DownloadArgon2 Refiner

Easily and effectively benchmark the real time to perform
Argon2id password hashes on your machine.
> Warning: This might take many seconds or minutes to complete.
Installation Instructions
Use Composer.
composer require paragonie/argon2-refiner
Alternatively, you can install this with Git.
git clone
cd argon2-refiner
composer install
Usage Instructions
Command Line
Run the bundled benchmark script like so:
# Installed via Composer:
vendor/bin/benchmark [milliseconds=500] [tolerance=250]
# Installed via Git:
composer run-benchmarks [milliseconds=500] [tolerance=250]
The expected output will look something like this:
$ vendor/bin/benchmark 125
Recommended Argon2id parameters:
Memory cost (sodium): 79691776
Memory cost (password_hash): 77824
Time cost: 3
Real time: 124ms
This means that if you set your Argon2id mem_cost to 79691776 bytes
(or 77824 KiB, which is what password_hash() expects) and the
time_cost to 3, you will get the closest parameters that take about
125 milliseconds to process (in this example, it took 124).
Object-Oriented API
You can fine-tune your min/max costs to search within from the object
by invoking the appropriate methods.
use ParagonIE\Argon2Refiner\ParameterRecommender;
$refiner = (new ParameterRecommender(125))
->setMinMemory(1 << 20)
->setMaxMemory(1 << 31)
$results = $refiner->runBenchmarks();
The runBenchmarks() method returns a two-dimensional array of arrays.
Each child array consists of the following data:
`mem_cost` (int) -- Candidate parameter
`time_cost` (int) -- Candidate parameter
`bench_time` (int) -- Milliseconds elapsed in Argon2id calculation
From this data, you can devise your own strategy for selecting which
parameters set is most suitable for your environment.