namespace voku\tests;
use voku\helper\ASCII;
* @internal
final class AsciiGlobalTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function slugifyProvider(): array
return [
['foo-bar', ' foo bar '],
['foo-bar', 'foo -.-"-...bar'],
['another-and-foo-bar', 'another..& foo -.-"-...bar'],
['foo-dbar', " Foo d'Bar "],
['a-string-with-dashes', 'A string-with-dashes'],
['user-at-host', 'user@host'],
['using-strings-like-foo-bar', 'Using strings like fòô bà?'],
['numbers-1234', 'numbers 1234'],
['perevirka-ryadka', '????????? ?????'],
['bukvar-s-bukvoi-y', '??????? ? ?????? ?'],
['podehal-k-podezdu-moego-doma', '???????? ? ???????? ????? ????'],
['foo:bar:baz', 'Foo bar baz', ':'],
['a_string_with_underscores', 'A_string with_underscores', '_'],
['a_string_with_dashes', 'A string-with-dashes', '_'],
['one_euro_or_a_dollar', 'one ? or a $', '_'],
['a\string\with\dashes', 'A string-with-dashes', '\\'],
['an_odd_string', '-- An odd__ string-_', '_'],
public function testCharsArrayWithMultiLanguageValues()
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithMultiLanguageValues();
static::assertSame(['?', '?', '?', '?', '?'], $array['b']);
// ---
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithMultiLanguageValues(true);
static::assertSame(['?', '?', '?', '?', '?'], $array['b']);
static::assertSame(['&'], $array['&']);
static::assertSame(['?'], $array[' Euro ']);
public function testCharsArrayWithOneLanguage()
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithOneLanguage('de');
static::assertContains('Ae', $array['replace']);
static::assertNotContains('yo', $array['replace']);
// ---
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithOneLanguage('ru');
static::assertNotContains('Ae', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains('yo', $array['replace']);
$tmpKey = \array_search('yo', $array['replace'], true);
static::assertSame('?', $array['orig'][$tmpKey]);
// ---
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithOneLanguage('de', true);
static::assertContains('Ae', $array['replace']);
static::assertNotContains('yo', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains(' und ', $array['replace']);
static::assertNotContains(' ? ', $array['replace']);
$tmpKey = \array_search(' und ', $array['replace'], true);
static::assertSame('&', $array['orig'][$tmpKey]);
// ---
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithOneLanguage('ru', true);
static::assertContains('yo', $array['replace']);
static::assertNotContains('Ae', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains(' ? ', $array['replace']);
static::assertNotContains(' und ', $array['replace']);
$tmpKey = \array_search(' ? ', $array['replace'], true);
static::assertSame('&', $array['orig'][$tmpKey]);
public function testCharsArrayWithSingleLanguageValues()
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithSingleLanguageValues();
static::assertContains('hnaik', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains('yo', $array['replace']);
$tmpKey = \array_search('hnaik', $array['replace'], true);
static::assertSame('?', $array['orig'][$tmpKey]);
// ---
$array = ASCII::charsArrayWithSingleLanguageValues(true);
static::assertContains('hnaik', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains('yo', $array['replace']);
static::assertContains(' pound ', $array['replace']);
$tmpKey = \array_search(' pound ', $array['replace'], true);
static::assertSame('£', $array['orig'][$tmpKey]);
public function testCharsArray()
$array = ASCII::charsArray();
static::assertSame('b', $array['ru']['?']);
public function testFilterFile()
$testArray = [
"test-\xe9\x00\x0é????.txt" => 'test-.txt',
'test-????.txt' => 'test-.txt',
'????.jpg' => '.jpg',
'????.jpg' => '.jpg',
'öäü - test' => 'test',
'??????.png' => '.png',
'?©®±àáâãäåæÒÓÔÕÖ¼½¾§µçðþú?.jpg' => '.jpg',
'000?©?©.txt' => '000.txt',
' ' => '',
foreach ($testArray as $before => $after) {
static::assertSame($after, ASCII::to_filename($before, false));
// ---
$testArray = [
"test-\xe9\x00\x0é????.txt" => 'test-eDa-Ban-Ruo-Jing-.txt',
'test-????.txt' => 'test-Da-Ban-Ruo-Jing-.txt',
'????.jpg' => 'foto.jpg',
'????.jpg' => 'Foto.jpg',
'öäü - test' => 'oau-test',
'??????.png' => 'shdgshdg.png',
'?©®±àáâãäåæÒÓÔÕÖ¼½¾§µçðþú?.jpg' => 'cr-aaaaaaaeOOOOO141234SSucdthu-.jpg',
'000?©?©.txt' => '000-c-c.txt',
' ' => '',
foreach ($testArray as $before => $after) {
static::assertSame($after, ASCII::to_filename($before, true));
* @dataProvider slugifyProvider()
* @param mixed $expected
* @param mixed $str
* @param mixed $replacement
public function testSlugify($expected, $str, $replacement = '-')
$str = ASCII::to_slugify($str, $replacement);
static::assertSame($expected, $str);
* @dataProvider toAsciiProvider()
* @param mixed $expected
* @param mixed $str
* @param mixed $language
* @param mixed $removeUnsupported
public function testToAscii(
$language = 'en',
$removeUnsupported = true
) {
$result = ASCII::to_ascii($str, $language, $removeUnsupported);
static::assertSame($expected, $result);
public function toAsciiProvider(): array
return [
['foo bar', 'fòô bà?'],
[' TEST ', ' ?É?? '],
['f = z = 3', '? = ? = 3'],
['perevirka', '?????????'],
['lysaya gora', '????? ????'],
['user@host', 'user@host'],
['shuka', '????'],
['', '??'],
['xin chao the gioi', 'xin chào th? gi?i'],
['dam phat chet luon', '??m phát ch?t luôn'],
[' ', ' '], // no-break space (U+00A0)
[' ', '??????? ???'], // spaces U+2000 to U+200A
[' ', ' '], // narrow no-break space (U+202F)
[' ', '?'], // medium mathematical space (U+205F)
[' ', '?'], // ideographic space (U+3000)
['', '?'], // some uncommon, unsupported character (U+10349)
['?', '?', 'en', false],
['aouAOU', 'äöüÄÖÜ'],
['aeoeueAeOeUe', 'äöüÄÖÜ', 'de'],
['aeoeueAeOeUe', 'äöüÄÖÜ', 'de_DE'],
public function testCleanParameter()
$dirtyTestString = "\xEF\xBB\xBF?Abcdef\xc2\xa0\x20?? ? ?";
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, true, false, false));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, false, false, true));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, false, false, false));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, false, true, true));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, false, true, false));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, true, true, false));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, false, true, true, true));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, false, false, false));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, false, false, true));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, false, true, false));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, false, true, true));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, true, false, false));
static::assertSame('??Abcdef ?? ? ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, true, false, true));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, true, true, false));
static::assertSame('?"Abcdef ..." - ?', ASCII::clean($dirtyTestString, true, true, true, true));