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File: vault/shorthand.yaml

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File: vault/shorthand.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 4,660 bytes


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##\ # This file is a part of the phpMussel package. # Homepage: # # PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 AND BEYOND BY THE PHPMUSSEL TEAM. # # Authors: # @see # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: phpMussel shorthand data (last modified: 2019.03.22). # # Warning: When modifying the information in this file, be careful to ensure # that any changes made won't conflict with the what phpMussel recognises as # its delimiters or as special characters (newlines, semicolons, colons, etc), # or else your signature files could break very badly, resulting in an # inability to properly detect anything, or numerous severe false positives. # Generally (but not exclusively), "\x0?" (?H0), \x3A, \x3B, and null (\x00) # should be avoided. ##/ Vendor Shorthand: 2: ClamAV 3: phpMussel 4: SecuriteInfo 5: ZBB 6: NLNetLabs 7: FoxIT 8: 0: PhishTank 1: Malc0de 2: hpHosts 3: Spam404 4: Cybercrime.Tracker 9: phpMussel 10: Malware.Expert Vendor Weight Options: 9: Weighted 15: Weighted Vendor Search Patterns: ClamAV: "\x1a[\x20-\x2f]|ClamAV" phpMussel: "\x1a[\x30-\x3f\x90-\x9f]|phpMussel" SecuriteInfo: "\x1a[\x40-\x4f]" ZBB: "\x1a[\x50-\x5f]" NLNetLabs: "\x1a[\x60-\x6f]" FoxIT: "\x1a[\x70-\x7f]" PhishTank: "\x1a\x80" Malc0de: "\x1a\x81" hpHosts: "\x1a\x82" Spam404: "\x1a\x83" Cybercrime.Tracker: "\x1a\x84" Malware.Expert: "\x1a[\xa0-\xaf]" Metadata Shorthand: 1: Testfile 2: FN 3: VT 4: META 5: Chameleon 6: Werewolf 7: Suspect 8: Fake 9: CVE 15: HEUR Metadata Search Pattern Partials: Testfile: "1" FN: "2" VT: "3" META: "4" Chameleon: "5" Werewolf: "6" Suspect: "7" Fake: "8" CVE: "9" HEUR: "f" Vector Shorthand: 1: 1: Win 2: W32 3: W64 4: ELF 5: OSX 6: Android 7: Email 8: JS 9: Java 10: XXE 11: Graphics 12: OLE 13: HTML 14: RTF 15: Archive 2: 0: PHP 1: XML 2: ASP 3: VBS 4: BAT 5: PDF 6: SWF 7: W97M 8: X97M 9: O97M 10: ASCII 11: Unix 12: Python 13: Perl 14: Ruby 15: INF/INI 3: 0: CGI Vector Search Patterns: Win: "\x1a.[\x11\x12\x13]|[Ww](?:[Ii][Nn]|32|64)" W32: "\x1a.\x12|[Ww](?:[Ii][Nn])?32" W64: "\x1a.\x13|[Ww](?:[Ii][Nn])?64" ELF: "\x1a.\x14" OSX: "\x1a.\x15" Android: "\x1a.\x16" Email: "\x1a.\x17" JS: "\x1a.\x18" Java: "\x1a.\x19" XXE: "\x1a.\x1a" Graphics: "\x1a.\x1b" OLE: "\x1a.\x1c" HTML: "\x1a.\x1d" RTF: "\x1a.\x1e" Archive: "\x1a.\x1f" PHP: "\x1a.\x20" XML: "\x1a.\x21" ASP: "\x1a.\x22" VBS: "\x1a.\x23" BAT: "\x1a.\x24" PDF: "\x1a.\x25" SWF: "\x1a.\x26" W97M: "\x1a.\x27" X97M: "\x1a.\x28" O97M: "\x1a.\x29" ASCII: "\x1a.\x2a" Unix: "\x1a.\x2b" Python: "\x1a.\x2c" Perl: "\x1a.\x2d" Ruby: "\x1a.\x2e" INF/INI: "\x1a.\x2f" CGI: "\x1a.\x30" Malware Type Shorthand: 1: 1: Worm 2: Trojan 3: Adware 4: Flooder 5: IRCBot 6: Exploit 7: VirTool 8: Dialer 9: Joke/Hoax 11: Malware 12: Riskware 13: Rootkit 14: Backdoor 15: Hacktool 2: 0: Keylogger 1: Ransomware 2: Spyware 3: Virus 4: Dropper 5: Dropped 6: Downloader 7: Obfuscation 8: Obfuscator 9: Obfuscated 10: Packer 11: Packed 12: PUA/PUP 13: Shell 14: Defacer 15: Defacement 3: 0: Cryptor 1: Phish 2: Spam 3: Spammer 4: Scam 5: ZipBomb 6: ForkBomb 7: LogicBomb 8: CyberBomb 9: Malvertisement 13: Encrypted 15: BadURL 4: 0: Miner Malware Type Ignore Options: 1: 3: detect_adware 9: detect_joke_hoax 2: 10: detect_packer_packed 11: detect_packer_packed 12: detect_pua_pup 13: detect_shell 14: detect_deface 15: detect_deface 3: 13: detect_encryption Malware Type Search Patterns: Worm: "\x1a..\x11" Trojan: "\x1a..\x12" Adware: "\x1a..\x13" Flooder: "\x1a..\x14" IRCBot: "\x1a..\x15" Exploit: "\x1a..\x16" VirTool: "\x1a..\x17" Dialer: "\x1a..\x18" Joke/Hoax: "\x1a..\x19" Malware: "\x1a..\x1b" Riskware: "\x1a..\x1c" Rootkit: "\x1a..\x1d" Backdoor: "\x1a..\x1e" Hacktool: "\x1a..\x1f" Keylogger: "\x1a..\x20" Ransomware: "\x1a..\x21" Spyware: "\x1a..\x22" Virus: "\x1a..\x23" Dropper: "\x1a..\x24" Dropped: "\x1a..\x25" Downloader: "\x1a..\x26" Obfuscation: "\x1a..\x27" Obfuscator: "\x1a..\x28" Obfuscated: "\x1a..\x29" Packer: "\x1a..\x2a" Packed: "\x1a..\x2b" PUA/PUP: "\x1a..\x2c" Shell: "\x1a..\x2d" Defacer: "\x1a..\x2e" Defacement: "\x1a..\x2f" Cryptor: "\x1a..\x30" Phish: "\x1a..\x31" Spam: "\x1a..\x32" Spammer: "\x1a..\x33" Scam: "\x1a..\x34" ZipBomb: "\x1a..\x35" ForkBomb: "\x1a..\x36" LogicBomb: "\x1a..\x37" CyberBomb: "\x1a..\x38" Malvertisement: "\x1a..\x39" Encrypted: "\x1a..\x3d" BadURL: "\x1a..\x3f" Miner: "\x1a..\x40"