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File: vault/lang/lang.en.yaml

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File: vault/lang/lang.en.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,846 bytes


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##\ # This file is a part of the phpMussel package. # Homepage: # # PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 AND BEYOND BY THE PHPMUSSEL TEAM. # # Authors: # @see # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: English language data (last modified: 2019.02.26). ##/ # Language settings. Local Name: "English" Text Direction: "ltr" IntegerRule: "int2Type4" FractionRule: "int1" # CLI-mode ASCII art. cli_ln1: | .. _____ _ _ _____ _______ _ _ _______ _______ _______ . |_____] |_____| |_____] | | | | . | |______ |______ |______ | . | | | | | | | |_____| ______| ______| |______ |_____ PrivacyPolicy: "Privacy Policy" SafeBrowseLookup_200: "Potentially harmful URL detected" SafeBrowseLookup_400: "API request error" SafeBrowseLookup_401: "API authorisation error" SafeBrowseLookup_503: "API service unavailable" SafeBrowseLookup_999: "Unknown API error" _exclamation: "%s! " _exclamation_final: "%s!" _fullstop: ". " _fullstop_final: "." bad_command: "I don't understand that command, sorry." cli_algo_not_supported: "Specified algorithm isn't supported." cli_failed_to_complete: "Failed to complete scanning process" cli_is_not_a: "%s is not a file or directory." cli_ln2: | Thank you for using phpMussel, a PHP script designed to detect trojans, viruses, malware, and other threats within files uploaded to your system wherever the script is hooked, based on the signatures of ClamAV and others. ~ ~ ~ PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 and beyond GNU/GPLv2 by Caleb M (Maikuolan). ~ ~ ~ cli_ln3: | Currently running phpMussel in CLI mode (command line interface). To scan a file or directory, type "scan", followed by the name of the file or directory that you want phpMussel to scan and press Enter; Type "c" and press Enter for a list of CLI mode commands; Type "q" and press Enter to quit. cli_pe1: "Not a valid PE file!" cli_pe2: "PE Sections:" cli_signature_placeholder: "YOUR-SIGNATURE-NAME" cli_working: "In progress" corrupted: "Detected corrupted PE" data_not_available: "Data not available." denied: "Upload Denied!" denied_reason: "Your upload was blocked for the reasons listed below:" detected: "Detected %s" detected_control_characters: "Detected control characters" encrypted_archive: "Detected encrypted archive; Encrypted archives not permitted" failed_to_access: "Failed to access "%s"!" field_date: "Date" field_header_hash_reconstruction: "Hash signatures reconstruction" field_header_pe_reconstruction: "PE sectional signatures reconstruction" field_header_scan_results_why_flagged: "Scan results (why flagged)" field_ip_address: "IP address" file: "File" filesize_limit_exceeded: "Filesize limit exceeded" filetype_blacklisted: "Filetype blacklisted" finished: "Finished" generated_by: "Generated by" greylist_cleared: " Greylist cleared." greylist_updated: " Greylist updated." image: "Image" instance_already_active: "Instance already active! Please double-check your hooks." invalid_data: "Invalid data!" invalid_file: "Invalid file" invalid_url: "Invalid URL!" macros_not_permitted: "Macros aren't permitted" ok: "OK" only_allow_images: "Uploading files other than images isn't permitted" plugins_directory_nonexistent: "Plugins directory doesn't exist!" quarantined_as: "Quarantined as "/vault/quarantine/%s.qfu"." recursive: "Recursion depth limit exceeded" required_variables_not_defined: "Required variables aren't defined: Can't continue." scan_chameleon: "%s chameleon attack detected" scan_checking: "Checking" scan_command_injection: "Command injection attempt detected" scan_complete: "Complete" scan_extensions_missing: "Failed (missing required extensions)!" scan_filename_manipulation_detected: "Filename manipulation detected" scan_missing_filename: "Missing filename" scan_no_problems_found: "No problems found." scan_not_archive: "Failed (empty or not an archive)!" scan_reading: "Reading" scan_signature_file_missing: "Signature file missing" scan_tampering: "Detected potentially dangerous file tampering" scan_unauthorised_upload: "Unauthorised file upload manipulation detected" scan_unauthorised_upload_or_misconfig: "Unauthorised file upload manipulation or misconfiguration detected! " started: "Started" too_many_files_in_archive: "Too many files in the archive" too_many_urls: "Too many URLs" upload_error_1: "Filesize exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive. " upload_error_2: "Filesize exceeds form-specified filesize limit. " upload_error_34: "Upload failure! Please contact the hostmaster for assistance! " upload_error_6: "Upload directory missing! Please contact the hostmaster for assistance! " upload_error_7: "Disc-write error! Please contact the hostmaster for assistance! " upload_error_8: "PHP misconfiguration detected! Please contact the hostmaster for assistance! " upload_limit_exceeded: "Upload limit exceeded" x_does_not_exist: "%s does not exist" cli_commands: | .. q - Quit CLI. - Aliases: quit, exit. hash_file:% - Generate hash signatures from files [Syntax: hash_file:algo filename]. hash:% - Generate hash signature from string [Syntax: hash:algo string]. algo - List all supported algorithms. hex_encode - Convert binary string to hexadecimal [Syntax: hex_encode string]. - Alias: x. hex_decode - Convert hexadecimal to binary string [Syntax: hex_decode string]. base64_encode - Convert binary string to base64 string [Syntax: base64_encode string]. - Alias: b. base64_decode - Convert base64 string to binary string [Syntax: base64_decode string]. pe_meta - Extract metadata from a PE file [Syntax: pe_meta filename]. url_sig - Generate URL scanner signatures [Syntax: url_sig string]. scan - Scan file or directory [Syntax: scan filename]. - Alias: s. c - Print this command list.