DownloadOpenSSLCsrFactory class
extends OpenSSLBase, implements OpenSSLInterface
Wrapper for PHP OpenSSL CSR functions, encapsulates the CSR resource<br>
Note: You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this to operate correctly.<br>
You will find convenient constants in OpenSSLInterface.<br>
Require a Psr\Log logger, provided by LoggerDepot<br>
Class constant
Class properties
dn array
privateKey string|array|resource
A private key
1. private key resource
2. fileName
3. PEM string
4. array( 2/3, passPhrase )
config array
extraAttribs array
csrResource resource
type 'OpenSSL X.509 CSR'
>Class constructor and factory methods
OpenSSLCsrFactory::__construct( [ array dn [, privateKey [, configArgs [, extraAttribs ]]] )
If arguments dn and privateKey are set, a new CSR resource are set
dn array
The Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate.
Assoc array whose keys are converted to OIDs
and applied to the relevant part of the request.
privateKey string|array|resource
A private key
1. private key resource
2. ('file://')fileName
3. PEM string
4. array( 2/3, passPhrase )
configArgs array
Finetuning the CSR signing
extraAttribs array
Additional configuration options for the CSR
Assoc array whose keys are converted to OIDs
and applied to the relevant part of the request.
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::factory( [ array dn [, privateKey [, configArgs [, extraAttribs ]]] )
static method
return static
>Class logic methods
OpenSSLCsrFactory::csrNew( [ array dn [, privateKeyId, [ configArgs, [ extraAttribs ]]]] )
uses openssl_csr_new
Generate and save a CSR resource
dn array
The Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate.
Assoc array whose keys are converted to OIDs
and applied to the relevant part of the request.
If null, uses 'instance create'-dn, if set
privateKeyId string|array|resource
A private key
1. private key resource
2. PEM string
3. ('file://')fileName with PEM string content
4. array( 2/3, passPhrase )
If null, uses 'instance create'-privateKeyId, if set
configArgs array
Finetuning the CSR signing,
if null, uses 'instance create'-configArgs, if set
extraAttribs array
Additional configuration options for the CSR
Assoc array whose keys are converted to OIDs
and applied to the relevant part of the request.
If null, uses 'instance create'-extraAttribs, if set
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
uses openssl_csr_get_public_key
return resource extracted public key from csr and prepares it for use by other functions.
including fields commonName (CN), organizationName (O), countryName (C) etc.
throws RuntimeException on error
alias of OpenSSLCsrFactory::getPublicKey
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getSubject( [ useShortnames ] )
uses openssl_csr_get_subject
Controls how the ouput data is indexed in the array,
if TRUE (the default) then fields will be indexed with the short name form,
otherwise, long name forms will be used - e.g.: CN shortname form of commonName
return array subject distinguished name information encoded in the csr
including fields commonName (CN), organizationName (O), countryName (C) etc.
throws RuntimeException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getDNfromCsrResource( [ useShortnames ] )
alias of OpenSSLCsrFactory::getSubject
OpenSSLCsrFactory::export( [ noText ] )
uses openssl_csr_export
noText bool
Optional, default true, affects the verbosity of the output;
if it is FALSE, then additional human-readable information is included in the output.
return string a CSR as a string in PEM format
throws RuntimeException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getCSRasPemString( [ noText ] )
alias of OpenSSLCsrFactory::export
return string a CSR as a string in PEM format
extends OpenSSLCsrFactory::export
return string a CSR as a string in DER format
OpenSSLCsrFactory::exportToFile( fileName [, noText ] )
uses openssl_csr_export_to_file
Export the Certificate Signing Request represented by csr and saves it in PEM format into file
fileName string
Path to the output file.
noText bool
Optional, default true, affects the verbosity of the output;
if it is FALSE, then additional human-readable information is included in the output.
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::saveCSRcertIntoPemFile( fileName[, noText ] )
alias of OpenSSLCsrFactory::exportToFile
Export the Certificate Signing Request represented by csr and saves it in PEM format into file
OpenSSLCsrFactory::saveCSRcertIntoDerFile( fileName )
extends OpenSSLCsrFactory::export
Export the Certificate Signing Request represented by csr and saves it in DER format into file
fileName string
Path to the output file. (NO 'file://'-prefix)
OpenSSLCsrFactory::sign( caCert , privateKeyId [, days [, configArgs [, serial ]]] )
uses openssl_csr_sign
Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
caCert resource|string
The generated certificate will be signed by caCert.
If caCert is NULL, the generated certificate will be a self-signed certificate.
1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem;
the named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privateKeyId string|resource
The private key that corresponds to caCert, PEM string or resource
1. private key resource
2. fileName or string PEM string
3. array( PEM-string, passPhrase )
days int
Length of time for which the generated certificate will be valid,
in days (default 365).
configArgs array
Finetuning the CSR signing, default config from class contruct
If null, uses 'instance create'-configArgs, if set
serial int
Optional the serial number of issued certificate (default 0)
return resource an x509 certificate resource
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getX509CertResource( caCert , privateKeyId [, days [, configArgs [, serial ]]] )
alias of OpenSSLCsrFactory::sign
>Getters and setters etc
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::getConfig( [ key ] )
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
return bool|string|array
bool false if config[key] is not found, otherwise if empty key null
throws InvalidArgumentException
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::isConfigSet( [ key ] )
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
return bool true if config/config[key] is found
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::addConfig( key, value )
if OpenSSLPkeyFactory::DIGESTALGO == key, validates algorithm
if OpenSSLPkeyFactory::PRIVATEKEYBITS == key, validates values >= 384
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
value mixed
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::setConfig( array config )
if OpenSSLPkeyFactory::DIGESTALGO == (config) key, validates (config) algorithm
if OpenSSLPkeyFactory::PRIVATEKEYBITS == (config) key, validates (config) value >= 384
config array
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getDn( [ key ] )
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
return bool|string|array return bool false if DN[key] is not found
OpenSSLCsrFactory::isDnSet( [ key ] )
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
return bool true if DN / DN[key] is set
OpenSSLCsrFactory::addDn( key, value )
key string
see OpenSSLInterface constants
mixed value
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::setDn( array dn )
dn array
return static
return string|resource
return bool true if privateKey is set
OpenSSLCsrFactory::setPrivateKey( privateKey )
privateKey string|resource
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::addExtraAttribs( key, value )
key string
value mixed
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::getExtraAttribs( [ keyAttrs ] )
keyAttrs string|array
return bool|string|array return bool false if extraAttribs[key] is not found
OpenSSLCsrFactory::isExtraAttribsSet( [ key ] )
key string
return bool true if extraAttribs / extraAttribs[key] is set
OpenSSLCsrFactory::setExtraAttribs( array extraAttribs )
extraAttribs array
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
OpenSSLCsrFactory::isValidCsrResource( csrResource )
csrResource string|resource
return bool true if CSR resource is valid
return resource
return bool true if csrResource is set
OpenSSLCsrFactory::setCsrResource( csrResource )
csrResource resource
return static
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
Usage and examples
Please review test/OpenSSLCsrFactoryTest2.php
OpenSSLPkeyFactory - property getter/setter methods
OpenSSLCsrFactory exceptions
csrX509Test24 (Traits\CsrX509Trait)
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