* This file contains class gCurl, abstract class gCurlHandlers and exception class gCurlException.
* It requires gCurlRequest and gCurlResponse classes as well
* @package gCurl
* @author Grigori Kochanov http://www.grik.net/
//Load package classes
if (!class_exists('gCurlRequest')){
if (!class_exists('gCurlResponse')){
if (!class_exists('gURI')){
//load the exception base class
if (!class_exists('gksException')){
* The class extending this interface will contain methods that will be used as handlers
* for processing HTTP response
* @package GCurl
* @author Grigori Kochanov
* @version 2
* @abstract
abstract class gCurlHandlers{
* Name of the method to handle the response body.
* You can redefine it while processing response headers or cookies.
* Use NULL to avoid setting a handler for the body.
* @var string
public $bodyHandlerName = 'bodyHandler';
* Instance of the gCurl class utilizing this handler
* @var gCurl
protected $gCurl;
* The handler method triggered after the response headers are received and processed
* but before receiving the body
* @param array $headers
function headersHandler(array $headers){}
* The method is triggered after the response headers are received,
* it receives an array of cookies set by the server as parameter
* @param array $cookies
function cookiesHandler(array $cookies){}
* Default body handler
* @param string $chunk
function bodyHandler($ch, $chunk){}
* Set the reference to the gCurl object that uses this class methods as handlers
* @param gCurl $gCurl
final function setGCurlReference(gCurl $gCurl){
$this->gCurl = $gCurl;
* Destructor - to avoid a circular reference
final function cleanGCurlReference(){
$this->gCurl = null;
* A class to simplify complex tasks for performing and processing HTTP requests with CURL
* @package GCurl
* @author Grigori Kochanov
* @version 2
class gCurl {
* Error number returned by cURL
* @var int
public $curl_errno=0;
* Error text returned by cURL
* @var string
public $curl_error='';
* instance of the URI class
* @var gURI
public $URI;
* CURL resource handler
* @var resource
public $ch;
* Full URL requested
* @var string
protected $location_href= '';
* Instance of the gCurlRequest object
* @var gCurlRequest
* @see gCurlRequest.class.php
public $Request;
* Response object reference
* @var gCurlResponse
* @see gCurlResponse.class.php
public $Response;
* Flag that defines if cURL should automatically follow the "Location" header or not
* @var bool
private $followlocation=0;
* Flag that defines if cURL should return the body of the response
* @var bool
private $return_transfer=1;
* System network interface (IP)
* @var string
private $interface=null;
* Constants - flags
* sets the status of the data to show the end
const FLAG_EOF=1;
* the HTTP response is received
const FLAG_HTTP_OK=2;
* headers are received and processed
* Constructor of the class
* @return void
function __construct($url,$method='GET'){
if (!defined('CURLE_OK')){
throw new gCurlException(10);
//init service objects
$this->URI = new gURI();
$this->ch = curl_init();
if ($this->catchCurlError() || !$this->ch){
throw new gCurlException(15);
//define basic parameters
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
//create request and response objects
$this->Request= new gCurlRequest();
$this->Response = new gCurlResponse($this->ch,$this->URI);
//set the headers handler
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, array($this->Response,'headersHandler'));
//prepare the URL to browse to
$this->location_href = $this->URI->full;
if (strcasecmp($method, 'POST')==0){
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
* signal a redirect URL
* @param string $new_uri
function redirect($new_uri){
$this->location_href = $this->URI->full;
//create request and response objects
$this->Request = new gCurlRequest();
* Define whether to return the transfer or not
* @param bool $value
function returnTransfer($value){
* sets the time limit of time the CURL can execute
* @param int $seconds
function setTimeout($seconds){
if ($this->catchCurlError()){
throw new gCurlException(22);
* Set the network interface for the outgoing connection
* @param string $interface
function setInterface($interface){
$this->interface = $interface;
* Set extra options for the connection
* @param array $options
function setOptions(array $options){
* Run the CURL engine
* @return gCurlResponse
function exec(){
//add cookies to headers
if ($this->Request->cookie_string){
$this->Request->registerCustomHeader('Cookie: '.$this->Request->cookie_string);
//process user-defined request headers
if ($this->Request->custom_headers){
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->Request->custom_headers);
//prepare the POST data
if ($this->Request->method=='POST' && $this->Request->post_data){
curl_setopt ($this->ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->Request->post_data);
//use proxy if defined
if ($this->Request->proxy && $this->Request->proxy_port){
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->Request->proxy);
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $this->Request->proxy_port);
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->Request->proxyuser.':'.$this->Request->proxypwd);
//set the URI to connect to
curl_setopt ($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->location_href);
//run the request
if ($this->return_transfer){
$result = curl_exec($this->ch);
//clear the reference in the handler to avoid circular references
if ($this->Response->gCurlHandlers){
if ($this->return_transfer && !$result && !$this->Response->headers['len']){
throw new gCurlException(115);
//return the response data if required
if ($this->return_transfer && is_string($result)){
$this->Response->body = $result;
return $this->Response;
* Close the connection on object destruction
function __destruct(){
* close connection to the remote host
function disconnect(){
if (is_resource($this->ch)){
$this->ch = NULL;
* check the memory consumption
function checkMemoryConsumption(){
if (memory_get_usage()>MEMORY_USAGE_LIMIT*1024){
throw new gCurlException(60);
* Check for an error
* @return bool
function catchCurlError(){
if(!is_resource($this->ch) || !($curl_errno=curl_errno($this->ch))){
return false;
$this->curl_errno = $curl_errno;
$this->curl_error = curl_error($this->ch);
throw new gCurlException(80,$curl_errno,$this->curl_error);
return true;
* Pass the object implementing the handlers
* @param gCurlHandlers $Handlers
function setHandlers(gCurlHandlers $Handlers){
//end of the class
* Exceptions for gCurl
class gCurlException extends Exception implements gksException {
* The list of exception codes
* @var array
private $exception_codes= array(
1=>'Connection error',
10=>'Curl extension not loaded',
15=>'Could not initialize CURL',
20=>'Invalid handler method name',
21=>'Error assigning the output stream for headers',
22=>'Error setting CURL timeout',
23=>'Error setting URL to connect to',
50=>'Invalid request method',
51=>'Invalid request parameters',
60=>'Out of memory',
70=>'Headers already sent to the user agent',
80=>'CURL reported error',
90=>'Invalid delay value',
110=>'Non-HTTP response headers',
115=>'Curl returned empty result after execution',
120=>'Invalid host of the requested URI',
125=>'Invalid URI',
130=>'Redirects limit reached',
* Error number for CURL operation
* @var int
public $curl_errno;
* Error message returned by CURL
* @var string
public $curl_error='';
* Initialize the exception
* @param int $code
* @param int $curl_errno
* @param string $curl_error
function __construct($code, $curl_errno=0, $curl_error=''){
//get the error description
key_exists($code, $this->exception_codes) || $code=1;
$message= $this->exception_codes[$code];
if ($curl_errno){
$message.="\nCurl Error #: ".$curl_errno;
if ($curl_error){
$message.="\nError message: ".$curl_error;
//set the error string through the Exception class constructor
parent::__construct($message, $code);
* Get the message prepared to write to the log file
* @return string
function getLogMessage(){
$log_string='Exception '.$this->getCode().':'.$this->message."\n";
if ($this->getCode() != 80){
$log_string .= 'line '.$this->getLine().' file '.$this->getFile()."\n".$this->getTraceAsString()."\n";
return $log_string;
* Get the error message to output to the browser
* @return string
function getHtmlMessage(){
$message='<b>Exception '.$this->getCode().'</b>: '.$this->message."<br>\n";
if ($this->getCode() != 80){
$message .= 'file '.$this->getFile()."\n<br> line ".$this->getLine().
"<br>\nTrace: <br />\n".nl2br($this->getTraceAsString())."<br>\n";
return $message;
//class end