SETUP: Follow the following steps to install Melis CE:
1/ Create your vhost (check file /install/vhost.txt for example)
Define your MELIS_PLATFORM inside your vhost.
Define your MELIS_MODULE, your site's module folder name in /module/MelisSites
You might need to add/remove "Require all granted" from your vhost directory depending on your server version
2/ Add this entries to your hosts file (or update if you're changing the local domains) www.mysite.local
3/ Create database, using utf8_general_ci encoding
4/ Go to the following URL: http://www.mysite.local/melis/setup
5/ Open file /module/MelisModuleConfig/config/app.interface.php
Update host section for your Melis Back Office if needed
6/ You can now connect at http://www.mysite.local/melis
No modules should be touched in order to get updates.
Only one module should be modified to arrange/update your configuration: MelisModuleConfig
This module is made for the only purpose of configurating and overiding configuration from other modules:
> /module/MelisModuleConfig/config/module.load.php for Melis Platform's list of modules to be loaded, use the tool on the platform if you want to activate or deactivate modules.
> /module/MelisModuleConfig/config/app.interface.php for variables, overriding other modules conf, ordering or disabling interfaces arrays.
Melis Products includes 3rd party software that is licensed to that specific copy of the software,
and can not be redistributed, copied or used for any other purpose.