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  Classes of Daniel Martinez-Morales  >  MP3 ID3v2 Tag  >  arrays.php  >  Download  
File: arrays.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Our arrays
Class: MP3 ID3v2 Tag
Get id2v2 frames of mp3 files
Author: By
Last change: nothing important
Date: 2002-07-18 19:42
Size: 29,839 bytes


Class file image Download
   	/* This code is released under the GNU LGPL. Go read it over here:
	* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt 
$this->Emphasis=array('00'=>'none','01'=>'50/15 ms','10'=>'reserved','11'=>'CCIT J.17');
$this->ChannelMode=array('00'=>'Stereo','01'=>'Joint stereo','10'=>'Dual channel','11'=>'Single channel');

	'Band'=>array('00'=>'4 to 31','01'=>'8 to 31','10'=>'12 to 31','11'=>'16 to 31')





		'HasSynchro'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'Hascompresion'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'HasExtHeader'	=>array(0=>0,1=>0),
		'Experimental'	=>array(0=>0,1=>0),
		'HasFooter'		=>array(0=>0,1=>0)
		'HasSynchro'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'Hascompresion'	=>array(0=>0,1=>0),
		'HasExtHeader'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'Experimental'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'HasFooter'		=>array(0=>0,1=>0)
		'HasSynchro'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'Hascompresion'	=>array(0=>0,1=>0),
		'HasExtHeader'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'Experimental'	=>array(0=>0,1=>1),
		'HasFooter'		=>array(0=>0,1=>1)

$this->Codes['00']='ISO-8859-1';	//Terminated with $this->00.
$this->Codes['01']='UTF-16';		//with BOM. All strings in the same frame SHALL have the same byteorder. Terminated with $this->00 00.
$this->Codes['02']='UTF-16BE';		//without BOM. Terminated with $this->00 00.
$this->Codes['03']='UTF-8'; 		//Terminated with $this->00

$this->HexPictureType['01']='32x32 pixels "file icon" (PNG only)';
$this->HexPictureType['02']='Other file icon';
$this->HexPictureType['03']='Cover (front)';
$this->HexPictureType['04']='Cover (back)';
$this->HexPictureType['05']='Leaflet page';
$this->HexPictureType['06']='Media (e.g. lable side of CD)';
$this->HexPictureType['07']='Lead artist/lead performer/soloist';
$this->HexPictureType['0C']='Lyricist/text writer';
$this->HexPictureType['0D']='Recording Location';
$this->HexPictureType['0E']='During recording';
$this->HexPictureType['0F']='During performance';
$this->HexPictureType['10']='Movie/video screen capture';
$this->HexPictureType['11']='A bright coloured fish';
$this->HexPictureType['13']='Band/artist logotype';
$this->HexPictureType['14']='Publisher/Studio logotype';

'LongName'	=>'Unique file identifier',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame\'s purpose is to be able to identify the audio file in a database that may contain more information relevant to the content',
'Class'		=>1,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Content group description',
'Descrip'	=>'Is used if the sound belongs to a larger category of sounds/music. For example, classical music is often sorted in different musical sections (e.g. "Piano Concerto", "Weather - Hurricane")',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Title/Songname/Content description',
'Descrip'	=>'Is the actual name of the piece (e.g. "Adagio", "Hurricane Donna")',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Subtitle/Description refinement',
'Descrip'	=>'Is used for information directly related to the contents title (e.g. "Op. 16" or "Performed live at wembley")',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group',
'Descrip'	=>'Is used for the main artist(s)',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment',
'Descrip'	=>'Is used for additional information about the performers in the recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Conductor',
'Descrip'	=>'Is used for the name of the conductor',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains more information about the people behind a remix and similar interpretations of another existing piece',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Composer(s)',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the name of the composer(s)',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)',
'Descrip'	=>'Intended for the writer(s) of the text or lyrics in the recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Language(s)',
'Descrip'	=>'Should contain the languages of the text or lyrics in the audio file',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Content type',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Album/Movie/Show title',
'Descrip'	=>'Intended for the title of the recording (source of sound) which the audio in the file is taken from',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Part of a set',
'Descrip'	=>'Is a numeric string that describes which part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the source described in the "TAL" frame is divided into several mediums, e.g. a double CD',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Track number/Position in set',
'Descrip'	=>'Is a numeric string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'ISRC',
'Descrip'	=>'Should contian the International Standard Recording Code',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Year',
'Descrip'	=>'Numeric string with a year of the recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Date',
'Descrip'	=>'Is a numeric string in the DDMM format containing the date for the recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Time',
'Descrip'	=>'Is a numeric string in the HHMM format containing the time for the recording',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Recording dates',
'Descrip'	=>'E.g. "4th-7th June, 12th June"',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Media type',
'Descrip'	=>'Describes from which media the sound originated',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'File type',
'Descrip'	=>'Indicates which type of audio this tag defines',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Beats per Minute',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Copyright message',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Publisher',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the name of the label or publisher',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Encoded by',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the name of the person or organisation that encoded the audio file',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Software/hardware and settings used for encoding',
'Descrip'	=>'Includes the used audio encoder and its settings when the file was encoded. Hardware refers to hardware encoders, not the computer on which a program was run',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Original filename',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn\'t allow the desired length of the filename',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Length',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the length of the audiofile in milliseconds',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Size',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the size of the audiofile in bytes excluding the tag',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Playlist delay',
'Descrip'	=>'Numbers of milliseconds of silence between every song in a playlist',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Initial key',
'Descrip'	=>'Conntains the musical key in which the sound starts',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Original album/Movie/Show title',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the title of the original recording(/source of sound), if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Original artist(s)/performer(s)',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the performer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Original Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the text writer(s) of the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Original release year',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the year when the original recording, if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song, was released',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'User defined text',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>3,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Official audio file webpage',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at a file specific webpage',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Official artist/performer webpage',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at the artists official webpage',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Official audio source webpage',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at the official webpage for the source of the audio file, e.g. a movie',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Commercial information',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at a webpage with information such as where the album can be bought',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Copyright/Legal information',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at a webpage where the terms of use and ownership of the file is described',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Publishers official webpage',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at the official wepage for the publisher',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'User defined URL link',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>3,
'SubClass'	=>2,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Involved people list',
'Descrip'	=>'The names of those involved, and how they were involved',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>2,
'Versions'	=>'111'



'LongName'	=>'Music CD Identifier',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame is intended for music that comes from a CD, so that the CD can be identified in databases such as the CDDB',
'Class'		=>6,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Event timing codes',
'Descrip'	=>'Allows synchronisation with key events in a song or sound',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'MPEG location lookup table',
'Descrip'	=>'To increase performance and accuracy of jumps within a MPEG audio file',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Synced tempo codes',
'Descrip'	=>'For a more accurate description of the tempo of a musical piece this frame might be used',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Unsychronised lyrics/text transcription',
'Descrip'	=>'Lyrics of the song or a text transcription of other vocal activities',
'Class'		=>5,
'SubClass'	=>2,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Synchronised lyrics/text',
'Descrip'	=>'This is another way of incorporating the words, said or sung lyrics, in the audio file as text, this time, however, in sync with the audio',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Seek frame',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame indicates where other tags in a file/stream can be found',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Comments',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>5,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Relative volume adjustment',
'Descrip'	=>'It allows the user to say how much he wants to increase/decrease the volume on each channel while the file is played',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Signature frame',
'Descrip'	=>' This frame enables a group of frames, grouped with the \'Group identification registration\', to be signed',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Encoding time',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains a timestamp describing when the audio was encoded',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Original release time',
'Descrip'	=>'Timestamp describing when the original recording of the audio was released',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Recording time',
'Descrip'	=>'Timestamp describing when the audio was recorded',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Release time',
'Descrip'	=>'Timestamp describing when the audio was first released',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Tagging time',
'Descrip'	=>'Timestamp describing then the audio was tagged',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Equalisation',
'Descrip'	=>'It allows the user to predefine an equalisation curve within the audio file',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'110'


'LongName'	=>'Reverb',
'Descrip'	=>'You may here adjust echoes of different kinds',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Audio seek point index',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Attached picture',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame contains a picture directly related to the audio file',
'Class'		=>7,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Commercial frame',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame enables several competing offers in the same tag by bundling all needed information',
'Class'		=>11,
'SubClass'	=>2,
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Encryption method registration',
'Descrip'	=>'To identify with which method a frame has been encrypted the encryption method must be registered in the tag with this frame',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Group identification registration',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame enables grouping of otherwise unrelated frames',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Private frame',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame is used to contain information from a software producer that its program uses and does not fit into the other frames',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'General encapsulated object',
'Descrip'	=>'In this frame any type of file can be encapsulated',
'Class'		=>8,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Play counter',
'Descrip'	=>'This is simply a counter of the number of times a file has been played',
'Class'		=>9,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Popularimeter',
'Descrip'	=>'The purpose of this frame is to specify how good an audio file is',
'Class'		=>9,
'SubClass'	=>2,
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Recommended buffer size',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Ownership frame',
'Descrip'	=>'The ownership frame might be used as a reminder of a made transaction or, if signed, as proof',
'Class'		=>11,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Encrypted meta frame',
'Descrip'	=>'This frame contains one or more encrypted frames',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'100'

'LongName'	=>'Audio encryption',
'Descrip'	=>' This frame indicates if the actual audio stream is encrypted, and by whom',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Position synchronisation',
'Descrip'	=>'Delivers information to the listener of how far into the audio stream he picked up; in effect, it states the time offset of the first frame in the stream',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Linked information',
'Descrip'	=>'To keep space waste as low as possible this frame may be used to link information from another ID3v2 tag that might reside in another audio file or alone in a binary file',
'Class'		=>10,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'111'


'LongName'	=>'Terms of use frame',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains a brief description of the terms of use and ownership of the file',
'Class'		=>13,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'File owner/licensee',
'Descrip'	=>'The name of the owner or licensee of the file and it\'s contents',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Internet radio station name',
'Descrip'	=>'The name of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Internet radio station owner',
'Descrip'	=>'Contains the name of the owner of the internet radio station from which the audio is streamed',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Official internet radio station homepage',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at the homepage of the internet radio station',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Payment',
'Descrip'	=>'URL pointing at a webpage that will handle the process of paying for this file',
'Class'		=>4,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'011'

'LongName'	=>'Musician credits list',
'Descrip'	=>'Mapping between instruments and the musician that played it',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Mood',
'Descrip'	=>'Intended to reflect the mood of the audio with a few keywords, e.g. "Romantic" or "Sad"',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Produced notice',
'Descrip'	=>'is intended for the production copyright holder of the original sound, not the audio file itself',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Album sort order',
'Descrip'	=>'Defines a string which should be used instead of the album name (TALB) for sorting purposes. E.g. an album named "A Soundtrack" might preferably be sorted as "Soundtrack".',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Performer sort order',
'Descrip'	=>'string which should be used instead of the performer (TPE2) for sorting purposes',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Title sort order',
'Descrip'	=>'A string which should be used instead of the title (TIT2) for sorting purposes',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Set subtitle',
'Descrip'	=>'Is intended for the subtitle of the part of a set this track belongs to',
'Class'		=>2,
'SubClass'	=>1,
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Relative volume adjustment (2)',
'Descrip'	=>'It allows the user to say how much he wants to increase/decrease the volume on each channel when the file is played',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Equalisation (2)',
'Descrip'	=>'It allows the user to predefine an equalisation curve within the audio file',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'001'

'LongName'	=>'Picture directly related to the audio file',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>12,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'100'

'LongName'	=>'not yet',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'100'

'LongName'	=>'not yet',
'Descrip'	=>'',
'Class'		=>0,
'SubClass'	=>'',
'Versions'	=>'100'

	'Classic Rock',
	'New Age',
	'Death Metal',
	'Sound Clip',
	'Alt. Rock',
	'Instrumental Pop',
	'Instrumental Rock',
	'Southern Rock',
	'Top 40',
	'Christian Rap',
	'Native American',
	'New Wave',
	'Acid Punk',
	'Acid Jazz',
	'Rock & Roll',
	'Hard Rock',
	'Folk',			//80-> Winamp extensions:Added on December 12, 1997
	'National Folk',	
	'Gothic Rock',
	'Progressive Rock',
	'Psychedelic Rock',
	'Symphonic Rock',
	'Slow Rock',
	'Big Band',
	'Easy Listening',
	'Chamber Music',
	'Booty Bass',
	'Porn Groove',
	'Slow Jam',		//111-> Added on January 26, 1998 to ensure compatibility with Winamp 1.7:
	'Ballad',			//116-> Added on April 13, 1998 to ensure compatibility with Winamp 1.90: 						
	'Power Ballad',
	'Rhythmic Soul',
	'Punk Rock',
	'Drum Solo',
	'A Cappella',
	'Dance Hall',							
	'Drum & Bass',
	'Polsk Punk',
	'Christian Gangsta Rap',
	'Heavy Metal',
	'Black Metal',
	'Contemporary Christian',
	'Christian Rock',
	'Merengue',		//142-> Added on Jun 1, 1998 to ensure compatibility with Winamp 1.91: 
	'Trash Metal',