* Class definitions for constants.
* It provides the same functionality as the 'define()' instruction, but incapsulated in class
* The class can not be extended anymore. The acces to any of its members is static, meaning that the
* class can not be instanciate before the call.
* @final
final class Constants
* Flag indicating if unlimited execution time
* Available options: TRUE / FALSE / No of seconds
* will be granted to the script
public static $UNLIMITED_TIME = true;
* The absolute path of the source directory
* @var string
* @static
* @final
public static $SOURCE_DIRECTORY = "e:\\2 Print\\10 x 15\\Nunta";
* The absolute path to the destination directory
* @var string
* @static
* @final
public static $DESTINATION_DIRECTORY = "e:\\Test2";
* Mapping with the extensions to mimetypes
* This is used when the exif data is not found and try to obtain
* the mimetype based on the extension
* @var array
* @static
* @final
public static $EXTENSION_2_MIMETYPE = array
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg'
* The action to take on files when updating the destionation directory.
* Available options: "COPY", "MOVE" (case sensitive!)
* @var String Action to take on source files when updating destionation directory.
* @final
* @static
public static $ACTION = "COPY";
* The order in which the final list is order by the date and time.
* Available options (case sensitive): ASC / DESC
* @var string
public static $OUTPUT_ORDER = "ASC";
* The initial value of the counter.
* This value will be used and incremented when sorting
* the files to the destination directory
* @var int
* @final
* @static
public static $START_COUNTER = 1;
* The destionation file format.
* Available pieces are:
* %counter% - the current position in the list, starting at $START_COUNTER
* %basename% - original filename (with extension)
* %extension% - original filename extension
* %filename% - original filename (without extension)
public static $DESTINATION_FORMAT = "%counter%_%basename%";
* The length of the counter in destionation directory output.
* Specific numeric value
public static $COUNTER_LENGTH = 5;
* Limit the ouput files to a specific count.
* Available options:
* FALSE to disable this feature
* Specifc number of files
public static $OUTPUT_BREAKPOINT = false;
* Char used to pad the counter to the specific length
public static $PAD_CHAR = "0";
* Padding type
public static $PAD_TYPE = STR_PAD_LEFT;