// J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\z_examples\oraedoop\read_tbl.php
//<!-- // PAGE 2: ako je prijavljen na bazu: Automatically populated SQL (popup mode) : -->
$rblk = 10;
$rtbl = $this->rrcount('COUNTRIES') ;
//$pgn_links = self::get_pgnnav($rtbl, $this->pp1->filter_page.'1/', $this->uriq, $rblk);
$pgn_links = self::get_pgnnav($rtbl, '/i/home/', $this->uriq, $rblk);
$pgnnavbar = $pgn_links['navbar'];
$pgordno_from_url = $pgn_links['pgordno_from_url'];
$first_rinblock = $pgn_links['first_rinblock'];
$last_rinblock = $pgn_links['last_rinblock'];
$qrywhere = "'1'='1' ORDER BY COUNTRY_NAME" ;
$binds = [
['placeh'=>':first_rinblock', 'valph'=>$first_rinblock, 'tip'=>'int']
, ['placeh'=>':last_rinblock', 'valph'=>$last_rinblock, 'tip'=>'int']
] ;
$c_limitedSQL = $this->rr('', $this, 'COUNTRIES' //c= cursor
, $qrywhere, '*', $binds, 'do_ora_pgn', $this->pp1->dbi_obj
//, "$qrywhere ORDER BY COUNTRY_NAME LIMIT :first_rinblock,5", '*' //mysql
) ;
$numcols = $c_limitedSQL->columnCount(); //$numcols = ocinumcols($c_col_info);
// Display first (violet) header
if (isset($_SESSION['cncts']->username)) { $usr_tmp = $_SESSION['cncts']->username;
} else {$usr_tmp = '';} //Guest
//if ($_SESSION['cncts']->service != '') {
$DBname_tmp = null;
if ( isset($_SESSION['cncts']->service) and $_SESSION['cncts']->service != ''
) { $DBname_tmp='@' . $_SESSION['cncts']->service; }
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/oraedoop/?i/l ogout/
//was http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/oraedoop/index.php?sid=$sid&d isconnect=1
' - <a href="' . $this->pp1->logout //$_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]
//. '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&d isconnect=1'
.'" accesskey="d" title="Click here to log out [d]">Odjava</a>';
//echo '</table>' . "\n";
<table class="headerline">
<tr><td><span class="logo">Editor</span>
Prijavljeni ste na Oracle kao <b><?="$usr_tmp $DBname_tmp $link_odjava_tmp"?></b>
// 27. toolbar red gumba :
// Prikazati - "blk_rowsnum" selection popup
<table class="selectform">
Prikazati <select name="blk_rowsnum"
title="Izaberite broj redaka na stranici (\$blk_rowsnum from \$blk_rowsnums)"
foreach ($this->pp1->states->blk_rowsnums as $blk_rnum)
{ echo '<option value="' . $blk_rnum . '"';
if ($blk_rnum == $_SESSION['states']->blk_rowsnum) echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $blk_rnum . '</option>' ;
echo '</select> redaka po stranici ' ;
// Submit buttoni Refresh i Export :
echo '<input type="submit" accesskey="e" value="'
. ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'Refresh' : 'Execute')
. '" title="Click here to execute the SQL statesment [e]" />' . "\n";
echo '<input type="submit" accesskey="x" name="export" value="Export"'
.' title="Click here to export rows as text, XML or CSV [x]" />' . "\n";
// l i n k R u c n i unos S Q L-a:
echo str_repeat(' ', 6);
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]
. '?sid=' . '$sid'
. '&entrymode=' . ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'manual' : 'popups')
. '" accesskey="s" title="Click here to switch between manual SQL entry and the table/view popup [s]">';
echo ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'Ru?ni unos SQL-a : ' : 'Popup-unos SQL-a : ') . '</a>' . "\n";
//////////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar red gumba
// 28. toolbar red selecta (ime tablice i where klauzula):
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
/*<form id="myForm" action="/action_page.php">
First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
Last name: <input type="text" name="lname"><br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Submit form">
function myFunction() {
</script> */
//echo '<form id="lov_ tbl" action="<=$this->pp1->tbl>" method="post">' ;
// --------------------------------------
// Popup-aided SQL query entry
// --------------------------------------
echo 'SELECT '; // "select" (column list) input field
echo '<input type="text" name="select"
value="' . htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->select) . '" size="20"
title="Unesite imena kolona (comma-separated), ili * za sve kolone tablice" />';
// "table" selection popup
$c_alltables = $this->pof_gettables($this);
$c_allviews = $this->pof_getviews($this);
echo ' FROM <select name="table" '
.'onChange="javascript:document.getElementById("lov_tbl").submit();" '
//.'onChange="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()" '
.'title="Izaberite tablicu/view za u?itavanje / mjenjanje">' ;
$found = false;
echo '<option value="">[Izaberite tablicu:]</option>' ;
//foreach ($c_alltables as $flds) //OWNER, TABLE_NAME
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_alltables))
{ echo '<option value="' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '"';
if (! $found)
if ($r->TABLE_NAME == $_SESSION['states']->table)
{ echo ' selected="selected"';
$found = true;
echo '>' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '</option>' ;
} // end for each t a b l i c a
echo '<option value=""></option>' ;
echo '<option value="">[Izaberite view:]</option>' ;
//foreach ($c_allviews as $viewname)
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_allviews))
{ echo '<option value="' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '"';
if (! $found)
if ($r->TABLE_NAME == $_SESSION['states']->table)
{ echo ' selected="selected"';
$found = true;
echo '>' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end for each v i e w
if (! $found)
echo '<option value="" selected="selected">[Izaberite tablicu]</option>' . "\n";
echo '</select>' . "\n";
// "where" input field for WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, ...
echo ' <input type="text" name="where" '
.'value="' . htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->where) . '" '
.'size="40" title="Unesite WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY uvjete upita" />';
//echo '</form>' ;
} // end ($_SES SION[ 'entry mode == 'pop ups')
// -------------------------------------
// Manual SQL query/command entry
// -------------------------------------
SQL: [Oprez sa UPDATE, DELETE, DROP... - nema rollback-a !]<br />
<textarea name="sql" rows="5" cols="80" title="Enter any SQL statesment here: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, DROP..."><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->sql); ?></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.forms[ 'form1' ].elements[ 'sql' ].focus();
//////////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar red selecta
//see c r u d 29.1 u p d, 29.2 d e l, 29.3 c r e at end this script,
// 29.4 Run SELECT statesment, display results
$statementtype = 'SELECT' ;
if ($statementtype == 'SELECT')
{ // Get column list
$qrywhere = "TABLE_NAME='COUNTRIES'" ; //'1'='1' and ORDER BY VIEW_NAME
$binds = [] ;
$do_ora_pgn = '' ;
//$binds[]=['placeh'=>':row_ordno', 'valph'=>$row_ordno, 'tip'=>'int'];
if ('') //if ($autoload_arr['dbg'])
{ echo '<h2>'.__FILE__ .'() '.', line '. __LINE__ .' SAYS: '.'</h2>' ;
echo '<pre>' ;
echo '$qrywhere='; print_r($qrywhere) ;
//echo 'ses fltr pg ='; print_r($_SESSION['states']->filter_posts']) ;
//echo '<br />$binds='; print_r($binds) ;
//echo '<br /><span style="color: violet; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;">Loading script of cls $nsclsname='.$nsclsname.'</span>'
echo '</pre>'; }
$c_col_info = $this->rr('', $this, 'USER_TAB_COLUMNS', $qrywhere
, $binds, $do_ora_pgn) ;
/* if ($a1)
{ $ii = 0; while ($ii < count($a1) )
{ $row = $a1[$ii];
//$_SESSION['states']->cache' ][ '_allviews' ][ ] = $row[ 'VIEW_NAME' ];
$a1 = array();
} */
$numcols = $c_col_info->columnCount(); //$numcols = ocinumcols($c_col_info);
$columns = [] ;
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_col_info))
$columns[ $r->COLUMN_NAME ] =
'type' => $r->DATA_TYPE
, 'size' => $r->DATA_LENGTH
, 'precision' => $r->DATA_PRECISION
, 'scale' => $r->DATA_SCALE
} // end for each c o l u m n t i t l e
// 29.5 cRud: Display main table
$exportmode ='';
// Display export settings form
if ($exportmode) { require 'export_frm.php'; }
// !$e xport mode
{ // Display table header
echo $pgnnavbar ; ?>
<table class="resultgrid">
<tr class="gridheader"><th>Row</th>
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups') { ?>
<th>Actions</th><th>OrdNo</th> <?php
//CREATE TABLE mytab (c1 NUMBER, c2 FLOAT, c3 NUMBER(4), c4 NUMBER(5,3));
// field prec. scale
// C1 0 -127
// C2 126 -127
// C3 4 0
// C4 5 3
foreach ($columns as $columnname => $column) {
echo '<th>' . $columnname
. '<br />(' . $column[ 'type' ] . ', ' . $column[ 'size' ]
. ' ' . $column[ 'precision' ] .' '. $column[ 'scale' ]
. ')'
.'</th>' ;
echo '</tr>' . "\n";
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_limitedSQL)): //c=cursor
{ ++$ordno
//str_pad( string $input, int $pad_length[, string $pad_string = " "[, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT]] ) : string
//str_replace('0', " ", str_pad($foo, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))
<td><?=str_replace('!', " ", str_pad(
($pgordno_from_url == 1)
? ($first_rinblock+1 + $ordno-1)
: ($first_rinblock + $ordno-1)
, 6, '!', STR_PAD_LEFT) ) //. '. ' //
foreach ($columns as $columnname => $column) {
echo '<td>'.' '. $r->$columnname .'</td>' ;
echo '</tr>';
} endwhile ; //e n d f o r e a c h t b l r o w
} //e n d Display table header
} //e n d $s tatementt ype == 'S ELECT'
elseif ($statementtype != '')
{ // Non-SELECT statesments
/* $rowcount = ocirowcount($cursor);
$words = array(
'UPDATE' => 'updated',
'DELETE' => 'deleted',
'INSERT' => 'inserted'
$msg = $rowcount . ' row' . ($rowcount == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ';
if (isset($words[ $statementtype ]))
$msg .= $words[ $statementtype ] . '.';
$msg = $statementtype . ' affected ' . $msg . '.';
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg($msg);
} //e n d $statementtype != ''
$qrywhere = "'1'='1'" ; // ORDER BY VIEW_NAME
$binds = [] ;
$do_ora_pgn = 'do_ora_pgn' ;
$c_blok = $this->rr('', $this, 'COUNTRIES', $qrywhere
, $binds, $do_ora_pgn) ;
$numcols = $c_blok->columnCount(); //$numcols = ocinumcols($c_col_info);
$blok = [] ;
for ($j = 1; $j <= $numcols; $j++) {
if (ocicolumnname($c_col_info, $j) != 'ROWID_') {
$columns[ (ocicolumnname($c_col_info, $j)) ] = array(
'type' => ocicolumntype($c_col_info, $j),
'size' => ocicolumnsize($c_col_info, $j)
/* if ($a1)
{ $ii = 0; while ($ii < count($a1) )
{ $row = $a1[$ii];
//$_SESSION['states']->cache' ][ '_allviews' ][ ] = $row[ 'VIEW_NAME' ];
$a1 = array();
} */
// Skip previous sets
$offset = 0;
if ($_SESSION['states']->set > 1)
{ $offset = ($_SESSION['states']->set - 1) * $_SESSION['states']->blk_rowsnum;
for ($j = 1; $j <= $offset; $j++)
if (! ocifetch($cursor))
$morerows = false;
$foundact_record = false;
$foreign = $this->pof_getforeignkeys($_SESSION['states']->table);
// Display records
$i = 0;
while (true)
{ if (! ocifetchinto($cursor, $row, OCI_ASSOC | OCI_RETURN_LOBS))
echo '<tr class="' . ($i % 2 ? 'gridline' : 'gridlinealt') . '">' . "\n";
echo '<td>' . ($i + $offset) . '</td>' . "\n";
// Is this record to be edited?
$mode = 'show';
if ($action != '')
if ( ($this->pp1->act_record[ 'table' ] == $_SESSION['states']->table)
&& ($this->pp1->act_record[ 'rowid' ] == $row[ 'ROWID_' ]))
{ $mode = $action;
$foundact_record = true;
// Display A ctions column (entrymode=popups)
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
{ echo '<td>';
if ($mode == 'edit')
{ echo '<a name="act_record"></a>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" name="editsave"
title="Click here to save your changes now" /><br />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="editcancel"
title="Click here to dismiss your changes and go back" />';
elseif ($mode == 'delete')
{ echo '<a name="act_record"></a>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="deleteconfirm"
title="Click here to delete this record now" /><br />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="deletecancel"
title="Click here to go back" />';
{ $qs = 'record[table]=' . urlencode($_SESSION['states']->table) . '&' .
'record[rowid]=' . urlencode($row[ 'ROWID_' ]);
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid'
. '&action=edit&' . $qs
.'#act_record" title="Click here to change this record">Update</a><br />';
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid'
. '&action=delete&' . $qs
. '#act_record" title="Click here to delete this record">Delete</a>';
echo '</td>' . "\n";
// Display values
if ($mode == 'edit')
{ foreach ($columns as $columnname => $column)
{ $value = '';
$nul = false;
if (isset($row[ $columnname ]))
$value = $row[ $columnname ];
$nul = true;
echo '<td>';
if ($columnname == $pk)
echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</pre>';
{ echo '<nobr>Original value: <nobr>'
. htmlspecialchars(substr($value, 0, 50)) . (strlen($value) > 50
? '...' : '') . '</nobr><br />';
$inputsize = $column[ 'size' ];
if ($inputsize < 4)
$inputsize = 4;
elseif ($inputsize > 48)
$inputsize = 48;
echo '<nobr><input type="radio" name="edit['
. $columnname . '][mode]" value="value" '
. ($nul ? '' : 'checked="checked" ') . '/>' . "\n";
if (($column[ 'type' ] == 'LONG') || ($column[ 'type' ] == 'CLOB'))
echo '<textarea name="edit[' . $columnname
. '][value]" rows="10" cols="48" wrap="virtual">'
. htmlspecialchars($value) . '</textarea>' . "\n";
{ echo '<input type="text" name="edit[' . $columnname
. '][value]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value)
.'" size="' . $inputsize . '" ';
if ( ($column[ 'size' ] <= 256)
&& ( ($column[ 'type' ] == 'VARCHAR')
or ($column[ 'type' ] == 'VARCHAR2')
echo 'maxlength="' . $column[ 'size' ] . '" ';
echo '/>';
echo '</nobr><br />' . "\n";
echo '<nobr><input type="radio" name="edit['
. $columnname . '][mode]" value="function" '
. ($nul ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . '/> ' . "\n";
echo 'Function: <input type="text" name="edit['
. $columnname . '][function]" value="'
. ($nul ? 'NULL' : '') .'" size="10" /></nobr>' . "\n";
echo '</td>' . "\n";
else // prikaz redaka tablice:
foreach ($columns as $columnname => $column)
{ echo '<td>';
if (isset($row[ $columnname ]))
{ echo '<pre>';
if (isset($foreign[ 'to' ][ $columnname ]))
'<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid' .
'&table=' . urlencode($foreign[ 'to' ][ $columnname ][ 'table' ])
.'&keepwhere=' . urlencode("where "
. $foreign[ 'to' ][ $columnname ][ 'column' ] . "='"
. ereg_replace("'", "''", $row[ $columnname ]) . "'") .
'" title="klik za nadtablicu '
. htmlspecialchars($foreign[ 'to' ][ $columnname ][ 'table' ]) . ' record">';
echo htmlspecialchars($row[ $columnname ]);
if (isset($foreign[ 'to' ][ $columnname ]))
echo '</a>';
echo '</pre>';
if ($test && isset($foreign[ 'from' ][ $columnname ]))
// fk-ovi na taj redak:
foreach ($foreign[ 'from' ][ $columnname ] as $key => $item)
{ if ($key > 0) echo '<br />';
echo '<nobr><a href="'
.$_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid'
.'&table=' . urlencode($item[ 'table' ])
. urlencode("where " . $item[ 'column' ]
. "='" . ereg_replace("'", "''", $row[ $columnname ]) . "'")
.'" title="klik za podtablicu '
.htmlspecialchars($item[ 'table' ] . '.' . $item[ 'column' ])
.'">=> '
.nl2br(htmlspecialchars(wordwrap($item[ 'table' ]
. '.' . $item[ 'column' ], 30, "-\n", true))) . '</a></nobr>'
. "\n";
echo '</td>' . "\n";
echo '</tr>' . "\n";
// 34. Check whether there's a next result set
if ($i >= $_SESSION['states']->blk_rowsnum)
{ if (ocifetch($cursor))
$morerows = true;
if (! $foundact_record)
{ $action = '';
$this->pp1->act_record = false;
// 35. New record row
if ($action == '')
{ // paint line :
echo '<tr class="' . ($i % 2 ? 'gridlinealt' : 'gridline')
. '">' . "\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST[ 'showinsert' ]))
// **************************************************
// Find default values + NOT NULL restrictions
// **************************************************
$coldefs = $this->pof_getcoldefs($_SESSION['states']->table);
// Paint cells
echo '<td><a name="insertrow"></a> </td>' . "\n";
echo '<td><input type="submit" value="Insert" name="insertsave" /></td>' . "\n";
foreach ($columns as $columnname => $column)
{ $value = '';
$nul = false;
if (isset($coldefs[ $columnname ]))
{ $value = $coldefs[ $columnname ][ 'default' ];
$nul = $coldefs[ $columnname ][ 'nullable' ];
echo '<td>';
$inputsize = $column[ 'size' ];
if ($inputsize < 4) $inputsize = 4;
elseif ($inputsize > 48) $inputsize = 48;
echo '<nobr><input type="radio" name="insert[' . $columnname . '][mode]" value="value" ' . ($nul ? '' : 'checked="checked" ') . '/>' . "\n";
echo '<input type="text" name="insert[' . $columnname . '][value]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) .'" size="' . $inputsize . '" ';
if (($column[ 'size' ] <= 256) && (($column[ 'type' ] == 'VARCHAR') || ($column[ 'type' ] == 'VARCHAR2')))
echo 'maxlength="' . $column[ 'size' ] . '" ';
echo '/></nobr><br />' . "\n";
echo '<nobr><input type="radio" name="insert[' . $columnname . '][mode]" value="function" ' . ($nul ? 'checked="checked" ' : '') . '/> ' . "\n";
echo 'Function: <input type="text" name="insert[' . $columnname . '][function]" value="' . ($nul ? 'NULL' : '') .'" size="10" /></nobr>' . "\n";
echo '</td>' . "\n";
} // end if (isset($_REQUEST[ 'showinsert' ]))
elseif ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
'<td colspan="' . (count($columns) + 2) . '">'
.' <a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]
. '?sid=' . '$sid'
. '&showinsert=1#insertrow" '
.'title="Klik = dodati novi redak u '
. htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->table)
. '">' . 'Dodati redak'
echo '</tr>' . "\n";
} // if ($action == '') <---- new_rec
echo '</table>' . "\n";
echo '<table class="gridfooter"><tr><td>' . "\n";
if ($_SESSION['states']->set > 1)
{ echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&set=1" accesskey="f" title="Click here to go to the first page [f]">|<</a> ';
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&set=' . ($_SESSION['states']->set - 1) . '" accesskey="p" title="Click here to go to the previous page [p]"><<</a> ';
echo 'Page ' . $_SESSION['states']->set;
if ($morerows)
echo ' <a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&set=' . ($_SESSION['states']->set + 1) . '" accesskey="n" title="Click here to go to the next page [n]">>></a>';
echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";
if ('1') { //if ($module_ arr['dbg']) {
echo '<h2>'.__FILE__ .'() '.', line '. __LINE__ .' SAYS: '.'</h2>'
.'Coding step cs04. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~';
echo '<pre>';
echo '<b>$_ GET</b>='; print_r($_GET);
echo '<b>$_POST</b>='; print_r($_POST);
echo '<b>$_SESSION</b>='; print_r($_SESSION);
echo '<br /><b>$this->pp1</b>='; print_r($this->pp1);
//echo '<br /><b>$_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']</b> ='; print_r($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
//echo '<br /><b>uri_arr is exploded string REQUEST_URI '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].' (on QS=?)</b>'
//.'<br />0 is $module_relpath,'
//.'<br />1 is $uri_qrystring=key-value pairs ee=url parameters after QS.'
//.' <br />$this->pp1->uri_arr='; print_r($this->pp1->uri_arr);
//echo '<br /><b>exploded $uri_qrystring (on /) is'
//.'<br />$this->pp1->uri_qrystring_arr</b>=';
// print_r($this->pp1->uri_qrystring_arr);
////echo '<br /><b>key-value pairs in one assoc arr line = $u riq</b>='; print_r($u riq);
echo '<br /><b>$this->uriq</b>='; print_r($this->uriq);
echo '</pre>';
// FTR01. History popup (drop-down lista) iz $_SESSION['states']->history
echo '<table class="selectform"><tr><td>' . "\n";
echo 'History: <select name="history" '
.'onChange="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()" '
.'title="Izbor prija?nje SQL naredbe">' . "\n";
echo '<option value="" selected="selected"> </option>' . "\n";
foreach ($_SESSION['states']->history as $key => $item)
echo '<option value="' . $key . '">' . htmlspecialchars(substr($item[ 'sql' ], 0, 100))
. '</option>' . "\n";
echo '</select>' . "\n";
echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";
// FTR02. Hidden fields for the currently edited record
if (is_array($this->pp1->states->act_record))
{ echo '<input type="hidden" name="record[table]" value="'
. htmlspecialchars($this->pp1->act_record[ 'table' ]) . '" />' . "<br />";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="record[rowid]" value="'
. htmlspecialchars($this->pp1->act_record[ 'rowid' ]) . '" />' . "<br />";
if ($action != '')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $action . '" />' . "<br />";
echo '<table class="selectform"><tr>' //. "<br />"
//<!-- *************************************
// link "Drop cache" = stupac 1 = http://dev/oraed.php?sid=4ee38e91d1cf0&dropcache=1
//****************************************** -->
echo '<td valign="top">'
.'<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] .'?sid=' . '$sid' .'&dropcache=1"'
.' title="Force a re-read of table definitions (after altering tables).">'.
'Drop DDL cache</a></td>' //. "<br />"
//<!-- *************************************
// link "D ebug" = stupac 2 = http://dev/oraed.php?sid=4ee38e91d1cf0&debug=1
//****************************************** -->
echo '<td valign="top"> <a title="Switch SQL statesment logging on or off" '
.'href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&debug=';
if ($_SESSION['states']->debug)
echo '0">Isklju?iti debug mode';
else echo '1">Uklju?iti debug mode';
echo '</a><br />(Logs SQL statements in ini_get(\'error_log\')='.'<br />'
. ini_get('error_log') . ')</td>' //. "<br />"
//<!-- *************************************
// Oracle environment variables stupac 3
//****************************************** -->
echo '<td halign="left" valign="top">
Oracle environment variables:<br />'
.'ORACLE_SID=' . getenv('ORACLE_SID') .'<br />'
.'NLS_LANG=' . getenv('NLS_LANG') .'<br />'
.'NLS_DATE_FORMAT=' . getenv('NLS_DATE_FORMAT') //.'<br />'
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>'; ///////////////// kraj footer 1 = TABLICA 1RED X 3STUPCA ////////////
$env_vars = array( 'ORACLE_SID', 'NLS_LANG', 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT' );
$first = true;
foreach ($env_vars as $env_var)
{ $val = getenv($env_var);
if ($val === false) continue;
if (! $first) echo '<br />';
echo sprintf("%s=%s\n", $env_var, $val);
$first = false;
// 29.1 crUd: Update record if requested
if (($action == 'edit') && isset($_REQUEST[ 'editsave' ]) && is_array($this->pp1->act_record) && isset($_REQUEST[ 'edit' ]))
if (is_array($_REQUEST[ 'edit' ]))
if (count($_REQUEST[ 'edit' ]) > 0)
{ $sql = 'update ' . $this->pp1->act_record[ 'table' ] . ' set ';
$i = 0;
$bind = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST[ 'edit' ] as $fieldname => $field)
{ if (! (isset($field[ 'mode' ]) && isset($field[ 'value' ]) && isset($field[ 'function' ])))
if ($i > 0)
$sql .= ', ';
$sql .= $fieldname . '=';
if ($field[ 'mode' ] == 'function')
$sql .= $field[ 'function' ];
{ $sql .= ':' . $fieldname;
$bind[ $fieldname ] = $field[ 'value' ];
$sql .= ' where ROWID=chartorowid(:rowid_)';
if ($_SESSION['states']->debug) error_log($sql);
$bind[ 'rowid_' ] = $this->pp1->act_record[ 'rowid' ];
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg($sql . ';');
$updcursor = ociparse($conn, $sql);
if (! $updcursor)
{ $err = ocierror($conn);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('Parse failed: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
{ foreach ($bind as $fieldname => $value)
ocibindbyname($updcursor, ':' . $fieldname, $bind[ $fieldname ], -1);
$ok = ociexecute($updcursor);
if (! $ok)
{ $err = ocierror($updcursor);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('oci execute($updcursor) err: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
// 29.2 cruD: Delete record if requested
if (($action == 'delete') && isset($_REQUEST[ 'deleteconfirm' ]) && is_array($this->pp1->act_record))
{ $sql = 'delete from ' . $this->pp1->act_record[ 'table' ] . ' where ROWID=chartorowid(:rowid_)';
if ($_SESSION['states']->debug) error_log($sql);
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg($sql . ';');
$delcursor = ociparse($conn, $sql);
if (! $delcursor)
{ $err = ocierror($conn);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('Parse failed: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
{ ocibindbyname($delcursor, ':rowid_', $this->pp1->act_record[ 'rowid' ], -1);
$ok = ociexecute($delcursor);
if (! $ok)
{ $err = ocierror($delcursor);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('oci execute($delcursor) err: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
$action = '';
$this->pp1->act_record = false;
// 29.3 Crud: Insert record if requested
if (isset($_REQUEST[ 'insertsave' ]) && isset($_REQUEST[ 'insert' ]))
if (is_array($_REQUEST[ 'insert' ]))
if (count($_REQUEST[ 'insert' ]) > 0)
{ $fieldnames = array();
$fieldvalues = array();
$bind = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST[ 'insert' ] as $fieldname => $field)
{ if (! (isset($field[ 'mode' ]) && isset($field[ 'value' ]) && isset($field[ 'function' ])))
$fieldnames[ ] = $fieldname;
if ($field[ 'mode' ] == 'function')
$fieldvalues[ ] = $field[ 'function' ];
{ $fieldvalues[ ] = ':' . $fieldname;
$bind[ $fieldname ] = $field[ 'value' ];
$sql = 'insert into '
. $_SESSION['states']->table
. ' (' . implode(', ', $fieldnames) . ') '
.'values (' . implode(', ', $fieldvalues) . ')';
if ($_SESSION['states']->debug) error_log($sql);
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg($sql . ';');
$inscursor = ociparse($conn, $sql);
if (! $inscursor)
{ $err = ocierror($conn);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('Parse failed: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
{ foreach ($bind as $fieldname => $value)
ocibindbyname($inscursor, ':' . $fieldname, $bind[ $fieldname ], -1);
$ok = ociexecute($inscursor);
if (! $ok)
{ $err = ocierror($inscursor);
if (is_array($err))
echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg('oci execute($inscursor) err: ' . $err[ 'message' ], true);
// 29.4 cRud: Run SELECT statesment, display results
//if ((($_SESSION['states']->table != '') || ($_SESSION['states']->sql != '')) && (! $dont_execute))
//echo $this->pof_sqlline_msg($main_sql . ';');
//if ($_SESSION['states']->debug) error_log($main_sql);
/*if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
$pk = $this->pof_getpk($_SESSION['states']->table);
else $pk = ''; */
//$cursor = $this->pof_opencursor($main_sql);
if ($cursor = $db->all($sql, "Get main_sql crud select")) $ok = true;
$statementtype = '';
if ($cursor)
{ // Add to history
// Remove ROWID select string from the SQL string displayed in the history - it's just ugly
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
$histsql = str_replace($rowidsql, '', $main_sql);
$histsql = $main_sql;
foreach ($_SESSION['states']->history as $key => $item)
if ($item[ 'sql' ] == $histsql)
unset($_SESSION['states']->history[ $key ]);
$statementtype = ocistatementtype($cursor);
$historyitem = array(
'sql' => $histsql,
'set' => $_SESSION['states']->set,
'blk_rowsnum' => $_SESSION['states']->blk_rowsnum,
'entrymode' => $_SESSION['states']->entrymode,
'type' => $statementtype
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups')
{ $historyitem[ 'table' ] = $_SESSION['states']->table;
$historyitem[ 'select' ] = $_SESSION['states']->select;
$historyitem[ 'where' ] = $_SESSION['states']->where;
array_unshift($_SESSION['states']->history, $historyitem);
if (count($_SESSION['states']->history) > 25)