PHP Classes

File: vault/lang/

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  Classes of Caleb   PHP Mussel   vault/lang/   Download  
File: vault/lang/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Mussel
PHP file virus scanner to detect malware
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 10,989 bytes


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##\ # This file is a part of the phpMussel package. # Homepage: # # PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 AND BEYOND BY THE PHPMUSSEL TEAM. # # Authors: # @see # # License: GNU/GPLv2 # @see LICENSE.txt # # This file: Bangla language data (last modified: 2019.02.26). ##/ # Language settings. Local Name: "?????" Text Direction: "ltr" IntegerRule: "int2Type3" FractionRule: "fraction2Type2" PrivacyPolicy: "????????? ????" SafeBrowseLookup_200: "???????? ????????? URL ?????? ??????" SafeBrowseLookup_400: "API ?????? ??????" SafeBrowseLookup_401: "API ??????? ??????" SafeBrowseLookup_503: "API ??????? ????????" SafeBrowseLookup_999: "????? API ??????" _exclamation: "%s! " _exclamation_final: "%s!" _fullstop: "? " _fullstop_final: "?" bad_command: "??? ?? ?????? ????? ???????, ???????" cli_algo_not_supported: "????????? ?????????? ??????? ????" cli_failed_to_complete: "????????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??????" cli_is_not_a: "%s ??? ???? ?? ????????? ????" cli_ln2: | phpMussel ??????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????! ???????, ??????, ????????????, ??? ???????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ????? ???? phpMussel ???? PHP ?????????? ??? ClamAV ??? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ~ ~ ~ PHPMUSSEL COPYRIGHT 2013 ??? ??? ???? GNU/GPLv2 by Caleb M (Maikuolan)? ~ ~ ~ cli_ln3: | ???????? CLI (?????? ???? ?????????) ???? phpMussel ????? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ??????? ????, scan ???? ????, ????? ???? ?? ???????????? ??? ??? ?? ???? phpMussel ??????? ???? ??? ??? Enter ?????; c ???? ???? ??? Enter ????? ???? CLI ??? ???????? ?????? ????; q ???? ???? ??? Enter ????? ???????? ???? ????? cli_pe1: "???? ??? 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(??? ??????????)" field_ip_address: "IP ??????" file: "????" filesize_limit_exceeded: "?????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????" filetype_blacklisted: "?????? ??? ???? ???????? ???????" finished: "??? ??????" generated_by: "????????:" greylist_cleared: " ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???????" greylist_updated: " ???? ?????? ????? ??? ???????" image: "?????" instance_already_active: "??????????? ???????? ???????! ???? ??? ????? ????????? ??? ??? ?????" invalid_data: "???? ????!" invalid_file: "???? ????" invalid_url: "???? URL!" macros_not_permitted: "???????? ???????? ???" ok: "OK" only_allow_images: "????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ???" plugins_directory_nonexistent: "??????? ????????? ???????? ???!" quarantined_as: "???????? ????? "/vault/quarantine/%s.qfu" ???????" recursive: "??????????? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????" required_variables_not_defined: "??????????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ??? ??: ??????? ???? ?????? ???" scan_chameleon: "%s ???????(chameleon) ?????? ?????? ???????" scan_checking: "??????? ??? ?????" scan_command_injection: "?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??????" scan_complete: "????????" scan_extensions_missing: "?????? (????????? ??????????? ?????????????)!" scan_filename_manipulation_detected: "??????? ???????????? ?????? ??????" scan_missing_filename: "????????? ?????? ???" scan_no_problems_found: "??? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????" scan_not_archive: "?????? (???? ?? ?? ???? ???????)!" scan_reading: "?????" scan_signature_file_missing: "???????? ?????? ?????????" scan_tampering: "???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????" scan_unauthorised_upload: "????????? ???? ????? ???????????? ?????? ??????" scan_unauthorised_upload_or_misconfig: "????????? ???? ????? ???????????? ?? ??? ?????????? ?????? ??????! " started: "???? ??????" too_many_files_in_archive: "??????????? ????? ???? ????" too_many_urls: "???????? URL????" upload_error_1: "?????? ???? upload_max_filesize ????????? ???????? ????? " upload_error_2: "?????? ???? ???-????????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ???? " upload_error_34: "????? ??????! ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ????! " upload_error_6: "????? ????????? ?????????! ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ????! " upload_error_7: "?????-????? ??????! ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ????! " upload_error_8: "PHP ??? ?????????? ??????! ???????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ????! 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