Package : myYouTube - An simple way to display YouTube videos on your web sites
File : insert_videos.php - allows to add an array of videos to database
Author: José Augusto Ferreira Franco
Nick name : Guto Ferreira
Web : www.revista-php.net
Build date: 27- January 2008
Version : 1.0
Lisence : Artist License (means you must leave this header always)
$arr = array();
// build the number of arrays as many videos you want to save on database
$arr0 = array("ilsW-ghZhrQ","Kinas","Some of the best moments of portuguese National Team","10 on 10");
$arr1 = array("d31CU7Ocx_w","Gato","A nice trailler from Gato Fedorento´s Show","8 on 10");
$arr2 = array("ZRO64NFe4po","PHP GTK","Video showing how to install and test PHP-GTK 2","8 on 10");
$arr3 = array("xj3rJVqL5Y4","PHP Web Server","On this video you will learn how to install, configure and run a PHP web server. You will learn also how to make some simple configurations on php.ini","7 on 10");
$arr4 = array("HJ0-jW8tFu8","PHP Database","On this video you will learn how to create databases and tables with MySQL and PHP","7 on 10");
$arr5 = array("eR0X8nDxH8w","Validate forms","This video teches you how to get values from HTML forms with PHP, and validate them after ","5 on 10");