';
j = today`s ordno in month
l (lowercase 'L') = day of the week eg Tuesday
// Create t a b l e markup $ t = today day ordno in month
//for ( $ii=1, $dayinm_ ordno=1, $iitoday=date('j'), $m=date('m'), $y=date('Y');
// $dayinm_ ordno<=$_d aysInMonth; ++$ii
for ( $iimonthday=1, $iitoday=date('j'), $m=date('m'), $y=date('Y');
$iimonthday<=$_d aysInMonth; ++$iimonthday
// // Apply a "fill" class to the boxes occurring before first of the month
$class = $iimonthday<=$_m1week1d1 ? "fill" : NULL;
// // Add a "today" class if current date matches current date
//if ( $iimonthday==$iitoday and $m==$_m1 and $y==$_y1 ) {$class = "today";}
// // Build opening and closing list item tags
$listart = sprintf("<li class=\"%s\">", $class); // \n\t\t
$liend = "</li>"; // \n\t\t
$rows_sameday_str = NULL;
// // Add day of the month to identify the calendar box
//if ( $_m1week1d1<$iimonthday and $_d aysInMonth>=$dayinm_ ordno )
// // Format e vents data
//if ( isset($e vents[$d ayinm_ordno]) )
//foreach ( $e vents[$d ayinm_ordno] as $event ) {
while ($rx = $this->f etchNext())
//echo $iimonthday.' ';
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROWS WITHIN SAME DAY :
//if($iimonthday == (int)substr($rx->datetime,8,2)) // 2019.10.07
$link='<a href=?loadscript/read/event_ id/'.$rx->id.'">'
. $rx->title
. '</a>'
.' '.$rx->datetime
.', (int)substr($rx->datetime,8,2)='.(int)substr($rx->datetime,8,2)
. ', today=$iitoday='.$t
. ', $_m1week1d1='.$_m1week1d1
. '< $iimonthday='.$iimonthday
.', $_d aysInMonth='.$_d aysInMonth
//.'>= $dayinm_ ordno='.$dayinm_ ordno
$rows_sameday_str .= " $iimonthday $link <br />"; // \n\t\t\t
//echo $listart . $rows_sameday_str . $liend; // . $date . $wrap
//else {echo '<li></li>' ; }
//$dayinm_ ordno++ ;
//$date = sprintf("<strong>%02d</strong>",$dayinm_ ordno); // \n\t\t\t
//else { $date=" "; }
echo $listart . $rows_sameday_str . $liend; // . $date . $wrap
} endfor;
/*$sql = "S ELECT * FROM posts
WHERE datetime LIKE '%2019-10%'
and SUBSTRING(datetime,9,2) = '$dkal'
ORDER BY datetime desc";
//echo $sql ;
$this->p repareSQL($sql);
$this->e xecute(); */