Create a RESTFUL API for performing CRUD operations on a Country resource using laravel PHP framework.
Getting Started
Copy the `.env.example` file to `.env` and edit the details for your environment
Run `composer install` to install all php dependencies
Create your database and set the proper environment variables in your `.env` file.
Run `php artisan migrate --seed` to get the database up and running
Run `php artisan jwt:secret` to set jwt secret
POST - /signup
payload => {
'username' => , 'email' => ,
'first_name' => ,
'last_name' => ,
'password' => ,
POST - /login
payload => {
'email' => , 'password' => ,
POST - /countries
payload => {
'name' => , 'continent' => ,
PUT - /countries/:id
payload => {
'name' => , 'continent' => ,
DELETE - /countries/:id
payload => none
GET - /countries
payload => none
POST - /activities
payload => none
Unit Tests
run php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit in Command line/terminal