require_once "DigitalPaintServer.php";
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$server_host = "";
$server_port = 27910;
$rcon_password = "test";
echo "Testing server $server_host:$server_port\n\n";
// Create a new instance
$paintball = new DigitalPaintServer($server_host, $server_port, $rcon_password);
// Check if the server is online
echo "Is the server online?\n";
echo "\tOnline!\n";
echo "\tIt's not online =(\n";
echo "\nQuitting...\n";
// Get server name
$server_name = $paintball->get_server_name();
echo "\nServer: $server_name\n";
// Get build
$build = $paintball->get_build();
echo "\nRunning build: $build\n";
// Get if a password is set
$has_password = $paintball->has_password_set();
echo "\nPassword set? ".($has_password ? "yes" : "no")."\n";
// Get ping
$ping = $paintball->ping();
echo "\nPing: {$ping}ms\n";
// This method does not normally have to be called. Some
// of the methods (like to get the currrent map), require getting
// the server status data. It is normally done automatically.
// After it is called, it will continue to use cached data. If
// you ever want to update the cache after that, you need to
// call the following method, with true as its first parameter.
// Dump status information
echo "\nDump status information\n";
$status = $paintball->get_status_info();
foreach($status as $key => $value)
echo "\t$key => $value\n";
// Dump players list
echo "\nGet player list\n";
$players = $paintball->get_players();
foreach($players as $index => $player)
echo "\t$index. {$player['team']}: ".DigitalPaintServer::clean_funname($player['name'])."\n";
echo "\t\t{$player['ping']}ms {$player['points']}pts\n";
// Dump players list with extended information
echo "\nGet player list with extended information (via RCON):\n";
$players = $paintball->rcon_get_extended_players();
foreach($players as $index => $player)
echo "\t$index. {$player['team']}: ".DigitalPaintServer::clean_funname($player['name'])."\n";
$client_id = $player['client_id'];
foreach($player as $key => $value)
if(in_array($key, array('name', 'team'))) continue;
echo "\t\t{$key}: {$value}\n";
// Dump user information
echo "\nGet user information about client ID #$client_id\n";
$info = $paintball->rcon_get_user_information($client_id);
foreach($info as $key => $value)
echo "\t$key => $value\n";
// Dump players list
echo "\nGet bot list\n";
$players = $paintball->rcon_get_bots();
foreach($players as $bot)
echo "\t".DigitalPaintServer::clean_funname($bot)."\n";
// Dump map rotation list
echo "\nGet map rotation list\n";
$players = $paintball->rcon_get_map_rotation();
foreach($players as $map)
echo "\t{$map['mapname']} ({$map['points']})\n";
// Get current map
echo "\nGet current map\n";
echo "\t".$paintball->get_map()."\n";
// Get variable "website"
echo "\nGet the variable 'website' (via RCON):\n";
$website = $paintball->rcon_get_variable("website");
echo "\t$website\n";
// Dump ban list
echo "\nDump the ban list\n";
$bans = $paintball->rcon_list_banlist();
foreach($bans as $ip)
echo "\t$ip\n";