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File: cfg/cfg.56.cte.php

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  Classes of Kjell-Inge Gustafsson   PHP REST API Server   cfg/cfg.56.cte.php   Download  
File: cfg/cfg.56.cte.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP REST API Server
REST API server handling requests with callbacks
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,950 bytes


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     * restServer, a PSR HTTP Message rest server implementation
     * This file is a part of restServer.
     * Copyright 2018 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
     * Link
     * Version 0.9.123
     * License Subject matter of licence is the software restServer.
     * The above copyright, link, package and version notices and
     * this licence notice shall be included in all copies or
     * substantial portions of the restServer.
     * restServer can be used either under the terms of
     * a proprietary license, available at <>
     * or the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3:
     * restServer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
     * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
     * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     * restServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
     * License along with this program.
     * If not, see <>.

namespace Kigkonsult\RestServer;


     * Configuration for the builtin ContentTypeHandler and EncodingHandler
     * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <>
     * This config is included in the RestServer config using append
     * ex
     * $config += include 'cfg/cfg.56.cte.php';
     * Most config keys here have only default values set,
     * include ONLY on after update!!
$cteCfg = [];

/** ************************************************************************
     * Content-types config
     * For more info, see docs/TemplateHandler.php
     * If request 'Accept' header is missing (response message content-type),
     * you can alter the fallback content-type
     * default value : 'application/json', set here if other !!
     * Make sure the value is supported
     * value type : string
     * If you want NO response serializing as fallback, set (bool) false
$cteCfg[ContentTypeHandler::ACCEPT][ContentTypeHandler::FALLBACK] = 'application/json';

/** ************************************************************************
     * Content-Type options for specific handler
     * Here as example only (set defaults), comment or remove them !!
     * A serializing handler unSerialize-method MAY utilize
     * ContentTypeHandler::UNSERIALIZEOPTIONS
     * A serializing handler serialize-method MAY utilize
     * ContentTypeHandler::SERIALIZEOPTIONS
     ************************************************************************ */
     * json_decode options (i.e. JsonHandler)
     * value type : int
     * default value : JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY
     * Make sure the value is supported
$cteCfg['application/json'][ContentTypeHandler::UNSERIALIZEOPTIONS] = JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY;

     * json_encode options (i.e. JsonHandler)
     * value type : int
     * default value : none, set here if other !!
     * Make sure the value is supported
$cteCfg['application/json'][ContentTypeHandler::SERIALIZEOPTIONS] = null;

     * XML unserialize Libxml parameters (i.e. XMLHandler)
     * value type : int
     * default value : none, set here if other !!
     * Make sure the value is supported
$cteCfg['application/xml'][ContentTypeHandler::UNSERIALIZEOPTIONS] = null;

     * NO XML serialize option

    /** ************************************************************************
     * Encoding config
     * For more info, see docs/TemplateHandler.php
     * If request 'Accept-Encoding' header is missing (response message encoding),
     * you can alter the fallback
     * default value : 'gzip', set here if other !!
     * Make sure the value is supported
     * value type : string
     * If you want NO response encoding as fallback, set (bool) false
$cteCfg[EncodingHandler::ACCEPTENCODING][EncodingHandler::FALLBACK] = 'gzip';

/** ************************************************************************
     * Encoding options for specific handler
     * Here as example only (set defaults), comment or remove them !!
     * A encoding handler deCode-method MAY utilize
     * EncodingHandler::DECODELEVEL
     * EncodingHandler::DECODEOPTIONS
     * A encoding handler enCode-method MAY utilize
     * EncodingHandler::ENCODELEVEL
     * EncodingHandler::ENCODEOPTIONS
     ************************************************************************ */
     * Gzip encoding level
     * value type : int
     * default value : -1 (none)
     * Make sure the value is supported
$cteCfg['gzip'][EncodingHandler::ENCODELEVEL] = -1;

     * Gzip encoding_mode
     * value type : int
     * fallback value : FORCE_GZIP,
     * Make sure the value is supported
$cteCfg['gzip'][EncodingHandler::ENCODEOPTIONS] = FORCE_GZIP;

     * Any 'gzip' decoding parameters are ignored

    /** ************************************************************************
      * Add to main config
      * <code>
      * $config += include 'cfg/cfg.56.cte.php';
      * </code>
return $cteCfg;