// 1. Display first (violet) header
if (isset($_SESSION['cncts']->username)) { $usr_tmp = $_SESSION['cncts']->username;
} else {$usr_tmp = '';} //Guest
//if ($_SESSION['cncts']->service != '') {
$DBname_tmp = null;
if ( isset($_SESSION['cncts']->service) and $_SESSION['cncts']->service != ''
) { $DBname_tmp='@' . $_SESSION['cncts']->service; }
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/oraedoop/?i/l ogout/
//was http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/z_examples/oraedoop/index.php?sid=$sid&d isconnect=1
' - <a style="background:lightgray;"
href="' . $this->pp1->logout //$_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]
//. '?sid=' . '$sid' . '&d isconnect=1'
.'" accesskey="d" title="Click here to log out [d]">Odjava</a>';
<table class="headerline">
<span class="logo">Editor</span>
Prijavljeni ste na Oracle kao <b><?="$usr_tmp $DBname_tmp $link_odjava_tmp"?></b>
<!-- //////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar 1. red -->
<form name="tblhdr_frm" id="tblhdr_frm" method="post"
// Prikazati - "blk_rowsnum" selection popup, Submit butt. Refresh, E xport
<table class="selectform">
Prikazati <select name="blk_rowsnum"
title="Izaberite broj redaka na stranici (\$blk_rowsnum from \$blk_rowsnums)"
foreach ($this->pp1->states->blk_rowsnums as $blk_rnum)
{ echo '<option value="' . $blk_rnum . '"';
if ($blk_rnum == $_SESSION['states']->blk_rowsnum) echo ' selected="selected"';
echo '>' . $blk_rnum . '</option>' ;
echo '</select> redaka po stranici ' ;
// Submit buttoni Refresh i E xport :
echo '<input type="submit" accesskey="e" value="'
. ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'Refresh' : 'Execute')
. '" title="Click here to execute the SQL statesment [e]" />' . "";
echo ' <input type="submit" accesskey="x" name="export" value="Export"'
.' title="Click here to export rows as text, XML or CSV [x]" />' . "";
// L I N K R U C N I UNOS S Q L-A:
echo str_repeat(' ', 6);
echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER[ 'PHP_SELF' ]
. '?sid=' . '$sid'
. '&entrymode=' . ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'manual' : 'popups')
. '" accesskey="s" title="Click here to switch between manual SQL entry and the table/view popup [s]">';
//echo ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups' ? 'Ru?ni unos SQL-a : ' : 'Popup-unos SQL-a : ') . '</a>' . "\n";
//////////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar 2. red
// 3. 28. IME TABLICE I WHERE KLAUZULA - toolbar red selecta :
if ($_SESSION['states']->entrymode == 'popups'):
// --------------------------------------
// Popup-aided SQL query entry
// --------------------------------------
// "t able" selection popup
// "s elect" (column list) i n p u t field
$c_alltables = $this->pof_gettables($this);
$c_allviews = $this->pof_getviews($this);
//.'onChange="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()" '
//<input type="text" name="select"
SELECT <input type="text" name="select"
value="<?=htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->select)?>" size="20"
title="Unesite imena stupaca tablice (comma-separated), ili * za sve kolone tablice" />
FROM <select name="table"
title="Izaberite tablicu/view za u?itavanje / mjenjanje">
<option value="">[Izaberite tablicu:]</option>
$found = false;
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_alltables))
{ echo '<option value="' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '"';
if (! $found)
if ($r->TABLE_NAME == $_SESSION['states']->table)
{ echo ' selected="selected"';
$found = true;
echo '>' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '</option>' ;
} // end for each t a b l i c a
echo '<option value=""></option>' ;
echo '<option value="">[Izaberite view:]</option>' ;
//foreach ($c_allviews as $viewname)
while ($r = $this->rrnext($c_allviews))
{ echo '<option value="' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '"';
if (! $found)
if ($r->TABLE_NAME == $_SESSION['states']->table)
{ echo ' selected="selected"';
$found = true;
echo '>' . $r->TABLE_NAME . '</option>' . "\n";
} // end for each v i e w
if (! $found)
echo '<option value="" selected="selected">[Izaberite tablicu]</option>' . "\n";
echo '</select>' . "\n";
// "where" input field for WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, ...
?>WHERE, ORDER BY... <input type="text" name="where"
size="40" title="Unesite WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY uvjete upita" />
<br />
<input type="submit" accesskey="r" name="exewholeqry" value="Execute qry"
title="Click here to execute query" />
<input type="text" name="WHOLEQRY"
SELECT <?=htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->select)?>
FROM <?=htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->table)?>
title="Unesite cijeli SQL QRY" />
//////////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar 3. red
} // end ($_SES SION[ 'entry mode == 'pop ups')
// -------------------------------------
// Manual SQL query/command entry
// -------------------------------------
SQL: [Oprez sa UPDATE, DELETE, DROP... - nema rollback-a !]<br />
<textarea name="sql" rows="5" cols="80" title="Enter any SQL statesment here: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, DROP..."><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['states']->sql); ?></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.forms[ 'form1' ].elements[ 'sql' ].focus();
} endif; // Popup-aided / Manual SQL query/command entry
//////////////////////////////////////////// kraj toolbar red selecta
<?=$this->pof_sqlline_msg(' ')?> <!--//'err' or 'info'-->