use eftec\PdoOne;
use mapache_commons\Collection;
include "../vendor/autoload.php";
include "Collection.php";
include "dBug.php";
echo "<body><div style='width:600px'>";
// connecting to database sakila at with user root and password abc.123
$dao=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","logpdoone.txt");
try {
echo "<h1>Connection. The instance {$dao->server}, base:{$dao->db} user:{$dao->user} and password:{$dao->pwd} must exists</h1>";
echo "Connected A-OK!<br>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<h2>connection error:</h2>";
echo $dao->lastError()."-".$e->getMessage()."<br>";
// creating tables
echo "<hr>Dropping and Creating table<br>";
try {
$dao->runRawQuery('drop table myproducts');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$sqlT1="CREATE TABLE `myproducts` (
`name` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
`type` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
`id_category` INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`idproduct`));";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage()."<br>";
echo "<hr>Dropping And Creating table<br>";
try {
$dao->runRawQuery('drop table product_category');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$sqlT2="CREATE TABLE `product_category` (
`catname` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id_category`));";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage()."<br>";
echo "<hr>adding<br>";
// adding some data
try {
$dao->set(['id_category' => 1, 'catname' => 'cheap'])
echo "added<br>";
echo "added<br>";
echo "added<br>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<hr>adding<br>";
// adding categories
try {
$dao->set(['idproduct'=>5,'name'=>'galaxy note'
} catch (Exception $e) {
// list products
$products=$dao->runRawQuery("select * from myproducts",null,true);
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// Listing using procedure call
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// list join (we could even add having()
$products=$dao->select("*")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")->toList();
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// Let's clean the join
$products=$dao->select("name,type,catname")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")->toList();
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// list join order
$products=$dao->select("name,type,catname")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// We also could obtain the first value (or the last)
$products=$dao->select("name,type,catname")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")->first();
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// We also could obtain an escalar. It's useful if you want, for example, returns the number of elements.
$products=$dao->select("count(*)")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")->firstScalar();
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// And, we could add limit
$products=$dao->select("*")->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
// And we could group
$products=$dao->select("catname,count(*) count")
->from("myproducts my")
->join("product_category p on my.id_category=p.id_category")
echo Collection::generateTable($products);
$now=new DateTime();
// running a raw query (unprepared statement)
try {
echo "<h1>Table creation (it's ok if it fails if exists):</h1>";
echo $dao->lastQuery."<br>";
echo $dao->lastQuery."<br>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "<h2>Table creation error:</h2>";
echo $dao->lastError()."-".$e->getMessage()."<br>";
try {
echo "<hr>toList:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
->where('name=?', ['s', 'Coca-Cola'])
->where('idproducttype=?', ['i', 1])
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList using associative array:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList using associative array:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList using associative array:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList using associative array:";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList (from join):";
$results = $dao->select("pt.*,tt.name typetable_name")
->from("producttype pt")
->join("typetable tt on pt.type=tt.type")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList (join left):";
$results = $dao->select("pt.*,tt.name typetable_name")
->join("producttype pt")
->left("typetable tt on pt.type=tt.type")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList (join left):";
$results = $dao->select("pt.*,tt.name typetable_name")
->join("producttype pt")
->left("typetable tt on pt.type=tt.type")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toList: ";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
->where('idproducttype>=?', ['i', 1])
->order('idproducttype desc')
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>toResult: ";
$resultsQuery = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
->where('name=?', ['s', 'Coca-Cola'])
->where('idproducttype=?', ['i', 1])
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>first: ";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
->where('name=?', ['s', 'Coca-Cola'])
->where('idproducttype=?', ['i', 1])
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>first returns nothing :";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
->where('name=?', ['s', 'Coca-Cola'])
->where('idproducttype=?', ['i', 55])
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo "<br><pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<hr>";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>";
$results = $dao->select("*")->from("producttype p")
->where('idproducttype between ? and ?', ['i', 1, 'i', 3])
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
echo "<hr>";
$results = $dao->select("p.type,count(*) c")->from("producttype p")
echo $dao->lastQuery;
echo Collection::generateTable($results);
} catch(Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
echo $ex->getTraceAsString();
echo "</div></body>";
function build_table($array){
if (!isset($array[0])) {
} // create an array with a single element
if ($array[0]===null) {
return "NULL<br>";
// start table
$html = '<table style="border: 1px solid black;">';
// header row
$html .= '<tr>';
foreach($array[0] as $key=>$value){
$html .= '<th>' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</th>';
$html .= '</tr>';
// data rows
foreach( $array as $key=>$value){
$html .= '<tr>';
foreach($value as $key2=>$value2){
$html .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($value2) . '</td>';
$html .= '</tr>';
// finish table and return it
$html .= '</table>';
return $html;