* This file is a part of the CIDRAM package.
* Homepage: https://cidram.github.io/
* CIDRAM COPYRIGHT 2016 and beyond by Caleb Mazalevskis (Maikuolan).
* License: GNU/GPLv2
* @see LICENSE.txt
* This file: Extended rules for AS6939 CIDRs (last modified: 2019.05.17).
/** Prevents execution from outside of CIDRAM. */
if (!defined('CIDRAM')) {
die('[CIDRAM] This should not be accessed directly.');
/** Prevents execution from outside of the CheckFactors closure. */
if (!isset($Factors[$FactorIndex])) {
die('[CIDRAM] This should not be accessed directly.');
/** Safety. */
if (!isset($CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'])) {
$CIDRAM['RunParamResCache'] = [];
* Define object for these rules for later recall (all parameters inherited from CheckFactors).
* @param array $Factors All CIDR factors of the IP being checked.
* @param int $FactorIndex The index of the CIDR factor of the triggered rule.
* @param string $LN The line information generated by CheckFactors.
* @param string $Tag The triggered rule's section's name (if there's any).
$CIDRAM['RunParamResCache']['rules_as6939.php'] = function (array $Factors = [], int $FactorIndex = 0, string $LN = '', string $Tag = '') use (&$CIDRAM) {
/** Skip further processing if the "block_cloud" directive is false. */
if (!$CIDRAM['Config']['signatures']['block_cloud']) {
/** Access provider block bypass. */
if ($Factors[23] === '') {
/** Feedly/Feedspot bypass. */
if (
preg_match('/\.getpebble\.com$/i', $CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UALC']) ||
strpos($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UA'], 'Feedspot http://www.feedspot.com') !== false ||
strpos($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UA'], 'Feedly') !== false
) {
* Puffin browser bypass (Affected ranges: and Don't need to bypass
* and, because they belong to AS4657, which isn't blocked anyway).
* See: https://www.puffinbrowser.com/help/developer/#article-how-can-i-block-puffin-web-browser
if (strpos($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['UA'], 'Puffin') !== false && (
$Factors[19] === '' || $Factors[19] === ''
)) {
$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['ReasonMessage'] = $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('ReasonMessage_Cloud');
if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'])) {
$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= ', ';
$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['WhyReason'] .= $CIDRAM['L10N']->getString('Short_Cloud') . $LN;
if (!empty($CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'])) {
$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= ', ';
$CIDRAM['BlockInfo']['Signatures'] .= $Factors[$FactorIndex];
/** Execute object. */
$RunExitCode = $CIDRAM['RunParamResCache']['rules_as6939.php']($Factors, $FactorIndex, $LN, $Tag);