DownloadLaravel Model Event Log & Revert

Laravel Model Event Logger and Revert logs every action on a model (create, delete, update), provides an interface to see the list of all activities as well as revert specific model event.
Step 1
You can install the package via composer:
composer require djunehor/laravel-revert-query
Laravel 5.5 and above
The package will automatically register itself, so you can start using it immediately.
Laravel 5.4 and older
In Laravel version 5.4 and older, you have to add the service provider in config/app.php file manually:
'providers' => [
// ...
After installing the package, you will have to register it in bootstrap/app.php file manually: // Register Service Providers
// ...
Step 2 - Publishing files
`php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ModelEventLogger`
This will move the migration file, seeder file and config file to your app.
Open `config/model-event-logger` to set the model name and ID of users allowed to access to model event log routes
the ID can be a number or list of comma-separated numbers e.g `1,2,3,4,5`
Step 3 - SetUp database
Run`php artisan migrate` to create the table.
use Djunehor\EventRevert\ModelEventLogger;`
Add `use ModelEventLogger` to your laravel model
Access Saved model event logs
|:------------- | :----------: |
|/model-events |return all saved model events|
|/model-events/{log} |return all model events of a specific model|
|/model-event-revert/{id} |revert specific model event|
Reverting via Console
If you know the specific ID of the event you which you revert, you can run:
php artisan model:revert --id=EVENT_ID
Fork this project
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Make your changes and run tests `composer test`
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