To use Case Converter you have to instantiate Convert class, then you
should call to*() methods.
Basic usage
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Jawira\CaseConverter\Convert;
$robot = new Convert('The-Terminator');
echo $robot->toPascal() . PHP_EOL;
echo $robot->toCobol() . PHP_EOL;
echo $robot->toSnake() . PHP_EOL;
Explicit case detection
In some edge cases you have to explicitly set the format of input string to have
the desired output:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Jawira\CaseConverter\Convert;
$agency = new Convert('FBI');
echo $agency->toCobol(); // output: FBI
echo $agency->toSnake(); // output: fbi
echo $agency->toCobol(); // output: F-B-I
echo $agency->toSnake(); // output: f_b_i
echo $agency->toCobol(); // output: FBI
echo $agency->toSnake(); // output: fbi
Force _Simple Case-Mapping_
You can still use _Simple Case-Mapping_ even if you are using PHP 7.3 or newer:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Jawira\CaseConverter\Convert;
$robot = new Convert('Straße');
echo $robot->toMacro(); // output: STRAßE
[Learn more about Case-Mapping][Case-Mapping].
Using the factory
[CaseConverter factory] is going to instantiate Convert class for you.
Everything else is the same:
// Convert string to Pascal case
$this->cc->convert('XML')->toPascal(); // Xml
// Convert string to Snake case
$this->cc->convert('v3.0.2')->toSnake(); // v3_0_2
// Convert string to Camel case
$this->cc->convert('first-name')->toCamel(); // firstName
// Convert from Lower case to Dot case
$this->cc->convert('non-SI units')->fromLower()->toDot(); // non-si.units
// Get detected words
$this->cc->convert('Mario Bros')->toArray(); // ['Mario', 'Bros']
// Retrieve original string
$this->cc->convert('use_the_force')->getSource(); // use_the_force
[Case-Mapping]: ./
[CaseConverter factory]: ./