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File: docs/css/source.css

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  Classes of TJ Webb   Clico PHP CLI Color Text Output   docs/css/source.css   Download  
File: docs/css/source.css
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Clico PHP CLI Color Text Output
Format text to display on a CLI console
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 2,696 bytes


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table.source { border:0; padding:0; margin:0; border-collapse: collapse; } table.source td { border:1px solid #ccc; vertical-align: top; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.4em; font-family: monospace; } table.source a { display:block; color: #ccc; text-align: right; padding: 0 8px; text-decoration: none; } table.source pre { padding:0; margin:0; } table.source pre span { display:inline; } table.source td.line div { padding:80px 0 0 0; margin:-80px 0 0 0; cursor: text; } table.source td.line pre:hover { background-color: #eee; } table.source td.line div:target pre { background-color: #ffffc8; } .token { color: #0000BB; } .T_COMMENT, .T_DOC_COMMENT { color: #FF8000; } .T_ABSTRACT, .T_ARRAY, .T_AS, .T_BREAK, .T_CALLABLE, .T_CASE, .T_CATCH, .T_CLASS, .T_CLONE, .T_CONTINUE, .T_DEFAULT, .T_ECHO, .T_ELSE, .T_ELSEIF, .T_EMPTY, .T_ENDDECLARE, .T_ENDFOR, .T_ENDFOREACH, .T_ENDIF, .T_ENDSWITCH, .T_ENDWHILE, .T_EXIT, .T_EXTENDS, .T_FINAL, .T_FINALLY, .T_FOREACH, .T_FUNCTION, .T_GLOBAL, .T_IF, .T_IMPLEMENTS, .T_INCLUDE, .T_INCLUDE_ONCE, .T_INSTANCEOF, .T_INSTEADOF, .T_INTERFACE, .T_ISSET, .T_LOGICAL_AND, .T_LOGICAL_OR, .T_LOGICAL_XOR, .T_NAMESPACE, .T_NEW, .T_PRIVATE, .T_PROTECTED, .T_PUBLIC, .T_REQUIRE, .T_REQUIRE_ONCE, .T_RETURN, .T_STATIC, .T_THROW, .T_TRAIT, .T_TRY, .T_UNSET, .T_USE, .T_VAR, .T_WHILE, .T_YIELD, .T_PHPDOX_OPEN_BRACKET, .T_PHPDOX_CLOSE_BRACKET, .T_PHPDOX_OPEN_SQUARE, .T_PHPDOX_CLOSE_SQUARE, .T_PHPDOX_OPEN_CURLY, .T_PHPDOX_CLOSE_CURLY, .T_PHPDOX_SEMICOLON, .T_PHPDOX_DOT, .T_PHPDOX_COMMA, .T_PHPDOX_EQUAL, .T_PHPDOX_LT, .T_PHPDOX_GT, .T_PHPDOX_PLUS, .T_PHPDOX_MINUS, .T_PHPDOX_MULT, .T_PHPDOX_DIV, .T_PHPDOX_QUESTION_MARK, .T_PHPDOX_EXCLAMATION_MARK, .T_PHPDOX_COLON, .T_PHPDOX_DOUBLE_QUOTES, .T_PHPDOX_AT, .T_PHPDOX_AMPERSAND, .T_PHPDOX_PERCENT, .T_PHPDOX_PIPE, .T_PHPDOX_DOLLAR, .T_PHPDOX_CARET, .T_PHPDOX_TILDE, .T_PHPDOX_BACKTICK { color: #007700; } .T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, .T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE { color: #DD0000; } .covered { background-color: rgba(5, 238, 25, 0.13); } a.covered:hover + div { left:90px; } .coverage_details { position: absolute; left:-10000px; margin:-1.4em 0 0 0; background-color: #eee; box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #888; z-index: 1; padding:1em; } .coverage_details span { font-weight: bold; } .coverage_details ul { margin:0; padding:1em; } .coverage_details:before { position: absolute; content:""; width: 12px; height: 12px; top: 3px; left: -6px; border:0; background-color: #eee; transform: rotate(45deg); z-index: -1; }