* The interface defines the methods that prepare the log message, HTML-formatted message
interface gksException{
* Prepare the message to write to the log
* @return string
public function getLogMessage();
* returns the exception dump prepared for a browser
* @return string
public function getHtmlMessage();
class pException extends Exception implements gksException {
static private $error_codes;
public $httpResponceCode=500;
public $defaultErrorMessage;
* @param $code int - error code from [lang].errors.php
function __construct($code){
if (!self::$error_codes){
self::$error_codes = include($errors_file);
key_exists($code, self::$error_codes) || $code=1;
parent::__construct($message, $code);
* Create the message to write to the log
* @return string
function getLogMessage(){
$log_string='Exception: '.$this->getMessage().' ('.$this->getCode().')'."\n".
'line '.$this->getLine().' file '.$this->getFile()."\n".$this->getTraceAsString()."\n";
return $log_string;
public function getHtmlMessage(){
$message = 'Exception: '. nl2br ($this->getMessage());
$trace = 'TRACE: <br />'. nl2br ($this->getTraceAsString());
return '<p style="font-weignt: bold; padding: 10px;">'."\n".$message."<br />\n".$trace."</p>\n";
//class end