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File: vault/cli.php

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File: vault/cli.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 27,183 bytes


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<?php /** * This file is a part of the phpMussel package. * Homepage: * * PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 AND BEYOND BY THE PHPMUSSEL TEAM. * * Authors: * @see * * License: GNU/GPLv2 * @see LICENSE.txt * * This file: CLI handler (last modified: 2019.04.02). */ /** Prevents execution from outside of phpMussel. */ if (!defined('phpMussel')) { die('[phpMussel] This should not be accessed directly.'); } /** Prevents execution from outside of CLI-mode. */ if (!$phpMussel['Mussel_sapi'] || !$phpMussel['Mussel_PHP']) { die('[phpMussel] This should not be accessed directly.'); } /** Sets default error handler for CLI mode. */ set_error_handler($phpMussel['ErrorHandler_1']); /** If CLI-mode is disabled, nothing here should be executed. */ if (!$phpMussel['Config']['general']['disable_cli'] && !$phpMussel['Config']['general']['maintenance_mode']) { /** Check if any arguments have been parsed via CLI. */ $phpMussel['cli_args'] = [ isset($argv[0]) ? $argv[0] : '', isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : '', isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : '', isset($argv[3]) ? $argv[3] : '' ]; /** Triggered by the forked child process in CLI-mode. */ if ($phpMussel['cli_args'][1] == 'cli_scan') { /** Fetch the command. **/ $phpMussel['cmd'] = strtolower($phpMussel['substrbf']($phpMussel['cli_args'][2], ' ') ?: $phpMussel['cli_args'][2]); /** Scan a file or directory. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'scan') { if ($phpMussel['Config']['general']['scan_cache_expiry']) { $phpMussel['PrepareHashCache'](); } try { /** Initialise statistics if they've been enabled. */ $phpMussel['Stats-Initialise'](); /** Register scan event. */ $phpMussel['Stats-Increment']('CLI-Events', 1); /** Call recursor. */ echo $phpMussel['Recursor'](substr($phpMussel['cli_args'][2], 5), true, true, 0, $phpMussel['cli_args'][3]); /** Update statistics. */ if ($phpMussel['CacheModified']) { $phpMussel['Statistics'] = $phpMussel['SaveCache']('Statistics', -1, serialize($phpMussel['Statistics'])); } } catch (\Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } if ($phpMussel['Config']['general']['scan_cache_expiry'] > 0 && is_array($phpMussel['HashCache']['Data'])) { foreach ($phpMussel['HashCache']['Data'] as &$phpMussel['HashCache']['ThisData']) { if (is_array($phpMussel['HashCache']['ThisData'])) { $phpMussel['HashCache']['ThisData'] = implode(':', $phpMussel['HashCache']['ThisData']) . ';'; } } unset($phpMussel['HashCache']['ThisData']); $phpMussel['HashCache']['Data'] = implode('', $phpMussel['HashCache']['Data']); $phpMussel['HashCache']['Data'] = $phpMussel['SaveCache']( 'HashCache', $phpMussel['Time'] + $phpMussel['Config']['general']['scan_cache_expiry'], $phpMussel['HashCache']['Data'] ); } die; } /** Generate a hash signature using a file or directory. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5_file' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'm' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1_file' || substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 0, 10) === 'hash_file:') { if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5_file' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'm') { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = 'md5'; } elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1_file') { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = 'sha1'; } else { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 10); } if (in_array($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], hash_algos())) { echo $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['cli_args'][2], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { $HashMe = $phpMussel['ReadFile']($Params, 0, true); return hash($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], $HashMe) . ':' . strlen($HashMe) . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; }); } else { echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_algo_not_supported') . "\n"; } } /** Generate a CoEx signature using a file. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'coex_file') { echo $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['cli_args'][2], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { $HashMe = $phpMussel['ReadFile']($Params, 0, true); return '$md5:' . md5($HashMe) . ';' . '$sha:' . sha1($HashMe) . ';' . '$str_len:' . strlen($HashMe) . ';' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; }); } /** Fetch PE metadata. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'pe_meta') { echo $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['cli_args'][2], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { $Data = $phpMussel['ReadFile']($Params, 0, true); $Returnable = ''; if (substr($Data, 0, 2) !== 'MZ') { return $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_pe1') . "\n"; } $PEArr = ['Len' => strlen($Data)]; $PEArr['Offset'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($Data, 60, 4)); $PEArr['Offset'] = $PEArr['Offset'][1]; while (true) { $PEArr['DoScan'] = true; if ($PEArr['Offset'] < 1 || $PEArr['Offset'] > 16384 || $PEArr['Offset'] > $PEArr['Len']) { $PEArr['DoScan'] = false; break; } $PEArr['Magic'] = substr($Data, $PEArr['Offset'], 2); if ($PEArr['Magic'] !== 'PE') { $PEArr['DoScan'] = false; break; } $PEArr['Proc'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($Data, $PEArr['Offset'] + 4, 2)); $PEArr['Proc'] = $PEArr['Proc'][1]; if ($PEArr['Proc'] != 0x14c && $PEArr['Proc'] != 0x8664) { $PEArr['DoScan'] = false; break; } $PEArr['NumOfSections'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($Data, $PEArr['Offset'] + 6, 2)); $PEArr['NumOfSections'] = $PEArr['NumOfSections'][1]; if ($PEArr['NumOfSections'] < 1 || $PEArr['NumOfSections'] > 40) { $PEArr['DoScan'] = false; } break; } if (!$PEArr['DoScan']) { return $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_pe1') . "\n"; } $PEArr['OptHdrSize'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($Data, $PEArr['Offset'] + 20, 2)); $PEArr['OptHdrSize'] = $PEArr['OptHdrSize'][1]; $Returnable .= $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_pe2') . "\n"; for ($PEArr['k'] = 0; $PEArr['k'] < $PEArr['NumOfSections']; $PEArr['k']++) { $PEArr['SectionHead'] = substr($Data, $PEArr['Offset'] + 24 + $PEArr['OptHdrSize'] + ($PEArr['k'] * 40), $PEArr['NumOfSections'] * 40); $PEArr['SectionName'] = str_ireplace("\x00", '', substr($PEArr['SectionHead'], 0, 8)); $PEArr['VirtualSize'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($PEArr['SectionHead'], 8, 4)); $PEArr['VirtualSize'] = $PEArr['VirtualSize'][1]; $PEArr['VirtualAddress'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($PEArr['SectionHead'], 12, 4)); $PEArr['VirtualAddress'] = $PEArr['VirtualAddress'][1]; $PEArr['SizeOfRawData'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($PEArr['SectionHead'], 16, 4)); $PEArr['SizeOfRawData'] = $PEArr['SizeOfRawData'][1]; $PEArr['PointerToRawData'] = $phpMussel['UnpackSafe']('S', substr($PEArr['SectionHead'], 20, 4)); $PEArr['PointerToRawData'] = $PEArr['PointerToRawData'][1]; $PEArr['SectionData'] = substr($Data, $PEArr['PointerToRawData'], $PEArr['SizeOfRawData']); $PEArr['MD5'] = md5($PEArr['SectionData']); $Returnable .= $PEArr['SizeOfRawData'] . ':' . $PEArr['MD5'] . ':' . $PEArr['SectionName'] . "\n"; } $Returnable .= "\n"; if (strpos($Data, "V\x00a\x00r\x00F\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00I\x00n\x00f\x00o\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x24") !== false) { $PEArr['Parts'] = $phpMussel['substral']($Data, "V\x00a\x00r\x00F\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00I\x00n\x00f\x00o\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x24"); $PEArr['FINFO'] = []; foreach ([ ["F\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00D\x00e\x00s\x00c\x00r\x00i\x00p\x00t\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00\x00\x00", 'PEFileDescription'], ["F\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00V\x00e\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00\x00\x00", 'PEFileVersion'], ["P\x00r\x00o\x00d\x00u\x00c\x00t\x00N\x00a\x00m\x00e\x00\x00\x00", 'PEProductName'], ["P\x00r\x00o\x00d\x00u\x00c\x00t\x00V\x00e\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00\x00\x00", 'PEProductVersion'], ["L\x00e\x00g\x00a\x00l\x00C\x00o\x00p\x00y\x00r\x00i\x00g\x00h\x00t\x00\x00\x00", 'PECopyright'], ["O\x00r\x00i\x00g\x00i\x00n\x00a\x00l\x00F\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00n\x00a\x00m\x00e\x00\x00\x00", 'PEOriginalFilename'], ["C\x00o\x00m\x00p\x00a\x00n\x00y\x00N\x00a\x00m\x00e\x00\x00\x00", 'PECompanyName'], ] as $PEVars) { if (strpos($PEArr['Parts'], $PEVars[0]) !== false && ( $PEArr['ThisData'] = trim(str_ireplace("\x00", '', $phpMussel['substrbf']( $phpMussel['substral']($PEArr['Parts'], $PEVars[0]), "\x00\x00\x00" ))) )) { $Returnable .= '$' . $PEVars[1] . ':' . md5($PEArr['ThisData']) . ':' . strlen($PEArr['ThisData']) . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } } } return $Returnable; }); } /** Die child process back to parent. */ die; } /** Echo the ASCII header art and CLI-mode information. */ echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_ln1') . "\n" . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_ln2') . "\n\n" . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_ln3'); /** Open STDIN. */ $phpMussel['stdin_handle'] = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); while (true) { /** Set CLI process title (PHP => 5.5.0). */ if (function_exists('cli_set_process_title')) { cli_set_process_title($phpMussel['ScriptIdent']); } /** Echo the CLI-mode prompt. */ echo "\n\n>> "; /** Wait for user input. */ $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] = trim(fgets($phpMussel['stdin_handle'])); /** Set CLI process title with "working" notice (PHP => 5.5.0). */ if (function_exists('cli_set_process_title')) { cli_set_process_title($phpMussel['ScriptIdent'] . ' - ' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_working') . '...'); } /** Fetch the command. **/ $phpMussel['cmd'] = strtolower($phpMussel['substrbf']($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], ' ') ?: $phpMussel['stdin_clean']); /** Exit CLI-mode. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'quit' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'q' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'exit') { die; } /** Generate a hash signature using a file or directory. **/ if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5_file' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'm' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1_file' || substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 0, 10) === 'hash_file:') { if ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5_file' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'm') { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = 'md5'; } elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1_file') { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = 'sha1'; } else { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 10); } if (in_array($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], hash_algos())) { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { $HashMe = $phpMussel['ReadFile']($Params, 0, true); return hash($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], $HashMe) . ':' . strlen($HashMe) . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; }); } else { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_algo_not_supported') . "\n"; } } /** Generate a CoEx signature using a file. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'coex_file') { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { $HashMe = $phpMussel['ReadFile']($Params, 0, true); return '$md5:' . md5($HashMe) . ';' . '$sha:' . sha1($HashMe) . ';' . '$str_len:' . strlen($HashMe) . ';' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; }); } /** Fetch PE metadata. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'pe_meta') { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['CLI-RecursiveCommand']($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], function ($Params) use (&$phpMussel) { return $phpMussel['Fork']($phpMussel['cmd'] . ' ' . $Params, $Params) . "\n"; }); } /** Generate a hash signature using a string. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1' || substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 0, 5) === 'hash:') { $phpMussel['ThisAlgo'] = ( $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'md5' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'sha1' ) ? $phpMussel['cmd'] : substr($phpMussel['cmd'], 5); if (in_array($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], hash_algos())) { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n" . hash($phpMussel['ThisAlgo'], $phpMussel['TargetData']) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['TargetData']) . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } else { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_algo_not_supported') . "\n"; } } /** Generate a URL scanner signature from a URL. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'url_sig') { echo "\n"; $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] = $phpMussel['prescan_normalise'](substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1)); $phpMussel['URL'] = ['avoidme' => '', 'forthis' => '']; if ( !preg_match_all('/(data|file|https?|ftps?|sftp|ss[hl])\:\/\/(www\d{0,3}\.)?([\da-z.-]{1,512})/i', $phpMussel['stdin_clean'], $phpMussel['URL']['domain']) || !preg_match_all('/(data|file|https?|ftps?|sftp|ss[hl])\:\/\/(www\d{0,3}\.)?([\!\#\$\&-;\=\?\@-\[\]_a-z~]{1,4000})/i', $phpMussel['stdin_clean'], $phpMussel['URL']['url']) ) { echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('invalid_url') . "\n"; } else { echo 'DOMAIN:' . md5($phpMussel['URL']['domain'][3][0]) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['URL']['domain'][3][0]) . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] = md5($phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0]) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0]); $phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'] .= ',' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ','; echo 'URL:' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; if (preg_match('/[^\da-z.-]$/i', $phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0])) { $phpMussel['URL']['x'] = preg_replace('/[^\da-z.-]+$/i', '', $phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0]); $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] = md5($phpMussel['URL']['x']) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['URL']['x']); if (strpos($phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'], $phpMussel['URL']['forthis']) === false) { $phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'] .= ',' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ','; echo 'URL:' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } } if (strpos($phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0], '?') !== false) { $phpMussel['URL']['x'] = $phpMussel['substrbf']($phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0], '?'); $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] = md5($phpMussel['URL']['x']) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['URL']['x']); if (strpos($phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'], $phpMussel['URL']['forthis']) === false) { $phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'] .= ',' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ','; echo 'URL:' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } $phpMussel['URL']['x'] = $phpMussel['substraf']($phpMussel['URL']['url'][3][0], '?'); $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] = md5($phpMussel['URL']['x']) . ':' . strlen($phpMussel['URL']['x']); if ( strpos($phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'], $phpMussel['URL']['forthis']) === false && $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] != 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e:0' ) { $phpMussel['URL']['avoidme'] .= ',' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ','; echo 'QUERY:' . $phpMussel['URL']['forthis'] . ':' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } } } unset($phpMussel['URL']); } /** Generate a CoEx signature using a string. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'coex') { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n\$md5:" . md5($phpMussel['TargetData']) . ';$sha:' . sha1($phpMussel['TargetData']) . ';$str_len:' . strlen($phpMussel['TargetData']) . ';' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_signature_placeholder') . "\n"; } /** Convert a binary string to a hexadecimal. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'hex_encode' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'x') { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n" . bin2hex($phpMussel['TargetData']) . "\n"; } /** Convert a hexadecimal to a binary string. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'hex_decode') { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n" . ($phpMussel['HexSafe']($phpMussel['TargetData']) ?: $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('invalid_data')) . "\n"; } /** Convert a binary string to a base64 string. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'base64_encode' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'b') { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n" . base64_encode($phpMussel['TargetData']) . "\n"; } /** Convert a base64 string to a binary string. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'base64_decode') { $phpMussel['TargetData'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo "\n" . (base64_decode($phpMussel['TargetData']) ?: $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('invalid_data')) . "\n"; } /** Scan a file or directory. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'scan' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 's') { echo "\n"; $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); $Out = $r = ''; $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['start_time'] = time() + ($phpMussel['Config']['general']['timeOffset'] * 60); $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['start_time_2822'] = $phpMussel['TimeFormat']($phpMussel['InstanceCache']['start_time'], $phpMussel['Config']['general']['timeFormat']); echo $s = $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['start_time_2822'] . ' ' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('started') . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_fullstop_final') . "\n"; if (is_dir($phpMussel['stdin_clean'])) { if (!is_readable($phpMussel['stdin_clean'])) { $Out = '> ' . sprintf($phpMussel['L10N']->getString('failed_to_access'), $phpMussel['stdin_clean']) . "\n"; } else { $Terminal = $phpMussel['stdin_clean'][strlen($phpMussel['stdin_clean']) - 1]; if ($Terminal !== "\\" && $Terminal !== '/') { $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] .= '/'; } $List = $phpMussel['DirectoryRecursiveList']($phpMussel['stdin_clean']); $Total = count($List); $Current = 0; foreach ($List as $Item) { $Percent = round(($Current / $Total) * 100, 2) . '%'; echo $Percent . ' ' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('scan_complete') . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_fullstop_final'); $Out = $phpMussel['Fork']('scan ' . $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] . $Item, $Item); if (!$Out) { $Out = '> ' . sprintf( $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_exclamation_final'), $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_failed_to_complete') . ' (' . $Item . ')' ) . "\n"; } $r .= $Out; echo "\r" . $phpMussel['prescan_decode']($Out); $Out = ''; } } } elseif (is_file($phpMussel['stdin_clean'])) { $Out = $phpMussel['Fork']('scan ' . $phpMussel['stdin_clean'], $phpMussel['stdin_clean']); if (!$Out) { $Out = '> ' . sprintf( $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_exclamation_final'), $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_failed_to_complete') ) . "\n"; } } elseif (!$Out) { $Out = '> ' . sprintf($phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_is_not_a'), $phpMussel['stdin_clean']) . "\n"; } $r .= $Out; if ($Out) { echo $phpMussel['prescan_decode']($Out); $Out = ''; } $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['end_time'] = time() + ($phpMussel['Config']['general']['timeOffset'] * 60); $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['end_time_2822'] = $phpMussel['TimeFormat']($phpMussel['InstanceCache']['end_time'], $phpMussel['Config']['general']['timeFormat']); $r = $s . $r; $s = $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['end_time_2822'] . ' ' . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('finished') . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_fullstop_final') . "\n"; echo $s; $r .= $s; $phpMussel['WriteScanLog']($r); $phpMussel['WriteSerial']($phpMussel['InstanceCache']['start_time'], $phpMussel['InstanceCache']['end_time']); unset($r, $s); } /** Add an entry to the greylist. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'greylist' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'g') { echo "\n"; $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); if (!empty($phpMussel['stdin_clean'])) { $Greylist = file_exists($phpMussel['Vault'] . 'greylist.csv') ? $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] . ',' : ',' . $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] . ','; $Handle = fopen($phpMussel['Vault'] . 'greylist.csv', 'a'); fwrite($Handle, $Greylist); fclose($Handle); unset($Handle, $Greylist); echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('greylist_updated'); } } /** Clear the greylist. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'greylist_clear' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'gc') { echo "\n"; $Handle = fopen($phpMussel['Vault'] . 'greylist.csv', 'a'); ftruncate($Handle, 0); fwrite($Handle, ','); fclose($Handle); unset($Handle, $Greylist); echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('greylist_cleared'); } /** Show the greylist. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'greylist_show' || $phpMussel['cmd'] === 'gs') { $phpMussel['stdin_clean'] = substr($phpMussel['stdin_clean'], strlen($phpMussel['cmd']) + 1); echo file_exists( $phpMussel['Vault'] . 'greylist.csv' ) ? "\n greylist.csv:\n" . implode("\n ", explode(',', $phpMussel['ReadFile']( $phpMussel['Vault'] . 'greylist.csv' ))) : "\n " . sprintf( $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('_exclamation_final'), sprintf($phpMussel['L10N']->getString('x_does_not_exist'), 'greylist.csv') ); } /** Print the command list. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'c') { echo $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('cli_commands'); } /** Print a list of supported algorithms. **/ elseif ($phpMussel['cmd'] === 'algo') { $Algos = hash_algos(); $Pos = 1; foreach ($Algos as $Algo) { if ($Pos === 1) { echo ' '; } echo $Algo; $Pos += 16; if ($Pos < 76) { echo str_repeat(' ', 16 - strlen($Algo)); } else { $Pos = 1; echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; } /** Bad command notice. */ else { echo "\n" . $phpMussel['L10N']->getString('bad_command') . "\n"; } } die; } /** Restores default error handler (assuming we somehow reach this far). */ restore_error_handler();