* synDirectory Config
* Index Config
* class_root
* Put the location of the class file (syn_class.php)
* i.e. if its in this directory, make it empty
* if its in the directory below, put "../"
* if its in a directory above called "classes", put "classes/"
* if its in a directory below this one called "classes", put "../classes/"
* if its in /var/www/classes/ then put that
$config["class_root"] = "";
* lang
* Select the language you want to use, installed languages are
* English "en" and Icelandic "is".
$config["lang"] = "en";
* show_dir
* Chooses if you want the class to show the directories that
* are under the one you are browsing
$config["show_dir"] = true;
* show_parent_dir
* Chooses if you want the "Parent Directory" link to be displayed
$config["show_parent_dir"] = true;
* show_files
* Chooses if you want the files within the directory to be displayed.
$config["show_files"] = true;
* show_file_extensions
* Chooses if you want to show the file extensions
$config["show_file_extensions"] = true;
* show_only
* An array of file extensions that you want only to display
* Uncomment the lines below to only show mp3 and txt files
# $config["show_only"][] = "mp3";
# $config["show_only"][] = "txt";
* show_header
* Chooses if you want to display the header
* i.e. "Index of /downloads/files/"
$config["show_header"] = true;
* show_icons
* Chooses if you want to display the default icons or not
* Will do this very roughly at the moment.
$config["show_icons"] = true;
* show_server_info
* Chooses if you want to display the server info
* i.e. "Apache/1.3.33 Server at server.com Port 80"
$config["show_server_info"] = true;