* Script used to sort the images from a directory by EXIF data.
* @category Sorting, File Manipulation
* @package Sorting
* @author Marius Zadara <marius@zadara.org>
* @copyright (C) Marius Zadara <marius@zadara.org>
* @version 2.0
* @since File available since version 2.0
// PREREQUISITES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
include_once 'exceptions/_addExceptions.php';
include_once 'classes/_addClasses.php';
// RUN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// unlimited time executinon granted to script?
if (Constants::$UNLIMITED_TIME !== false)
// assume unlimited time execution
$seconds = 0;
// numeric time execution seconds
if (Constants::$UNLIMITED_TIME !== true)
$seconds = Constants::$UNLIMITED_TIME;
// set the time limit
// clear the memory being used
// SET-UP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// include the script responsible for the source and destination directories setup
// LOADING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// load the content of the source directory into the local array
// use the $srcDirectory from the "setup.php" file
// get the source directory content
$srcDirContent = $srcDirectory->getContent();
// the list with the source directory files
$srcDirFiles = array();
// the list with the files from the source direcoty
// for which the exif data could not be read
$badSrcDirFiles = array();
// maximum datetime
$max = 0;
// parse the list with files from the source directory
foreach ($srcDirContent as $index => $filename)
$file = new File($filename);
$dateTime = $file->getDateTime();
$mimeType = $file->getMimeType();
// if no information found,
// add the filename to the bad list
// these files will also be added in the list
if (($dateTime === false) || ($mimeType === false))
$badSrcDirFiles[] = $filename;
// get the maximum timestamp
$max = ($dateTime > $max) ? $dateTime : $max;
// add to the list
$srcDirFiles[$filename] = $dateTime;
// clear the memory used
unset($file, $dateTime, $mimeType);
// sort the source directory files by the datetime
// using the configuration flag
if (Constants::$OUTPUT_ORDER == "ASC")
asort($srcDirFiles, SORT_NUMERIC);
arsort($srcDirFiles, SORT_NUMERIC);
// after the files have been sorted,
// add the "bad files" to the list as the last ones
if (sizeof($badSrcDirFiles) > 0)
foreach ($badSrcDirFiles as $index => $filename)
$srcDirFiles[$filename] = ++$max;
// init the counter using the config value
$counter = Constants::$START_COUNTER;
// after all the files have been added to the list and sorted,
// is time to update the destination directory
foreach ($srcDirFiles as $filename => $dateTime)
// reinstanciate the class
$file = new File($filename);
// get the filename pathinfo
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
// save the current counter into a temporary variable
$finalCounter = $counter;
// format the counter
$finalCounter = str_pad($finalCounter, Constants::$COUNTER_LENGTH, Constants::$PAD_CHAR, Constants::$PAD_TYPE);
// make the destination filename format
$destinationFormat = str_replace(
array("%counter%", "%basename%", "%extension%", "%filename%"),
array($finalCounter, $pathinfo['basename'], $pathinfo['extension'], $pathinfo['filename']),
// make the destionation full path
$destPath = sprintf("%s%s%s", Constants::$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $destinationFormat);
// default function to apply
$function = "copyTo";
// move or copy function ?
if (Constants::$ACTION != "COPY")
$function = "moveTo";
// call the function on the file object, setting the destination path
if (!call_user_func(array($file, $function), $destPath))
throw new FileException(sprintf("Error occured while output the file '%s' to '%s'.", $filename, $destPath));
// verify the breakpoint - if reached, terminate the loop
if ((Constants::$OUTPUT_BREAKPOINT !== false) && ($counter == Constants::$OUTPUT_BREAKPOINT))
// increment the counter
$counter ++;
// clear the memory used
unset($counter, $srcDirFiles, $filename, $dateTime, $file, $destPath, $finalCounter);
// display a message
echo sprintf("Completed to ouput files to directory '%s'.", Constants::$DESTINATION_DIRECTORY);
catch (DirectoryException $dirEx)
echo $dirEx;
catch (FileException $fileEx)
echo $fileEx;