use App\StringLib as lib;
include_once "class/string.class.php";
$email = "dadomingues@gmail.com";
$a = new lib\ValidateString();
// Validate if email is valid
$b = $a->isEmail($email);
print '<br>Validate if email '.$email.' is valid: ';
var_dump ($b);
// Validate if email is valid and exists
$b = $a->isEmail($email, true);
print '<br>Validate if email '.$email.' is valid and exists: ';
var_dump ($b);
// Validate if email is valid and exists
$email = "dadominguescccccccccc@gmail.com";
$b = $a->isEmail($email, true);
print '<br>Validate if email '.$email.' is valid and exists: ';
var_dump ($b);