List of public methods.
String conversion
| Method | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| toCamel() | Return string in _Camel case_ format |
| toPascal() | Return string in _Pascal case_ format |
| toSnake() | Return string in _Snake case_ format |
| toAda() | Return string in _Ada case_ format |
| toMacro() | Return string in _Macro case_ format |
| toKebab() | Return string in _Kebab case_ format |
| toTrain() | Return string in _Train case_ format |
| toCobol() | Return string in _Cobol case_ format |
| toLower() | Return string in _Lower case_ format |
| toUpper() | Return string in _Upper case_ format |
| toTitle() | Return string in _Title case_ format |
| toSentence() | Return string in _Sentence case_ format |
| toDot() | Return string in _Dot notation_ |
Explicit case detection
| Method | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| fromAuto() | (default) Auto-detect naming convention |
| fromCamel() | Split input string using uppercase characters |
| fromPascal() | Split input string using uppercase characters |
| fromSnake() | Split input string using _ (underscore character) |
| fromAda() | Split input string using _ (underscore character) |
| fromMacro() | Split input string using _ (underscore character) |
| fromKebab() | Split input string using - (dash character) |
| fromTrain() | Split input string using - (dash character) |
| fromCobol() | Split input string using - (dash character) |
| fromLower() | Split input string using ? (space character) |
| fromUpper() | Split input string using ? (space character) |
| fromTitle() | Split input string using ? (space character) |
| fromSentence() | Split input string using ? (space character) |
| fromDot() | Split input string using . (dot character) |
Please note that some methods are equivalent and have the same effect:
`fromCamel()` ? `fromPascal()`
`fromSnake()` ? `fromAda()` ? `fromMacro()`
`fromKebab()` ? `fromTrain()` ? `fromCobol()`
`fromLower()` ? `fromUpper()` ? `fromTitle()` ? `fromSentence()`
All these methods exists only for sake of completeness.
Utility methods
| Method | Description |
| --------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| getSource() | Returns original input string |
| toArray() | Returns array with detected words |
| forceSimpleCaseMapping() | Output sting uses [Simple Case-Mapping] even if you are using PHP 7.3 or newer |
Factory method
| Method | Description |
| ------------- | --------------------------- |
| convert() | Creates a Convert object |
[Simple Case-Mapping]: ./