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  Classes of Caleb   PHP Mussel   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 4,033 bytes


Class file image Download

Want to help?

If you want to report bugs, make suggestions for new features, changes and etc, your first point-of-call should by the Issues page for the repository. Contained therein, any already reported bugs, requested features, progress checklists, ideas, project discussions and such things should be listed and available for review, and anyone is welcome to participate and contribute. If you have something to add, either to a preexisting issue, or as an entirely new issue, feel free to do so.

The project is open-source licensed using the GNU/GPLv2 license, and so, if you want fork/copy the project and make modifications, you don't need my permission to do so! In fact, I encourage this! If you make any modifications that you feel could be beneficial to the wider community and beneficial to the project as a whole, send a PR (pull request) with a description of the modifications you've made to have them reviewed, and if we agree that your modifications could be beneficial, we'll consider merging them as part of the project.

Anyone interested in contributing to the project is encouraged to do so.

Can you test? - People willing to test phpMussel on their systems and others are always welcome. If you're able to do so, please report your findings, along with any problems encountered, bugs discovered, etc.

Have any ideas? - If you have any ideas for features you'd like implemented, please share them with us.

Can you code? - It's takes time to write code, especially when writing code for free, open-source projects, due to time constraints, focus, interest, energy, and other worldly commitments elsewhere (paid employment, family, social commitments, etc). If you're able to help out in any way, to help things move along a little faster, this is always welcomed and appreciated. - Reviewing and commenting on code; Pointing out ways to make it better; Refactoring, rewriting, and improving. These things are welcomed and appreciated.

Can you translate? - Can you speak/understand more than one language? Check to see whether phpMussel is available in any languages you know/understand. If it's not, we'd really love to have you assist with translating it into your languages! If it already is, reviewing existing translations is also always welcomed and strongly encouraged, due to the chances of previous incorrect translations, room for improvement, etc. - L10N (localisation) data (i.e., the lingual components for the project) consist of two parts: The README documentation, and the internal language data. The README documentation can be found in the ?_docs? directory of the project, and the internal language data can be found in the ?vault/lang? directory of the project. Localisations for the README documentation are identified as ?, and localisations for the internal language data are identified as ?lang.%%(.##).php?, where ?%%? represents the ?ISO 639-1? language code corresponding to the language addressed by each localisation, and ?(.##)? represents the class/type of internal language data contained within a file. - The README documentation uses markdown format, and the internal language data consists of PHP string variables. - To assist with translations for phpMussel, fork/copy the project, make modifications as per necessary, and send a PR (pull request).

Can you spread the word? - phpMussel won't serve any benefit to people unless they actually use it, and they won't ever use it unless they actually know about it. Getting word out would help (but please don't do anything spammy or unsolicited). - Submit reviews about phpMussel to various software review sites where it's listed (e.g., SourceForge, write blog posts, use word of mouth, mention it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Last Updated: 5 February 2018 (2018.02.05).