-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Servidor: localhost
-- Tempo de Geração: Jan 27, 2008 as 08:10 PM
-- Versão do Servidor: 5.0.27
-- Versão do PHP: 5.2.0
-- Banco de Dados: `videos`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Estrutura da tabela `youtube`
CREATE TABLE `youtube` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`videoID` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`comments` varchar(600) NOT NULL,
`rate` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
-- Extraindo dados da tabela `youtube`
INSERT INTO `youtube` (`id`, `videoID`, `name`, `comments`, `rate`) VALUES
(1, 'ilsW-ghZhrQ', 'Kinas', 'Some of the best moments of portuguese National Team', '10 on 10'),
(2, 'd31CU7Ocx_w', 'Gato', 'A nice trailler from Gato Fedorento´s Show', '8 on 10'),
(3, 'ZRO64NFe4po', 'PHP GTK', 'Video showing how to install and test PHP-GTK 2', '8 on 10'),
(4, 'xj3rJVqL5Y4', 'PHP Web Server', 'On this video you will learn how to install, configure and run a PHP web server. You will learn also how to make some simple configurations on php.ini', '7 on 10'),
(5, 'HJ0-jW8tFu8', 'PHP Database', 'On this video you will learn how to create databases and tables with MySQL and PHP', '7 on 10'),
(6, 'eR0X8nDxH8w', 'Validate forms', 'This video teches you how to get values from HTML forms with PHP, and validate them after ', '5 on 10');