provides object-oriented, secure and extended access to PHP OpenSSL functions
Conception basics
The OpenSSL pkey functions are assembled in the
The OpenSSL CSR functions are assembled in the
The OpenSSL x509 functions are assembled in the
The OpenSSL pkcs7 functions are assembled in the
OpenSSLPkcs7Factory class
The OpenSSL pkcs12 functions are assembled in the
OpenSSLPkcs12Factory class
The OpenSSL spki functions are assembled in the
Remaining OpenSSL functions are assembled in the
Asserts and convenient salt, base64, hex, pack utility etc methods are assembled in the
Assert class
Convert class
All methods have
argument validation and throws InvalidArgumentException on error
errorHandler protection and result error evaluation, throws RuntimeException on error
Method names originates from OpenSSL function names
Ex 'openssl_pkey_export' is encapsulated in method OpenSSLPkeyFactory::export()
Most methods has also more convenient and describable named method alias
Ex OpenSSLPkeyFactory::getPrivateKeyAsPemString() for 'openssl_pkey_export'
Most methods (ex setters) are chainable (ie return 'static')
The OO-classes, above, has 'factory' methods, support 'one-liners' and
inherit usefull constants defind in the OpenSSLInterface
Supplementary methods for message digest / hmac digest support are assembled in the
* HashFactory class
* HmacHashFactory class
Example Usage
Generate keys : <?php
namespace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
$config = [
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::PRIVATEKEYBITS => 4096,
$pKeyFactory = new OpenSSLPkeyFactory( $config );
// Generate a private key
$privateKeyString = $pKeyFactory->getPrivateKeyAsPemString();
// Generate a public key
$publicKeyString = $pKeyFactory->getPublicKeyAsPemString();
// or
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
// or one-liner, all-in-one
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
// or to files
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
->savePrivatePublicKeyPairIntoPemFiles( 'priv.pem', 'pub.pem' )
// Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate
$DN = [
OpenSSLCsrFactory::COUNTRYNAME => "GB",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::STATEORPROVINCENAME => "Somerset",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::LOCALITYNAME => "Glastonbury",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONNAME => "The Brain Room Limited",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONUNITNAME => "PHP Documentation Team",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::COMMONNAME => "Wez Furlong",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::EMAILADDRESS => ""
// Generate a certificate signing request
$csrFactory = OpenSSLCsrFactory::factory( $DN, $privateKeyString, $config );
$csrCertString = $csrFactory->getCSRasPemString();
// Generate a self-signed cert
$x509CertResource = $csrFactory->getX509CertResource( null, $privateKeyString );
$x509Factory = OpenSSLX509Factory::factory()
->setX509Resource( $x509CertResource );
$x509CertString = $x509Factory->getX509CertAsPemString();
// or shorter
$x509CertString = OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
// or save to pem/der-file
OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
->saveX509CertIntoPemFile( 'cert.pem' );
// ->saveX509CertIntoDerFile( 'cert.der' )
Seal/open <?php
// Seal data using public key(s)
$data = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL seal/open, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$recipientId = 'The Recipient';
$publicKeys = [ $recipientId => $publicKeyString ];
list( $sealed, $envelopeKeys ) = OpenSSLFactory::getSealedString( $data, $publicKeys );
// Open (decrypted) data using private key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getOpenedSealedString(
$sealed, $envelopeKeys[$recipientId], $privateKeyString
Encrypt/decrypt $data = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$cipher = 'AES-256-ECB';
$passPhrase = Workshop::getSalt();
// encrypt string
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getEncryptedString( $data, $cipher, $passPhrase );
// decrypt string
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getDecryptedString( $encrypted, $cipher, $passPhrase );
More encrypt/decrypt $data = 'Testing OpenSSL public/private encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. ';
// Encrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyEncryptedString( $data, $publicKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $privateKeyString );
// Encrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyEncryptedString( $data, $privateKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $publicKeyString );
You will find
- class information in docs folder
- convenient constants in src/OpenSSLInterface
- a lot of more examples in the test folder.
From the Command Line:
composer require kigkonsult/openssltoolbox
In your composer.json :
"require": {
"kigkonsult/openssltoolbox": "dev-master"
Acquire access namespace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
Download and acquire..
namepace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
include 'pathToSource/OpenSSLToolbox/autoload.php';
Run tests cd pathToSource/OpenSSLToolbox
Note, it will takes some time, 80% coverage...<br>
But still remain untested parts, help appreciated.
For support, please use [Github]/issues.
This project is licensed under the LGPLv3 License