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File: vault/config.yaml

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File: vault/config.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 13,943 bytes


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##\ # This file is a part of the phpMussel package. # Homepage: # # PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 AND BEYOND BY THE PHPMUSSEL TEAM. # # Authors: # @see # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: Configuration defaults file (last modified: 2019.04.07). ##/ Config Defaults: general: cleanup: type: bool default: true scan_log: type: string default: "scan_log.txt" scan_log_serialized: type: string default: "scan_log_serialized.txt" scan_kills: type: string default: "scan_kills.txt" truncate: type: kb default: "0KB" preview: kb log_rotation_limit: type: int default: 0 log_rotation_action: type: string default: "Delete" choices: Delete: Delete Archive: Archive timezone: type: timezone default: "SYSTEM" timeOffset: type: int default: 0 preview: minutes timeFormat: type: string default: "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" preview: allow_other allow_other: true choices: "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy}": "{Day}, {dd} {Mon} {yyyy}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd}": "{yyyy}.{mm}.{dd}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}": "{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yyyy}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yyyy}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yyyy}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yyyy}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yyyy}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}.{mm}.{dd}": "{yy}.{mm}.{dd}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}-{mm}-{dd}": "{yy}-{mm}-{dd}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{yy}/{mm}/{dd}": "{yy}/{mm}/{dd}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}.{mm}.{yy}": "{dd}.{mm}.{yy}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}-{mm}-{yy}": "{dd}-{mm}-{yy}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{dd}/{mm}/{yy}": "{dd}/{mm}/{yy}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}.{dd}.{yy}": "{mm}.{dd}.{yy}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}-{dd}-{yy}": "{mm}-{dd}-{yy}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy} {hh}:{ii}:{ss}" "{mm}/{dd}/{yy}": "{mm}/{dd}/{yy}" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}?": "{yyyy}?{m}?{d}?" "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?": "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}?{ii}?{ss}?" "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}?{m}?{d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}?{m}?{d}?": "{yy}?{m}?{d}?" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}?": "{yyyy}? {m}? {d}?" "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?": "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}? {ii}? {ss}?" "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}": "{yy}? {m}? {d}? {hh}:{ii}:{ss} {tz}" "{yy}? {m}? {d}?": "{yy}? {m}? {d}?" "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}T{hh}:{ii}:{ss}{t:z}": "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}T{hh}:{ii}:{ss}{t:z}" "{d}. {m}. {yyyy}": "{d}. {m}. {yyyy}" ipaddr: type: string default: "REMOTE_ADDR" preview: allow_other allow_other: true choices: HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP: "HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP (Incapsula)" HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP: "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP (Cloudflare)" CF-Connecting-IP: "CF-Connecting-IP (Cloudflare)" HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (Cloudbric)" X-Forwarded-For: "X-Forwarded-For (Squid)" REMOTE_ADDR: "REMOTE_ADDR (Default)" enable_plugins: type: bool default: true forbid_on_block: type: bool default: true delete_on_sight: type: bool default: false lang: type: string default: "en" choices: en: English ar: ??????? bn: ????? de: Deutsch es: Español fr: Français hi: ????? id: Bahasa Indonesia it: Italiano ja: ??? ko: ??? nl: Nederlandse no: Norsk pl: Polski pt: Português ru: ??????? sv: Svenska ta: ????? th: ??????? tr: Türkçe ur: ?????? vi: Ti?ng Vi?t zh: ?????? zh-tw: ?????? choice_filter: "FilterLang" numbers: type: string default: "Latin-1" choices: NoSep-1: "1234567.89" NoSep-2: "1234567,89" Latin-1: "1,234,567.89" Latin-2: "1?234?567.89" Latin-3: "1.234.567,89" Latin-4: "1?234?567,89" Latin-5: "1,234,567·89" China-1: "123,4567.89" India-1: "12,34,567.89" India-2: "??,??,???.??" Bengali-1: "??,??,???.??" Arabic-1: "??????????" Arabic-2: "????????????" Thai-1: "?,???,???.??" quarantine_key: type: string default: "" quarantine_max_filesize: type: kb step: any default: "2MB" preview: kb quarantine_max_usage: type: kb step: any default: "64MB" preview: kb quarantine_max_files: type: int default: 100 honeypot_mode: type: bool default: false scan_cache_expiry: type: int default: 21600 preview: seconds disable_cli: type: bool default: false disable_frontend: type: bool default: true max_login_attempts: type: int default: 5 FrontEndLog: type: string default: "" disable_webfonts: type: bool default: true maintenance_mode: type: bool default: false default_algo: type: string default: "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" choices: PASSWORD_DEFAULT: PASSWORD_DEFAULT PASSWORD_BCRYPT: PASSWORD_BCRYPT PASSWORD_ARGON2I: PASSWORD_ARGON2I (PHP >= 7.2.0) choice_filter: "FilterAlgo" statistics: type: bool default: false signatures: Active: type: string default: "" fail_silently: type: bool default: true fail_extensions_silently: type: bool default: true detect_adware: type: bool default: true detect_joke_hoax: type: bool default: true detect_pua_pup: type: bool default: true detect_packer_packed: type: bool default: true detect_shell: type: bool default: true detect_deface: type: bool default: true detect_encryption: type: bool default: true files: max_uploads: type: int default: 10 filesize_limit: type: kb step: any default: "64MB" preview: kb filesize_response: type: bool default: true filetype_whitelist: type: string default: "" filetype_blacklist: type: string default: "386,acc*,acm,act*,apk,app,ash*,asm*,asx*,ax,bat,bin,ccc,cgi,cmd,com*,cpl,cpp,csh,dll,drv,elf,exe,fxp,gad*,hta*,htp*,ico,inf,ins,inx,ipa,isu,job,js,jse,ksh,lnk,msc,msi,msp,mst,net,ocx,ops,org,osx,out,paf,php*,pif,pl,prg,ps1,reg,rgs,rs,run,scr*,sct,shb,shs,sql*,sys,u3p,url,vb,vbe,vbs*,wor*,ws,wsf,xsl" filetype_greylist: type: string default: "" check_archives: type: bool default: true filesize_archives: type: bool default: true filetype_archives: type: bool default: false max_recursion: type: int default: 3 block_encrypted_archives: type: bool default: true max_files_in_archives: type: int default: 0 attack_specific: chameleon_from_php: type: bool default: true can_contain_php_file_extensions: type: string default: "inc,md,phar,php*,pzp,sig,tpl,txt,tzt" chameleon_from_exe: type: bool default: true chameleon_to_archive: type: bool default: true chameleon_to_doc: type: bool default: true chameleon_to_img: type: bool default: true chameleon_to_pdf: type: bool default: true archive_file_extensions: type: string default: "7z,a,ace,alz,apk,app,ar,arc,arj,ba,bh,bz,bz2,dmg,gz,ice,iso,lha,lz,lzh,lzo,lzw,lzx,mar,pak,pck,pea,phar,rar,rz,s7z,sea,sen,sfx,shar,sqx,tar,tgz,tlz,xar,xp3,xz,yz1,z,zz,paq*,sit*,tbz*,zip*" block_control_characters: type: bool default: false corrupted_exe: type: bool default: true decode_threshold: type: kb step: any default: "512KB" preview: kb scannable_threshold: type: kb step: any default: "32MB" preview: kb allow_leading_trailing_dots: type: bool default: false block_macros: type: bool default: false experimental: true compatibility: ignore_upload_errors: type: bool default: false only_allow_images: type: bool default: false heuristic: threshold: type: int default: 3 virustotal: vt_public_api_key: type: string default: "" vt_suspicion_level: type: int default: 1 vt_weighting: type: int default: 0 vt_quota_rate: type: int default: 4 vt_quota_time: type: int default: 1 preview: minutes urlscanner: lookup_hphosts: type: bool default: true google_api_key: type: string default: "" maximum_api_lookups: type: int default: 10 maximum_api_lookups_response: type: bool default: false cache_time: type: int default: 3600 preview: seconds legal: pseudonymise_ip_addresses: type: bool default: true privacy_policy: type: string default: "" template_data: theme: type: string default: "default" preview: allow_other allow_other: true choices: default: "Default" rbi: "Red-Blue Inverted" slate: "Slate" bluemetal: "Blue Metal" moss: "Moss" fullmoon: "Full Moon" unicorn: "Unicorn" choice_filter: "FilterTheme" Magnification: type: real step: any default: 1 css_url: type: string default: "" PHPMailer: EventLog: type: string default: "" SkipAuthProcess: type: bool default: false Enable2FA: type: bool default: false Host: type: string default: "" Port: type: int default: 587 SMTPSecure: type: string default: "default" choices: default: "-" tls: "TLS" ssl: "SSL" SMTPAuth: type: bool default: true Username: type: string default: "" Password: type: string default: "" setFromAddress: type: string default: "" setFromName: type: string default: "" addReplyToAddress: type: string default: "" addReplyToName: type: string default: "" supplementary_cache_options: enable_apcu: type: bool default: false experimental: true enable_memcached: type: bool default: false experimental: true enable_redis: type: bool default: false experimental: true enable_pdo: type: bool default: false experimental: true memcached_host: type: string default: "localhost" experimental: true memcached_port: type: int default: 11211 experimental: true redis_host: type: string default: "localhost" experimental: true redis_port: type: int default: 6379 experimental: true redis_timeout: type: real step: any default: 2.5 experimental: true pdo_dsn: type: string default: "mysql:dbname=phpmussel;host=localhost;port=3306" experimental: true pdo_username: type: string default: "" experimental: true pdo_password: type: string default: "" experimental: true